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Dark Desire: The Alpha King's Captive Luna

Dark Desire: The Alpha King's Captive Luna

Autor: Eve Cheney



Dark Desire: The Alpha King's Captive Luna PDF Free Download


“You can’t escape from me, Aurora! You are mine!” The voice of the Alpha King roared in his Palace yet Aurora secretly gripped the sharp sword in her hand ... She would never give herself to the man who murdered her father, even if he was her mate! *** Logan Charming of Rivera once was a Human Prince, who walked into a treacherous journey that changed his life. Trapped in a curse, forced to capture the heart of his bloodthirsty Mate. To avenge his first love, he vowed to spend his life as an enemy of all the supernatural creatures, but fate played him as a fool, giving him an ironic mate, the daughter of the Werewolf King. Aurora Regalia was the spoiled Werewolf Princess, who tried to rebel against the political marriage her father had put on her but encountered the worst nightmare of her life. Jumping off a cliff after witnessing Logan bite off the head of her father, Aurora was left alone in a cruel world with only one thing on her mind. Revenge. Blood for blood. Aurora swore to let Logan taste the same pain. But who could tell her why the Moon Goddess had to choose him to be her mate?! Little that they know, love and darkness walked with them toward a dangerous path. Fate brought them together for a quest to uphold justice and to break an ancient curse. Caught in a web of secrets and forbidden passion, both Logan and Aurora must confront their beliefs that intertwine with betrayal. Prepare to be captivated by a magical and modern fairy-tale story of supernatural forces walking the test of boundaries of war, love, and destiny.

Chapter 1


Aurora’s POV


“Can you drive a little slower, Aurora?”

“I don’t have much time, Julia. Can you believe my dear father is marrying me off to a stranger I've never met? It is unfair! I have the right to choose who I want to marry!" I gasped and stepped on the gas with more force, even the whole car body shaking on the road.

"And you know what's the most intolerable thing? The one he chose for me is a notorious and cursed Human Prince! The enemy of all of us werewolves! Father is trying to push me into the living hell!" Disgruntled, I slapped my steering wheel again, which was the only way I could do to keep my anger in check.

“Yes. Yes,” My best friend Julia sat on the passenger side, nodded with her eyes wide open watching the road ahead like she was watching a horror movie, "But till we figure things out, I think we'd better make sure we won't die in a car accident!"

Glancing at the ghastly white face of Julia, I tried to breathe steadily. She was right, I had to stay calm so that I would have enough strength to put that face under my ass when I met my f*cking fiancé.

“Logan Charming. Urgh!” I still couldn't accept this stupid news.

I, Aurora Regalia, am the werewolf princess of the Royal, was going to marry a nasty human prince. The man who started that tragic war! A disgrace to my kind!

It was said that Logan was born as a Human Prince and somehow turned into a Werewolf. But that didn't help us pull him to our side. Instead, he angrily began a killing spree of all supernatural beings. A way of him rejecting what he called a curse to be a Werewolf.

Ungrateful b*stard! Did he not realise that being a Werewolf made him much stronger than being a mere Human. Pathetic fool!

The bloodshed continued for ten years, and my brothers died on the battlefield one after another. I will never forget those days when Father returned with the broken remains of my brothers. My parents seemed to have aged ten years in an instant, and a gloom seemed to hang over the entire Kingdom.

Darkness came upon us.

After the death of my brothers, I became the only heir of the Alpha King. As days passed, more and more had come forward to challenge my father to step down from the throne, saying he was no longer fit to sit on it. They even said that the glory days of our pack would definitely fade if the Kingdom was going to be ruled by a female like me.

A daughter of an Alpha King who has not turned into her Wolf yet, even at the age of seventeen.

And then, my arranged marriage with the Crown Prince of Rivera suddenly became a solution. Urgh!

I slapped my hand on the steering wheel again and that made Julia yelped.

When my brothers were still alive, I never thought the burden of the kingdom would fall on my shoulders. Under the wings of my family, I had always been myself, carefreely. But when the darkness came, I knew I would have to take my duty one day.

I was trying my best to get ready but I never imagined this way.

What a mockery! They had no plan to train me to be a qualified Queen when I still owned the Royal Alpha blood but chose to send me and my throne to my enemy.

I hated this plan!

This war could have been avoided if supernatural beings sat down and talked things out, in a civilized manner. But Logan refused to make peace, he claimed to want to kill all supernatural beings.

For such a brute, the elders in the council still believed that a political marriage could easily change him. How naive! However, to everyone's surprise, Logan agreed this time.

'It must be a trap.' I gritted as I thought.

The thing puzzled me the most was my father's attitude. As the King of all supernatural creatures, my father was believed to be superb in his abilities and intelligence. He should know it best how Prince Charming hated our kind but turned out to be the one who strongly facilitated the union.

So what the hell made him make such a decision?

The entrance to the club where Prince Charming was located came into our sight, my heart beat faster and Julia sensed it as well.

“Aurora...I know it all goes too suddenly and you're angry, but sneaking in here might not be a good idea for us. We're still underage and you can talk to your father first. Maybe the King will tell you the answer."

I took a second to look at her and squinted my eyes, “You think I haven't tried that? My dear father never wanted to talk about it with me and that's why I had to sneak out and find out the truth by myself!"

“Oh, Aurora," Julia tried to comfort me again. "Your father always favours you and there must be a reason why he chose Prince Charming for you. Maybe, he is not as bad as you think, huh?"

"Oh really?" I scoffed as I made a sharp left turn throwing out a nice curve. Julia let out a scream of fear and I dashed the car into the entrance.

I reminded her as I pulled the car into the parking spot sharply, “Have you forgotten how cruelly Logan cut off the heads of our kind and hung them as his banner? Don't harbor any illusions about a tyrant!"

