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Pretty Liar

Pretty Liar

Autor: Blueskye



Pretty Liar PDF Free Download


Pretty Liar Alyssa Namero is a world-class con artist, skilled at what she does. The job which she hopes to be her last job will prove to be her most difficult one yet. She is to impersonate the daughter of the Mendozas who is to marry the Billionaire, Neil Cardoso. The Cardosos last saw Clara Mendoza at age nine after which she and her family relocated out of the country to another. Alyssa would take on her role and would not only immerse herself in the lives of the Cardosos, but will find it difficult to balance her pretence with her steadily growing attraction for the billionaire. Neil Cardoso (aka Alyssa's target) is as cold and ruthless as they come. The word on the street is that he is aggressive and harsh; calculating and difficult, a ruthless bully- a few of the things that prompted Clara Mendoza to take flight in the first place. And now, Neil is going to be Alyssa's problem. Will she be able to tame this billionaire? How long will she maintain her ruse? And when it all blows up, how will she manage to hold the pieces together? And maybe, just maybe, Neil has finally found his match. Alyssa is not the timid, easily frightened girl that Neil expects Clara Mendoza to be. Read on to find out how these two titans will clash in this novel. And yes, with Alyssa's past struggling to catch up with her, she has her plate full already.

Chapter 1

Like music, like film, true, professional conning was an art. It was an art that Alyssa had mastered through experience...but nothing prepared her for that set of grey eyes. Her target.

When she'd been told that she would impersonate Clara Mendoza, only child and daughter of the Mendoza family, she'd agreed. The incentive was high. She would be paid well...the stakes were high. She was told what to expect.

She'd done her homework: She knew Neil Cardoso's net worth- the national debt of some nations might only aspire to reach driving distance of it even with maximal mismanagement. She'd read magazines and news reports about the billionaire and his family. She'd listened to rumor and gossip. She'd gotten information from credible sources. She had told herself that she was prepared.

She'd lied.

How could one person manage to look so stunning?

In her line of work, she'd met her fair share of hot guys, but this man looked like nature spitting in her face; telling her it could very well outdo itself.

Neil Cardoso was a handsome, dark-haired man, with a lean, powerful build, easily noticeable in a crowd. His grey eyes were heightened by his sleek black hair that gleamed in the sun. He had a savagely nonchalant air to him, yet, his senses were sharp to his surroundings despite his indifferent position. The world could be burning so long as it burned some meters from him.

Alyssa blinked trying to reorient herself with her task. She scolded herself for her reaction. She had known what the billionaire looked like. Every gossip magazine and celebrity blog would attest to the fact that the man was a walking piece of art. He had been on several magazine covers and just the quiet look from those eyes had sold the covers. Alyssa knew all of this, so why this reaction as she neared the man? It was not like her to be nervous on a job. She'd had enough experience to remove any jitters, yet this was a new feeling.

Alyssa shook her head. Stay in the game, dummy, she chided herself. This is a normal reaction. Don't read too much into it. Also, remember that this man is a ruthless and calculating asshole widely known for his lack of empathy and brutally capitalistic tendencies. Stop it.

Alyssa reached the small group at the edge of the pool at the top of the building. It was a family. The Cardosos. The most feared family on this edge of the world.

"Clara Mendoza? Clara, is that you?" Someone asked her from the group as she approached.

Alyssa smiled.

"I knew I wouldn't fail to recognize that mop of red hair anywhere!"

Alyssa felt someone hug her tightly as the rest of the family turned to face her, smiling at seeing her after so long.

Yes, her natural red hair had come as a bonus when the Mendoza's had decided to employ her services. Clara Mendoza had red hair too, and coupled with the fact that the Cardosos had not seen Clara Mendoza since fifteen years- the family having relocated to Malta when she was nine- the pretense was poised to sell well.

There was a middle-aged man in their midst, another middle-aged woman and an older woman.They had small smiles on their faces. The middle-aged man was obviously Neil's father but the middle-aged woman was Neil's aunt. Alyssa had been informed that Neil's mother had died when he was younger, thirteen or so.

The woman who'd rushed to hug Alyssa was the maid who was closest to the family the most. She'd worked in the capacity of nanny to the kids when they lost their mother, specifically Neil's younger sister who had been about three years old then. She'd watched the Cardoso and Mendoza families grow closer.

