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When The Moon Awakened The Justice

When The Moon Awakened The Justice

Autor: daiettoxxx



When The Moon Awakened The Justice PDF Free Download


Mwezi Luna Cabrera is a second-year college and law student whose up on seeking some justice towards her mother's departure. Finding justification is her only goal starting when her Mom died and that night, she witnessed and heard stuff regarding on the killing of her mother and the offing threatening towards his brother who was also running as a senator at the moment. The revelation made her do some crazy stuff that had been provoked a storm of mixed emotions and another waves of problems. At eventide, he kissed Mr. Michael Parvati inside the rest room out of the scenario but she doesn't know that this situation will make things more closer to the answers that she had been seeking for. Would she let someone cross the line or continue awakening the tranquil justice that had been concealed as the time passed by?

Chapter 1

"Mom," I muttered as I walked some errands between the sliding door and the veranda where my mother was staying.

Holding the goblet, I clung unto her arms—giving her my sweetest and genuine smile.

"Yes, sweetheart. Is there something wrong?" she replied and gazed at me.

I stared at her countenance. She's wearing a red, silky night gown—same garb as mine; also holding a medium goblet. She looks gorgeous and you can see some foreign features; basically derived from our old ancestors.

Well, many says that I resembles my Mom a lot and I sternly agreed to them. We have the same butterscotch eyes, pointed and proud nose, and a very dark hair; while I inherited my passion for music from my father who passed away a month ago due to a sudden palpitation.

I leaned towards her and hugged her back. I mumbled some words that I frequently trained myself to say.

"Mom, thank you so much. You and Levi made this day memorable," I spoke—with forming tears in my eyes.

What's about the sudden drama, Mwezi?

It's my 18th birthday and I thought that my Mom and my older brother had forgotten it, but I was surprised that they made a big effort. Well, it is just a simple dinner party but because we are complete today, it felt like a swanky one.

She hugged me back and rested her head on my shoulders. She didn't talked nor moved. It's quiet but at the same time wonderful. Who would have thought that this silence can calm me? She suddenly spoke as a reply.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry because I'm not giving you the attention that I suppose to give you. I'm sorry, sweety."  I heard her sobs and I felt like my knees were getting weak.

My mother is a senator and a lawyer whose really giving her best for the sake of our state and I can say that many people love her so much—but I love her the most. I'm so proud of her that if ever I had given a chance to disseminate the fact that she's my mother; I will scream it out loud but like those mediocre kind of situation... I don't have the freedom.

No one knows that I'm her daughter— well, except from my parents; older brother whose also a law student at the moment; and the mayordoma,  Granny Cielo. I was addressed as Granny Cielo's grandchild and obviously, one of the reason why public thinks that Levi is our parent's only child. They said that it's for my own sake and many people will going to hunt and use me which I found creepy and ridiculous. It's really reasonable and valid because these fast few days, many news regarding to the lost of children of the politicians were bareleased.

As for me, I don't really care about attention. I hate attention a lot. Imagine, you wouldn't have the privacy that you deserve because people will look into you as if you were a humorous and interesting kind of species. I secretly rolled my eyes because of the sudden  thoughts in my mind. I smiled at her.

"Mom, it's okay and I understand. Why are you sad? Are you tired already because of this?" I asked her; worried about her condition.

She faced me and I saw her crying. It's really hard for me to struggle with just only a bit of her attention but I don't have the courage to say it. I don't want her to worry about me and I want her to pursue those things that can make her happy; passionate about her doings. Even if it costs a lot of her focus and time, I can guarantee my support and sacrifices.

"You don't have to say sorry because you're a great Mom for me and for our country. Although I'm not saying this so often, I want to say that I'm so proud of you," I added as I wiped her tears.

"You do?" she asked and I nodded. She smiled at me lest for me to not complain again.

"I'm also proud of you and your brother. I'm so blessed that you guys were able to understand. You all grew kind and loving. I love you, sweety." We hugged each other once again and I found it cute.

I'm towering Mom and I even surpassed her tallness. The scenario was ironic because of our height tho. I laughed at the thought and my Mom diverted her gaze at me.

"Why are you laughing?" She looked at me suspiciously and I laughed hard—not minding her narrowed eyes that was currently piercing on me like a sharp splinter.

"Nothing, Mom. You're so dramatic. What's up with you today?" I joked and I received a sudden strike on my nape.

I hissed and massaged the injured part. Lol, injured your ass, Mwezi.

"Aww, what's that for?" I glared at her and she was about to say a thing when the door suddenly opened.

"Senator Cabrera, why are you two staying at the veranda? Come here!" I rolled my eyes at Levi whose now yelling at us. He's really annoying that I wanted to crash his face—hard.

"What the fvck? We're just having a good time here and you just ruined it. Goodness." I brushed my hair and gently hold my Mom's shoulder for us to walked inside.

I lead our way like a very polite young lady towards a respected and valuable person. Well, it's partially true.

"Mwezi, where did you learned that 'F' word?" Mom glared at me and I pouted.

"Mom, it's just a word," I stated as if it can answer her question thoroughly.

"And your words can sometimes define who you are," she argued. I rolled my eyes once again and raised both of my hands.

"Okay, Atty. Cabrera. You won," I replied and about to say a thing again.

"Well, Mom—" My reason was being interrupted by a sudden noise from the shattered glass wall.

It was so fast and I just found myself holding tightly at my mother and brother's back because of fear. The guards escorted us 'til we reached the maroon van. I heard some gunfires somewhere and the noises of people around us but I can't even muttered a single word. Shit.

