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His Beloved Royal Possesion

His Beloved Royal Possesion

Autor: Octobersong



His Beloved Royal Possesion PDF Free Download


Near the River Nile sat a kingdom called Thangen. That is my home. My name is Prince Nuor and I am the only son of the very old king of Thangen. "Please take my son and Thangen as an apology gift if I do die," my father said surprisingly. A gentleman's quote is a gentleman's word, right?

Chapter 1

  Near the beautiful River Nile sat a kingdom called Thangen. That is my home. My beloved kingdom. In case you don’t know who I am, I’m Prince Nuor Rhaness II. I am the only son of the very old king who currently rules Thangen. I have a sister named Nalisis who is my lovely sweet little jewel.

  Many people would just look at me skeptically because I seemed to just spoil her so much. Mainly because she is fatally sick and was always confined in bed. She was predicted to die when she’s 5 years old but because we found a cure and regularly import the medicine from another kingdom called Zelenaya Dolina, she is still alive to this very day. This kingdom however is 7 times larger than Thangen and Thangen have only 6 cities.

  The blazing golden sun and the cool winter like breeze that day indicated a sunny day awaits us thangenese. I have good feeling that this is going to be a lovely day.


  I was at the royal garden when it happened. One of my eunches notified me that Nalisis is dying. I rushed back into the palace and was at her front door when suddenly her maids came out screaming. I rushed inside and my heart stopped to see an empty bloody bed.

  I was in distress and send a search party when once again one of my eunch hurriedly announced to me that we are under attack. God damned it. Stop giving me more bad news!

  I send out my armies and went to get my father. People were running everywhere and I need to get my father and find my lost sister. I didn’t have time to react when I was shoved down to the ground and was sat on. I grunted and pulled the attacker to the ground. It was a bit hard since he was muscularly figured but I managed to do so since my daily training was harsher.

  I took out my lucky dagger which was a gift from my late mother and stabbed him once on the shoulder, then I sliced his throat. Blood splattered all over me. Several more men came rushing to me and attacked me with various weapons. It is certainly going to be a long time.


  Despite my skills, I was captured by 10 more mens because I was outnumbered. I was taken to the throne room and saw my father on the floor kneeling. My heart wrenched with sadness when I saw that old man with his sleeping robes kneeling with weak knees. And then I saw Nalisis’s limp body on the floor. She has blood on her mouth as if she had tried to put up a fight but it took her body so much effort to even sit.

  I looked at the bastard who dared to sit on my father’s throne and imagine my surprise when I saw that it was the most feared king or also known as the Conquering King called King Vasili Igor. He is the king of Zelenaya Dolina and according to most news ratings, he is also the most handsomest person of all. And they even put me at no. 2.

  Hatred filled me and I was determined to burn his kingdom to the ground but what a man got to do, his is larger than mine. I was forced to kneel between them and of course they took my dagger too. Guess no luck for me. I took my sister hold her tightly. I even wiped the blood from her mouth while Vasili read some papers which I think was the reason he had conquered us at the first place.

  The room was deadly silent. It was so quiet that I can hear the screams from outside. I pittied my father who tried so hard to respectfuly kneel before him. So I had to ask them to at the very least, allow my father to sit on a chair.

  “Excuse me, can you please allow my father to sit on a chair? He is very old as you can see and I do think that this situation is going to last very long”, I said. My voice echoed back to me in this quiet room and finally he stopped reading the papers and crossed his legs. He even looked at me with very judging eyes.

  ” Well that took a while for you to speak up. I did however expect that you’ll be talking about your pitiful father. After all, I did this for you”, he said to me. I was taken by surprise and then hatred. How dare you!!!??

  “I beg your pardon?” I tried to calmly said. I am just holding back my anger to not come charging and kill aimlessly. Vasili slowly stood up with such manner that it seems there is some kind of foul play.

  ” What do you mean by ‘I beg your pardon?’ Hmm? Did you neccersarily thought that I would’ve came plundering in without any reason? What kind of a man am I in your eyes, your grace?” he asked. He stalked towards me and crouched. His face is so close that I can smell some of his perfume and it smelt a tiniest bit of trees.

  "Then I certainly do not know on what account seems to be so important that it lead to forcing a dying child and a very old man to kneel before you on the hard and cold marble floor”, I answered back skeptically. I need to show him how much I am not easily wavered by his menancing reputation.

  “Look, I am honestly here just because I want you to be my bride and also we wanted payment that is of course overdued simply because your sister there is sick. If you can graciously provide me with this, we will be out from here”, he said. Spit gathered in my mouth and I realy do wish to spit at him. Bride my foot.

  "But we had already paid for the fees. What on earth do you possibly need?” I frowned at him. My patience is runing low and so does he. Suddenly my father with both of his hand on the floor, coughed.

  “I believe that is my fault. I paid only 1% of the price mentioned for the prescriptions. Thangen do not have enough money to pay for it. Not to mention now is draught season and that the crops is really bad this time of year. I am very sorry to not tell you this, Nuor.....“, I’d be lying if I said that I was not hurt by his words. I couldn’t even say anything because he is right. We need to put our people first. Vasili only chuckled. I glared at him hatefuly.

  “We will pay you back within 5 years but please we still need the medication going. She is going to die like this. I can’t lose her again”, I tried to negotiate. Vasili did seemed to think about it while tilting his head comically.

  “ As I said, I need a bride and your father is very old so I don’t think he will last anymore than 2 years. I also can never leave a country without conquering it or else I’m not The Conquering King am I not?” Honestly, that really pushed my buttons. I stood up and stormed towards that Ibn El-Sharmoota.

Which basicly means ‘son of a bitch’

  I was inches away from Vasili and his guards are a few feets away from me. I can just strangle him or maybe punch him if the situation forces me to. I was so close when I heard soneone called my name.

  “NUOR!!!!” I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around to look at my caller. My father was standing with his legs shaking and he didn’t looked very happy. He looked at me with such a disapproving glare that I had wished that it wasn’t me he was looking at. He had bowed respectfuly at Vasili and turned to looked at me.

  “I shall entrust you with my only son by wedlock and I do hoped that as soon I am able to pay you back on what I had owe, you shall return my son with no injuries. If I am not to be able to return all of the amount I had owe you, you shall keep my son forever as your wife and manage Thangen as his husband. Please do accept Thangen and him as an apology gift from me for not being able to pay you back on the agreed date if I do die,” my father had said. My heart crumbled and shattered into unrepairable pieces.

  I had no time to react when some hands of Vasili’s soliders grabbed and dragged me away. All I felt was confusion and I threw one solider off my arm as I tried to run from their grasp. I decide to call out for my father and maybe make him change his mind.

  My father fell onto the floor and hugged my sister and started to cry silently. Vasili only stood there and looked at them heartlessly. He even took a slight glance at me before smiling as if he had won something.

  “Daeni ’adhhab ’ayuha aleabd!!! Abi madha taqsud??!!!” I yelled at my father.

“Let me go you slaves!!! Father, what do you mean??!!

  This where my good day truly took a turn.