"But... we all know that your father loves you more than anyone else." Julia grabbed my hand as I was about to open the car door. "Aurora, I just believe that King Roman won't make any choices that are bad for you."

I bit my lip as I knew she was telling the truth. I grew up being favored by my family. Especially after my brothers died, Father became even more protective of me.

"Maybe you're right, Julia. But I was running out of time." I waved away her hand and walked out of the car. I balled my fists as my eyes fell on the doorway of the bar.

Prince Charming was leaving soon after this meeting and his next visit would be on our wedding day. This might be my only chance.

I always felt like Father was hiding something from me, something dangerous...and I wanted to find out from Prince Charming.



Charming’s POV


I was sitting at the bar, constantly pouring whiskey into my stomach. And next to me, my friend, Hector, was enjoying a big-assed woman s*cking his d*ck. His moans of satisfaction and the swallowing sound of the woman taking his cum mixed, litting the air with lust.

Alcohol. Sex. The best match in a bar. Yet since the day I stepped into the realm of the Regalia Wolf Pack, I had a strange feeling that a boulder was pressed against my chest.

I needed the alcohol to sear my throat and numb my nerves.

“Logan! Hey, what are you thinking?” When Hector finished his play, he finally remembered that we were here at the bar today to relieve my anxiety instead of finding him fun.

The woman reluctantly left our zone when Hector waved her away after giving her a bunch of cash. She winked trying to flirt with me before she stepped out. Unfortunately, she wasn't my choice. I had no mood to f*ck her after hearing her erotic show with my buddy.

When there were us two alone, I was finally able to vent my frustrations, “Damn! Can you believe it, Hector? The stubborn council of the Royal Regalia is offering to marry the only daughter of the Alpha King to me? They believe it will be the only way to make peace. How ridiculous! Insane!"

"But does it matter? What really matters is whether the union with the Werewolf Princess will help us with your little secret of a curse, isn't it? My prince……" He smirked, shooting me down with the truth.

Fuck! Yes! Curse! Every full moon, I would experience a headache worse than death, and when it came, no painkiller could help me! It was like a meat grinder in my head constantly cutting down my nerves, mixing them with my blood, and the pain wouldn't stop until the full moon faded.

I poured another glass of whiskey down. This was why I hated werewolves, no, I hate all supernatural beings. But I still had to marry a werewolf princess.

Aurora Regalia, the prophecy said she was most likely to be my mate. The only cure to my curse.

Mate! F*cking a concept that existed in the supernatural world. Once you were mated, you would be at the mercy of that damn bond. I hated that! I never wanted to marry a woman other than Sam. The only woman I've ever loved, and the reason why I turned into a werewolf.

Yes, I was born to be the Crown Prince of Rivera. I was a Human, but everything changed when I fell in love with a Witch.

Sam was her name and I met her in my teens. I knew she smelled trouble the moment I laid eyes on her. But the younger me did not care about the consequences. Red flags were flashing all over. I ignored all signs.

Her beauty blinded me and set my brain into numbness.

At that moment, I had forgotten my oath made for my country. And I had fought with the wrong side of the war, for her. And I became a disgrace to my family.

Sam and I were betrayed when the enemy had some spy on our side. We were both crucified under a full moon. I was already scratched and bitten. They ripped my chest trying to squeeze my heart out and I groaned in agony.

Although it happened a few years ago, the pain was still there as if it had happened only yesterday. When I touched the scar, the buried memories came rushing back into my mind.

With heartbreaking cries, I had watched Sam chanting a mystical incantation, and suddenly a powerful force surged out of her body. It flew back into mine.

A kind of warmth seeped through under my skin. It had burned my aching heart had made it pump ever so fast.

Then, I knew. She sacrificed herself to save me.

I don't remember how long it took, but when my father's guards found me that night of my partial wolf transformation, I was holding Sam's lifeless body alone with bloody corpses littering my surroundings. I had killed all the supernatural beings present. Mercilessly.

The killings caught me with a curse, which turned me into one of those damned creatures. A creature that had no name. A cursed being, that was not mentioned in any books that existed in our time.

I touched the ruby pendant around my neck that Sam had given me before she took her last breath. Being told by a witch who had visited the royal family that if I couldn't find my mate within five years, the pendant would grow dimmer and dimmer. And when it finally turned gray, my body would be reduced to a puddle of blood.

I'd hoped the prophecy indicated would be a human or a witch but eventually, it turned out to be the only daughter of Alpha King Roman. F*ck!

The Moon Goddess of the Werewolves was clearly making a mockery out of me. Was it her way as an act of revenge for me killing her children? I chuckled at that thought.

If the Moon Goddess thought I would give in to that, she was wrong. I agreed to the marriage didn't mean I would treat that girl as my true wife! All the creatures that had killed my Sam did deserve it! Aurora Regalia was just going to be a tool to heal me. She shall be my slave but nothing more!

As I turned the fifth empty bottle in front of me upside down, Hector bought me some interesting news, "Hey my Prince Charming, as reported, the werewolf princess has snuck out of her pack coming to see you."

I narrowed my eyes as the alcohol boiled through me quickly like a flame. A playful trick hit my head. Now that our naive werewolf princess was so curious, let me teach her some cruel and vivid lessons.

My eyes quickly locked on a tall blonde in the doorway of the bar, her hips as tantalizing as a ripe peach, and my d*ck throbbed even harder in my pants at the thought of my fiancée about to arrive.

I was looking forward to enjoying her heartbroken face when she found out she was not going to have a loyal husband. This marriage would definitely become her nightmare.

Yes, Princess. It's time to wake up from your fairy tale dreams.