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Maybe He's The One

Maybe He's The One



Maybe He's The One PDF Free Download


I waited for a few rings before he picks it up. "Hey Lucas, it's me, Gia," I said. "Yes, I know it's you, Miss Florence. What do you want?" He asks. "You save my number?" I ask to ignore his question. "Even if I didn't save your number, I'd probably already memorize your number because this is not the first time you call me. So, what do you want from me, Miss Florence? I am busy right now," "Come on, it's weekend. Stop working on the weekend, will you? Take a rest and enjoy the weekend." "If you don't have anything important to say, then bye." "Wait! Don't hang up yet." "Yes?" He asks and I know he annoyed right now. "Can you accompany me for dinner tonight?" I ask hoping he will agree. "No." With that, he hangs up. I look at the screen and sigh.

Chapter 1

My name is Gia Florence. I'm 23 years old, and I am currently living with my family in a huge mansion in Brooklyn, New York. I work at my dad's company as an accountant. It's been one year since I started working there. My dad is one of the billionaires because he owns a famous hotel which is crazy I think. So, As you know my family is kind of rich but I don't care about the status though. For me whatever our status is, we're still a human being just like other people out there.

I have 5 siblings including me, and I am the youngest one. My first older brother's name is Jack Florence, and he's 29 years old. He is the best brother I could ever ask for because he's so understanding and the most important part is, he loves me which is why he is the best brother. Whenever I'm sad he will always be with me and hear what I am going to say. Jack got married two years ago with his first love. You know what, I am so envied when I know their love was just too strong for each other unlike me. They already have one little baby which is also my nephew. He's 8 months now. How I wish I could have my own child too.

Secondly, I have another brother name Niall Florence. I love him as much as I love Jack but Niall is just so annoying. He always finds a way to make me angry at him. He is 27 years old but still acts like a child. He already has a fiancé which means he's going to get married soon. Lucky him. As you know, his fiancé is so gorgeous and sometimes I felt insecure about my appearance when I'm with her. But who cares everyone has their own beauty in them.

Next, we have twins. Yes, I do have a twins' brother name Brandon and Grayson Florence. Having a twins' brother is not as easy as you thought, it is because they just love teasing me and build a plan to disturb me just like Niall did to me. Basically, three of them will team up and come out with a plan to prank me. Brandon and Grayson are 26 and both of them do not have any girlfriend. So, if you're interested in my brothers just direct message me. Okay just kidding please don't. I'm tired of all of it. I got so many questions that people ask and especially women and I'm sick of it.

Then lastly there is me, Gia Florence. I am happy living with my family even though Jack is no longer staying with us because he already has his own family. That's means, in this big mansion just have me, my three annoying brothers and also my beautiful parents. I am 5'6 which is the same height as my mom. Even though she almost turns 54, but she still looks like the early 40s. She is so lovely and looks young at the same time. No wonder dad loves her so much until now. Next, I have brunette hair from my dad because my mom is blonde. My eyes are blue but you can see slightly green in it. Many people said that my eyes are so beautiful, and I am so happy with that compliment.

I have one best friend name, Laura Harte. I and she became best friends since we were out of our mom's tummy. Our parents are best friends too. We live not too far from each other. Her house just like 10 minutes away from my house. She's 5'5 a bit shorter than me but that's not a problem at all. She has blonde hair. Like people always said that a brunette needs a blonde as her best friend. Yeah, here we are brunette and blonde. She is quite tan because she loves to go to the beach especially when it's summer while me, I'm not tan, my skin is quite pale.

She has a long-distance boyfriend. They've been together like two years now and she always said that I should have one too. I want to have a boyfriend but the thing is, whenever I got myself a guy, it didn't last long and that makes me feel so frustrated. I dated almost ten guys but most of it didn't work on me. I'm always ended up being hurt because who doesn't feel hurt when they broke up with their boyfriends especially it is because of the nonsense reasons and the cliche reasons. I hope my ninth boyfriend will stay with me and we can live happily ever after like how I wanted it.

Let me tell you about my first boyfriend ever. When I got myself in a relationship with him, I feel over the moon. Well, who doesn't feel happy when they got their very first boyfriend. That time, I am in 11 grades which means this is a high school love story. I dated a guy name, Ken Simon. I thought we could be a cute couple of the year but the thing ended up being so different from what I imagine. The first week when great just great also with the second week. Then, when it's come to the third week, somethings happen which doesn't make any sense. I don't know why his phone was in my bag. When he found out about it, he just said that I am a crazy stalker because I took his phone when I'm clearly not. That's so nonsense. So we broke up.

My second boyfriend is when I'm in my senior year. I was hoping that my senior year would be great and had unforgettable memories but things also didn't work for me. My boyfriend's name was Mike Henderson. He is one of the popular boys in school and we dated for 3 months and a day before our prom night, he cheated on me which is sucks. I never believed that he would do such a thing to me. When I asked him why he just said that he found that the girl he cheated on was much attractive than me. I had no comment about it. So I ended up being alone on the prom night because Laura was had a great time with her partner. Well, that was an unforgettable year. I will remember it until I'm old.

So let's go on with my third boyfriend. I dated him when I was 19 and it's only for 2 weeks and then he asked for a break up because he needs to move to another country. I mean we could have a long-distance relationship but he said it just too hard for him and he thought it would be nice if we broke up. So we broke up. He's a very nice guy with a cute face that makes me fall for him each day but when things happen I can't do anything.

The same year, I got myself another one but this time I'm the one who left him because he's so annoying and clingy just like a girl. We just been in a relationship for three days before I left him. Just imagine that he wants me to text him every second when I got home. I mean yeah I did send him a text but he can't expect me to be with my phone all the time. When I reply to his text a bit late, he assumed that I am with some horny boys who are not true at all. We argued a lot in three days and I became annoyed with his attitude and decided to dump him. I'm not regretting my decision because who needs a guy who always assumed you to be with other guys when you're clearly not.

Then, for my fifth, and sixth boyfriend. They all want me for the same reason and motives, which is they only want my money. I am so sad thinking of how stupid have I dated the guys like them. I thought I am a good girlfriend who helped my boyfriend who has a problem with money but I ended being broken. I cried so bad and that's the year that I cried so much because I broke up like four times.

And then, I decided to take a break from having a boyfriend for two years which I'm starting to dated someone back when I was 21 years old. I thought that year would be a great year for me but it's not. I got dumped two times that year and like usual I cried. My brother once told me that I need to get to know the guy that I want to date before starting a serious relationship with them but I didn't hear any of it and ended up being hurt. I went for a few blind dates but all of it didn't work out at all. We just hooked up and that's it. No relationship.

This year, started good and I currently have one boyfriend that I've been dating for 5 months now. I believe that he is the one because I never been in a relationship this long. His name is Hayes Davies. We met at the coffee shop when I forgot to bring my umbrella at that time and it was raining heavily. He's the one who asked me if I want to share an umbrella with him. Sounds cliche right because it is. From that, we become close because we keep bumping into each other in that coffee shop.

Well, this is me Gia Florence and my journey to find my Prince Charming.