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Blind relationship

Blind relationship

Autor: Desse



Blind relationship PDF Free Download


He gets out of the car, open the door and pulls me out. w-what the hell? “Are you drunk?” I ask him. “oh, now you don’t like a drunk husband, my dear wife? then just go and tell your prince charming to drop you home ’k?” He leaves my hand and sits inside the car. “Wait.” I try to open the door but he has locked it. “Hey! Open this damn door. Y-you’re really not leaving me here are you?” I look at him in horror. “Good night, dear wife. Have a safe trip home with your prince ’k?” He waves at me. “Hey, mad man! Just open this damn door okay. It’s a bad joke, a very bad one.” I yell at him. “I don’t joke.” and with that, he drives off. “Hey, you jerk! hey!” I shout running behind the car but he pays no heed and leaves me alone in the middle of the night in the middle of an unknown road. *** Teresa Scarlet, though her marriage was arranged she was hoping for a lovely romance in her life, a prince charming but unfortunately, she's getting married to a guy who doesn't even look at her properly and before their engagement, he announces their marriage as a contract?! What else? He's cold, rude, arrogant, instead of a prince charming, she's got a monster for a husband who on the very next day of their marriage throws her out of his car at the midnight in the middle of nowhere!!

Chapter 1

  Teresa P O.V

  At the corner of my bed there sits my Best Friend with a card in her hand. Rina Wilson, my best friend, childhood friend, the only person in this whole world who understands me. She's been with me for 11 yrs now. I, Teresa Scarlet, daughter of Eren Scarlet, a billionaire, my dad who never bothered to spend some time with me because of his business. My mom Melessa Scarlet died when I was very young, I have very few memories of her and now I remember her face only through the pictures. Since my mom died, my dad is rarely at home; our home is more like a guest house for him, which he rarely visits. And now in my best friend's hand rests a card, my engagement card, she runs her hands through her black straight hair which reaches up to her shoulders, focusing her amber-colored eyes on the card as she reads it aloud.

  I'm getting engaged to this guy called Ryouma Carlton. He is dad's best friend and to-be-business partner, Ryuu Carlton's son. The Carlton family is also one of the richest families in the country just like ours. My marriage is a part of a deal between our companies. I've just met him once at our company's anniversary party. I don't really prefer to go to parties as it's a way to expand your business circle and I really get bored there, where I have to stand in a corner faking a smile, but only these parties give me the opportunity to meet my father once in a while. Yeah, or else he's such a busy person who doesn't even have time to look at his daughter, because my dad has always been cold to me I always try to be a good girl following his commands whatever he wanted, however, he wanted, completing my education in the field he decided, working in his company other than these things we never really had a conversation and here I am getting engaged to a person who probably won't have time to look at his wife. Why? Because my father wants me to get married to him and my best friend here is just teasing me about the same.

  I stand in front of the mirror and a pair of hazel eyes stare back at me, I try on the dresses from my wardrobe as I am going to meet my would-be-husband for the first time after being declared that we're getting married and tomorrow is our engagement, so I wanted to meet him once, before we get engaged, just so that I can know him a little. It's not like I'll get to know him better in just a day but still, something is better than nothing.

  "The First Official Meeting"

  I reach the restaurant where we decided to meet and there sits my fiancée right across the table with a grumpy face, as expected he's very punctual and of course, he's mad at me for reaching 2 minutes late?

  "I'm sorry!" I mutter and take my seat.

  Ryouma Carlton, the tall, fair and handsome guy whose face is on the cover of Magazine which lies on the table between us, he's famous for his looks and as the youngest businessman who has achieved the status and power in the society on his own at such a young age, that's one of the reasons why my dad is pretty impressed with him and after this contract, the two companies would rule the business market in whole Asia. He has pulled his chocolate brown hair back showing his forehead wearing that expensive branded black suit with a white shirt that contrasts with his black tie, focusing his grey eyes on his iPad reading the news on stock market emitting the aura of a typical businessman but still managing to be breathtakingly handsome. Well according to him time is money and he doesn't want to waste his precious time doing nothing

my bad I just ended up wasting his 2 minutes by being late

, He hasn't even spared me a glance since I reached here.

  After a long silence, he finally looks up, catching me looking at him. I shyly look away and put the lock of my black hair behind my ears hoping that I was looking good and my hair and makeup are okay, well I'm a girl and sitting right in front of my fiancé. He puts a file on the table, sliding it towards me.

  "Hmm?" I look at him with a puzzled expression.

  He nods at me without speaking a word and again goes back to utilize his time, focusing back on his iPad.

  I open the file and it read a contract. Contract? I think he just handed me a wrong file. I look at him but the guy wasn't even looking at me. I continued reading the so-called contract.

  The contract

  This contract is between Mr. Ryouma Carlton and Miss Teresa Scarlet. The terms of the contract are as follows:

  ·No unwanted physical contact

  ·Do not interfere in each other's private life.



  .. Blah blah and blah

  · Only pretend husband and wife, appear when needed.

  · The marriage between Teresa Scarlet and Ryouma Carlton is only for a year.

  · Falling in love is prohibited.

  I, Ryouma Carlton have read the above content of this contract and I'm willingly entering this contract and I will abide by the terms of this contract.

  I, Teresa Scarlet have read the above content of this contract and I am willingly entering this contract and I will abide by the terms of the contract.

  Signature Signature

  Ryouma Carlton Teresa Scarlet

  "What?" I blink in confusion and read it again but no I didn't get it wrong. What the hell is this?

  "MARRIAGE FOR A YEAR?!" I literally screamed.

  Seems like this time my voice reached his ears and he finally looks at me,

  "Yes, a contract marriage." He nods.
