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His Saving Grace

His Saving Grace

Autor: Queen Rosa



His Saving Grace PDF Free Download


Dee has the freedom of traveling abroad and finding true love, her destiny exists but with Lycans and Dragons. She fights along side of them during a rogue attack and is near death only to be kept alive by her mate who helps her live and become the person she is destined to become. The packs Luna, teacher, lover, mother and all. The tale does not end in book 1 but continues through all 6 books with powers growing stronger in each book with danger lurking around every corner.

Chapter 1


Yes, finally I have finished school now some time to myself. I have enough money to leave here and travel abroad to at least three countries and let God take me where he wants me. But first put applications in for teaching and see where that will lead me. Hopefully I can land a job before I leave for vacation that way I will know how much time I actually have for vacation. I put my plans into motion and start getting ready for my vacation. I told mom what was going to happen she got all excited that she was going with me.

“HA, not happening lady, not at all.” I let her down easy telling her I am going by myself as I needed a much needed break from everything that has been happening. She started going on her tangent about how safe it was not for me to alone and that she should go with me but I put a stop to that quickly.

Let me introduce myself, my name is Dee was born in California and have lived in Missouri for over 50 years where I grew up in a small town with a few friends and a younger brother. Mom and dad were very strict but loved us all the same. Mom sheltered us from the world which I see hindered me in my life but not my brother. He’s like mom the social butterfly, me not so much. I always played with him or by myself and was fine with that. Truthfully I am not a people person and would prefer animals above all.



Rockie takes me to the airport and drops me off early in the morning on a Wednesday, we said our good byes as many times before but this time it was different. He gave me all kinds of information about traveling abroad, who to speak to not to speak with, just tuned him out. I went inside to check my luggage and fill the tags out and send them on their way to the abyss. I work my way down to the gate and look to see what is open and what is not along the way, to get something to drink and breakfast.

I find a seat and plug in my computer and cell phone to charge them so that I can use them on the plane till I get to my first destination which is a lay over for three hours in New York’s JFK’s International Airport.

Some guy walks by me “someone smells good,” I think aloud softly. I look to see who walked by and there were five God like men. But of course who would look at me I am not that pretty, I have weight on me and I am an older woman.

As they walked by they nodded and said, “Hi!” in very thick accents, with deep sexy voices that makes your heart melt and shudder in ways you didn’t know you could.

I said, “Hi” back and looked away feeling flushed, but damn I could barely keep my eyes off of them.

Beth texts me to see what I am doing, it is usual our morning talk while she is working. I proceed to tell her about the men that had just walked by and smelled so good. I was teasing her that she could have two of the five as I get the rest but I get to choose which ones I want. She text me back asking for pics of the men, I told her “Hell no! That it would be too obvious taking a pic but I could try to figure out a way to do it.” But did I actually do it? Nope not at all, little selfish of me but oh well this was my time, my time to have fun no matter what.

It was time to line up to get on the plane and I had to stand smack dab in the middle of all these men, but what I did not know was that they were all watching me. I could feel eyes on me but only glanced at a couple of the men who were starting intently. I just smiled and moved my hair out of my eyes, little flirting doesn’t hurt I thought silently. Standing line waiting to load on get on the plane Beth decided to call instead of texting which was probably smart since I was surrounded by these God like men.

“Hey Beth what’s up?” I asked.

“Nothing, just checking to see where you’re at right now and if you got any pics of those men you were telling me about?” Beth stated.

“I am getting ready to walk the plank to find my seat so I will call or text you when I get there ok?” Is all I said in hopes she gets the hint that I could not talk right then as we were getting on the plane.

“Okay, be careful and have fun. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” Beth said laughing while I disconnected the call. I sighed and rolled my eyes and one of the men caught me doing that.

“Why the eye roll princess?” He asked.

“Oh, it’s just my friend who wants to know what I am doing,” I replied to the gentleman in front of me.

Rockie calls and excused myself so that I could answer the phone.

“Hello? What’s up? Oh, her meds are in a bag in the dining room. They are in the top drawer of the hutch. I put them in there so that mom cannot get to them and take them out of the bottles. Her meds are all fixed for the week and should be replenished every Friday night or Saturday morning. I put her new meds and put them together so she should be good to go for a month at least. I will call you and let you know if she needs any refills once I get a call, but they know I am going out of the country for a few weeks so all should be good until I get back. However let me know if it’s not and I will take care of where I am at. I have to go as I am boarding.” I tell him.

“Where are you heading to princess?” a sexy voice asks me.

I tell him where to and left it at that for the moment. I know he was and the others were trying to make small talk and make me not feel awkward.

“We are heading to New York for some family business that we do here in the states.” The first one states with a big beautiful toothy grin.

“What kind of business do you have, if you don’t mind me asking?” I ask.

“We own construction companies and several elite tattoo parlors around the world. Lachlan owns four gyms over seas. We are in several cities in the United States, Finland, Scotland and Ireland, Italy and Greece,” he said.

“Are you heading to New York to visit family?” he asked with smirk.

“No, I am actually going to Lapland, Finland and visit some friends a little later. Then head to Scotland and finish in Ireland somewhere. Then when I return back in the states I will stay in New York for a few days before heading back here.” I said.

“Well, then can I give you some places you must see in Scotland and Ireland since you will be heading there?” He asked.

“Sure that would be great since I do not have any particular place I am staying in Scotland.” I stated.

“I insist on visiting South Scotland and staying with us at our home in the country. You will have everything at your disposal and won’t have to pay to stay of course. I of course would want to show you around Scotland personally. It is the only way to see it off grid not the touristy sites. Please? I insist, really it would be my pleasure.” Sexy man said to me with pleading eyes.

“Name is Dee, what is yours?” She shot back.

“Names Conall, lass and these here are my brothers: Damhan, Evander, Lachlan, and Mathe Lyons-Mackley,” Conall stated with a wide smile.

Conall has dark hair, shaved on the sides and longer on the top tided up in a bun, his face is chiseled with a close shaved beard that has some grey in it and his eyes are light ice blue that makes you melt every time you look into them. His body, well, he’s built like a brick house as well as his brothers. Damhan and Mathe are twins both red hair and beards with emerald green eyes as well as a chiseled body. Damhan is a Lycan and Mathe a blue dragon. Lachlan had coal black hair military cut no facial hair built like the others and owner of four gyms. Both brothers have light brown eyes with gold and green specs. Evander is dragon. All the brothers had secrets they kept from humans which could bring their clans and pods down. Conall had told me this information in private to see how I would react which there was no reaction to what he had said to me, just blew it all off. Like I am going to remember all that, haha.