I looked at my Mom's serious face and she looked back at me.

"Mom, w-what's happening?" I spoke and felt some hot tears falling. She hugged me and caressed my back.

"Hush. We're safe, okay? The van is bulletproof. There is nothing to worry about," she answered as if the situation doesn't even bothered her.

"But Mom, where's Levi? I thought, he was with us." I panicked as I realized that my brother was gone.

"He's in the other van, Mwezi. Don't worry, okay? Calm down." She kept on caressing my back but I can feel that my body was shaking really hard.

Fuck this situation. What's really happening?

I calmed down when Mom kissed my cheek gently. I looked at her and she smiled at me. I sighed heavily because of frustration and hesitation.

"Mom, all of this will be okay, right?" I asked her while secretly pinching the side of my thighs.

I'm so nervous. This is my first time experiencing such scenes like this and I can't help but to feel uneasiness. I diverted my gaze inside the van and saw a guy whose wearing a black outfit and talking to someone through wireless headset. I saw my Mom caressing her chest and I got worried.

"Mom, are you okay?" I asked her but she didn't answer.

I fought the urge to cry and remained calm as I can. I looked for some bottled water and gave it to her. She rapidly took and drunk it and inhaled loudly.

"Mom, are you okay?" She looked at me once again and gave me a reassuring smile and nodded.

But I know that she's not. Was her illnes starting to arisen again? Argggh, where is Levi? I was about to get my phone when suddenly, the car moved fast.

"Lyndon, where are we going? Your cadets were not escorting us? What the hell," she fumed. I eyed the guy in black and saw him smirking.


What the fuck. Why am I became nervous all of a sudden? I silently hold my phone and was about to dial my brother's number when the guy, Lyndon, spoke that made me shiver again. He was holding a gun!

"Not so fast, Miss. Give me your phone!" he commanded and I shake my head out of disapproval.

"Lyndon, w-what are you doing? Why are holding that gun?" Mom stuttered. I can see the evident tension that was plastered on her face.

I can't open my mouth but I knew that I was fuming mad. Is he... is he an enemy? Does he betray my Mom? Fvck this. I can't even sit properly from where I was resting. I just felt my hot tears flowed down my cheeks again like falls inside the forest. I felt powerless. Damn it. Imbecile.

"Shut up and give me the damn phone or else... I will shoot you both now!" he fired back and I jumped into my place because of fear.

I immediately gave my phone at him whose now smirking like an idiot. Damn his face. Evil.

"Just sit and be silent, okay? I really hate loud people," he stated and I fight the urge to punch his face hard—big time.

"You know what, I was wondering who is this young lady beside you, Senator? And she even called you Mom. I supposed that it's Ma'am and not Mom but who am I kidding, right? Is she your daughter, huh? Senator, did you let her lurked in the dark for us to not take her around?" he inquired but my mother remained silent.

I started to cry. Mom eyed me and gave me a forced smile. Lyndon laughed and mocked us more.

"Oh, I will take it as a yes. This will be a great scoop if ever. Senator Cabrera and her untold daughter was found dead inside the car—what the," The car jerked sidewards as my Mom pulled Lyndon's hair.

I cried hard and begged them to stop but they didn't listen. The car was still moving fast but no one was holding the steering wheel. I immediately took Mom's phone that was placed on the back seat and called Levi. He answered it and yelled at me.

"Mom, where are you? Are you with Mwezi? Where is she? Are you okay!?" he continously asked that made me sob.

"Levi, M-mom..." Mwezi, talk!

"What? Why a-are you crying? Where's Mom?" he stuttered and I can't help but cried more.

I composed myself and tried hard not to stutter again.

"Levi, help us, please. Lyndon has a gun. Mom was—" I looked at the front and saw that we're heading on the side of the bridge.

I even cried harder. Oh, God.

"Levi, please help us. Mom, pull the brake! Mom, please," I begged and Mom glanced at me harshly.

She was about to reach the brake when suddenly, Lyndon get the gun and pointed it on her head. He laughed like a devil. I will not forget his laugh and it will surely give me an effing nightmares.

"You'll die soon so why prolong it?" he mocked and the next thing that he did made my knees trembled—really hard.

He... he pulled the trigger and shoot my Mom. He fvcking shoot her head! I suddenly felt Mom's body into my thighs. I looked at her. Sweating bullets and sanguinary situation. I can see the hole on her head. Her eyes were wide open. Memories of us suddenly flashed in my mind.

Me and my mother laughing. Her smile earlier. The way she talks. Her efforts towards us. Why? Why is this happening to her? All she did was best  for the country and for our family. I felt nothing. My body was being numb and I thank heavens because of that.

I just want to rest. I just want my Mom to rest.

"Argggh, what's with the drama, people?" Lyndon  barked out but I can't even glanced at him. "Oh, you should die also. Do you want to follow your Mom's will— sht, why is the brake not functioning!?" he yelled.

I looked at the front and saw that we're almost at the end. It's not functioning? How come? I breathed heavily and eyed my Mom. My tears were kept on falling but I'm not giving some effort to wipe it.

Maybe it's the denouement of our journey. I just want to rest, together with my Mom and I want to say sorry for my brother. Sorry for everything and thank you for anything. May God guide you until the end.

I prayed silently and felt the forceful strike of the car on the metal part of the bridge. I suddenly felt dizzy and fell unto unconsciousness.

Would it be a waste... even if I knew my place.