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Autor: Nana Akua Amoakoaa


Realistic Urban

HER FATE PDF Free Download


This legend of three best friends who's fate were read by a fortuneteller, Camila Fernandez, Arianna Valdez and Victoria Rodriguez, Camila was betrayed and sent to jail because of Victoria her best friend with the help of Ernesto Downey, Robert's eldest brother, Victoria later got married to Robert because he needed someone to take care for his child Camilla later found out she was pregnant while being in jail and her baby was taken from her by the child's father Robbert Downey after birth, she comes out from jail to look for her daughter Jessica after 18years.

Chapter 1

No please Robbert, don't do this! Please don't take my child from me! I beg you, don't do this to me Robert, Camila said crawling to hold Robert's legs but she was pushed violently making her hit hard on the ground, tell me why I shouldn't Camila?

Do you think she can be safe in this damn prison

Hell no, she's also my child and I have every right over her, I choose where she stays, and trust me that place isn't here, she won't stay with you because you are not fit! Camila you are not fit to be a mother Robert said yelling.....

No oo........!!!! Camila screamed waking up from her sleep, she started crying, this has been her nightmare, the nightmare she wished it never happened. Life hasn't been fair to her.

Oh God why, please why did you allow Robert to take away my child, is about 18 years I have not set eyes on my baby girl Camila said whilst still crying, she couldn't stop crying, tear keep flowing

Nanny Lina who was in the kitchen preparing breakfast downstairs heard Camila shouting and screaming so she rushed to her room upstairs and saw her sitting on the floor crying, she bent to wipes her tears, helping her to stand, my child come and sit here she said tapping on the bed, she rose and sat on the bed as instructed by Lina, Camila immediately hugged Lina resting her head on her shoulder murmuring.

Now tell me why you were shouting my dear, it is about your nightmare again? nanny Lina asked, dear it's been 18 years and I think 18years is enough to let go and face the present now that you're back and free, this isn't you, the Camila I raised is fearless. capable of anything so why being a coward now my dear?

No.....! Nanny I can't give up my child, not now that am back.. I know my dear, trust me I understand, I never said you should give up on your baby, all am saying is try to put yourself together and fight for your child, am here to support you on that dear,

Nanny 18years have passed and it is time I face them all Camila said heading to the bathroom to rinse her face, She looked through the mirror and realized how miserable her life had become she not being with her child is eating her up

Nanny Lina waited for sometime, she was about heading toward the door when the bathroom door opened, nanny you're still here? Camila asked, I was about to leave my dear, come downstairs breakfast is ready, Lina said with a smile while Camila nodded, I will be there soon, although she wasn't hungry, she had no appetite for food but because she didn't want her nanny to feel bad she accepted to have breakfast that morning.

Nanny Lina went out closing the door behind her.

After breakfast Camila helped nanny Lina cleared the dinning, wash the dishes and went upstairs to prepare for her first meeting with Robert after so many years. She needs to meet her child,

While she was in prison Arianna informed her of Victoria and Robert's marriage, her hopes of getting back with Robert isn't something to write of but at lease her child is still hers and she have the right to meet her. Thinking of Robert, does he still love her or hate her, Camila was lost in thought the sounds of her phone ringtone brought her back to reality, it was Arianna she pressed the receive bottom to answer the call, hi Anna

She greeted, Camila how are you, Anna asked, am fine Camila response,

I was wondering if you could accompany me to the mall, I need to do some shopping.....

I can't come with you Anna, Camila didn't allow Arianna finished her statement before she spoke, am going to the Downey's mansion to see my child. Anna am sorry I can't go with you, oh really? no problem, but please Camila give me a call when you return I wished you would have come with me but is okay , alright Anna, they talk for some minutes before she hanged up the call

Camila was set to go when she met Lina watching TV in the hall going somewhere Lina asked still glancing at the TV. Yes nanny am

Gonna pay the Downey's a visit she replied heading towards her, are you sure you're in for this my dear, have you thought of this carefully, yes nanny I can do this, I need to do this she replied alright dear, she kissed her forehead received her blessings before walking to the door, she opened the door and walk out closing the door behind her, she gripped the knob and inhales deeply before walking away

Becareful dear Lina said from behind

Sure nanny she said after her.