The children had an easy relationship at face value, and as characteristic of technocrats who thought they knew what was best for everyone, the Cardoso family had decided that marrying the first daughter and first son of both families was not such a bad idea. The Mendozas never objected. Hence, the expectations for the two- Neil and Clara- to marry was unspoken; a sort of tacit agreement.

But time passed. Soon, the Mendozas ran into debt- but of course, they won't tell anyone this- and so relocated to start afresh, losing contact with most of their friends and business allies. Neil Cardoso married another woman who nothing was heard about after two years of marriage.

Separation was obvious, but what caused the separation and what form the separation took was shrouded in mystery. And anyways, the Cardosos did their best to kill questions as regards the topic. Once Neil Cardoso was married, now he isn't, end of story. But the questions did not stop. They continued, but in hushed tones, allies and enemies thriving on a relationship of distant respect to the extent of not directly messing with the family...even the closest of allies such as the Mendozas. In that sense, fear equaled respect.

Fifteen years in a foreign land and the Mendozas were back. The Cardosos were ready to reinvigorate their ties for marriage between the two families and so this meeting was set- the first meeting since the Mendozas arrived in California- and so Clara, or at least, the person who was pretending to be her was invited.

Alyssa greeted the rest of the family respectfully. They looked quite normal, the famed Cardosos... well, except Neil Cardoso who looked like he might have been plucked out of her fantasies for all she knew. He was hotter in person, but Alyssa had no idea why that should even be possible.

"You have grown so much, my dear. Quite beautiful too," Grandma Cardoso said, smiling warmly at her. "I remember you were this tall when you and Neil used to play about the mansion with Mandy." The older woman made a motion with her hand.

Alyssa smiled shyly. That was what was expected.

"Yes," Aunt Rose said in her usually quiet manner. She always spoke crisply, sharply. Sometimes she would pause dramatically or emphasize some of her speech as she spoke as though she knew what everyone had up their sleeves and she was determined to let them know. Alyssa was going to get used to it but would attribute it to the woman usually being surrounded by people who were eager to please her family; those with one agenda or another, trying to seek their favor.

Alyssa smiled politely at the middle-aged woman as she spoke.

"She has filled out quite well. She used to be quite slim and that is being nice about it. A short, petite creature. She took her father's stature, I used to say."

Grandma Cardoso was beaming from ear to ear. She turned sharply to Neil and it was then that Alyssa noticed that his previously disinterested gaze had been turned to her.

Now, Neil turned to his grandmother as she spoke. "Neil, go stand next to her, let's see how you both look."

Neil took in a sigh, about to say something but his grandmother cut him short. "Please my dear," she said, a knowing smile on her face. "Today's a happy occasion. We haven't seen Clara in years. She is here now and you two will be marrying soon."

Neil stood up, looking like this family was the bane of his existence and headed for Alyssa. Alyssa watched him approach and stand next to her, his arm, covered by the sleeve of his exquisite suit jacket, only brushing against her arm the slightest.

He easily towered above her, but that was not the point.

Neil knew his grandmother wanted the two of them close together. Like that would unlock the gates to the boundless love that the family felt they must feel for each other after reuniting, after all these years. Too bad. Or alternatively, they just wanted to entertain themselves with his discomfort.

"They look so perfect together," Grandma Cardoso said, glee dancing in her eyes.

"I agree," was Aunt Rose's reply. She turned to her son who had been pressing on his phone. "Take a picture of them for me. This is just perfect."

"Already did," Neil's younger sister, Amanda, quipped. "I'm sure the press would just be dying to get their hands on this. They would be surprised that Neil is now going out again."

A sigh left her father's lips. "Amanda."

"I'm not going to post it, Dad," Amanda said, rolling her eyes. "The press pretty much gets their hands on news like this anyways...without my help."

"Not just the press, but the world will know about this alliance, Mandy," Aunt Rose said. "Not now, soon. When we've finalized everything." She turned to Alyssa. "Where are your parents, my dear?"

"They're on their way," Alyssa said. "I was in the neighborhood attending to an errand and decided to stop by earlier. My parents will be here soon."

Alyssa felt Neil's gaze drop to her. There was something in that stare. She hoped it was not suspicion. Neil was a smart man, she knew. But she hadn't done anything to spark suspicion. She assumed that men like Neil Cardoso treated everyone but his family with a special brand of distrust.

Alyssa turned from Neil to watch the family as they continued to talk. Neil turned behind him and then to Alyssa.

"Your parents are here," he said before leaving for his earlier seat.

Alyssa turned and indeed, the parents of her client were coming behind her, all-smiles. She smiled at them.