Robert Downey was in his study room going through some files when his wife Victoria barged in angrily without knocking, she clenched her fist tightly as if she's on the battle field ready to fight

We need to talk Robert, not now please he said fixing his gaze on the laptop, can't you See am busy, whaat! Busy" has it gotten to this? She she exclaimed with disbelief written all over her face, hell no Robert, she yells making Robbert to leave whatever he's doing to face her, what is it Victoria, can't that wait till am done with my work. Robbert said walking to where Vicky was standing, he eyed her walked pass her to the door and drag Victoria out Of The room shutting the door on her.

Don't blame him, she's always frustrating him, 18 years leaving with someone without love just because he needed a mother for his child, someone to take care of his child, after taking the child from Camila things wasn't easy being a single dady, he had wanted to employ a nanny to assist him but Victoria was always around taking the role of a mother.

So her mother madam Rebecca Downey thought was okay if he could marry Victoria to be a mother for Jessica He wasn't in support of that because Victoria was Camila's friend, he felt would be like a betrayal but after a thousands of thought, he gave in to his mum persistence, he knew, he couldn't be a good husband to Vicky as any responsible husband would be, but Vicky was willing to accept

She had it in her mind that, love grows so Robbert somehow might love her but that didn't happen, they maybe leaving together as husband and wife in the eye of the law but never has he treated her like one, she did bad things in the pass, all because of the love she had for Robert. Although he married her but never in his life has he taken Vicky as his wife. the only woman he ever loved and still loves is Camila. Many years have passed but the love he had for her didn't go away, not even Victoria was able to burn that love. Talking about Camila, did she really kill Pedro? How can someone like Pedro be killed by Camila when he loved her like his very own daughter, he was like a second father to Camila, because he and Lina was close friends , did I judge her wrongly, the Camila I knew can't be a murderess, her kindness drew me closer to her, I fell in love with her because she was a good person, but everything pointed at her, was I right separating a mother and a daughter

Victoria stood at the door banging the door for Robert to open up but he didn't she stood there for some minutes before heading to her room, she needed to think, Camila is back so she isn't safe, not now that Robert is given her a hard time.

He's even asking for a divorce, Robert had called her days ago to discuss about the divorce issue, she never wants to divorce him, she had wanted to talk things with him but he chased her out

She was in a bad mood, Jessica is not even here to console her, she was boiling in anger screaming, throwing things, any thing she lay hands on the whole room was in a mess, damn you Robert, I hate you, I so much hate you, she was still yelling when Mrs Rebecca walked in. She look around the room and her gaze landed on the broken mirror

Victoria'' why? did you want to the burn the whole house, she immediately hugged her to calm her, am here for you my child she whispered to her, mother she's back, am afraid Robert will leave me, I don't want to be separated from my child, I love her like my own, mother please do something, talk to Robert. Is OK, I will surely talk to him but first calm down, she then walked her to the bed, they both seated, Mrs Rebecca then called one of the maids Abigail to clean the mess and to make warm coffee for her after taken the coffee she lay her on the bed, covered her with the duvet, she kissed her forehead, watched her for some minutes before leaving the room. Situation like this makes Rebecca wished her husband Nardo was still alive, She knows her son can never love Vicky but that doesn't mean she should be treated like trash in her matrimonial home, Jessica never luck motherly love because she was there. She's sacrificed so much all these year, at times she preferred they never got married.

Nardo left unfinished work, she can't handle all this alone she thought of calling Ernesto, he might be the right person to make Robert come to his senses.Poor Vicky she murmuring walking to her room, she picks her phone to call Ernesto but his line was busy, she tried again the second time and was still the same, what could be the reason she

thought putting the phone on the bed beside her.

Meanwhile Ernesto too on the other line was busily trying to rush Victoria's but she wasn't picking his calls, not as if she didn't hear the phone rings, she heard it loudly but right now she isn't in the mood