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Never be the same

Never be the same



Never be the same PDF Free Download


She is Elandra Croft Park, half American and half Korean but doesn’t know how to speak Korean. Second daughter of the famous and very rich Elizabeth and Steve Park, and only sister of Ellaine Croft Park. After her sister, Ellaine sets her with lies. Now, Elandra is already well-known for being such a classy bitch and very sophisticated woman but so wretched. The sweet and kind Elandra transformed into a monster one. She has everything that every woman wants to: money, fame, Goddess beauty, a sexy and hot body but there’s only one she doesn’t have. And that’s the love, sincere love and protection of her parents. Not until Ace Scott, their childhood playmate came back. She knows that Ellaine likes him until now. She decided to use him to get her revenge against her sister. Little she doesn’t know; it was her whom Ace likes. What do you think? Is she going to win the game? Or lose the game?

Chapter 1

&quot;Elandra, maybe you want to come with me later on. You know, have a sisters&quot; bond.&quot; Ellaine said to her<br />with a smile.

Elandra become so much happy. This is the first time her sister asks her out. It&quot;s not that new to her but<br />she really wants to for how many years. The last time she spent her time with her sister was when<br />they&quot;re still young.<br />&quot;Sure! Where?&quot; she exclaimed.<br />Ellaine smirks in victory. She knows that her sister is going to easily agrees with her. She needs to play<br />her part and her role as Elandra&quot;s elder sister. They have only two years as their gap. She plays with<br />Elandra&quot;s wavy brown hair with her shoulder length and smiles.<br />&quot;You&quot;re going to know it later on.&quot; she said.<br />Elandra is so much excited that she even told her best friend, Ashley about it.<br />&quot;Are you sure your sister is not feeling well?&quot; Ashley asks her.<br />Elandra rolls her eyes to her best friend and scoffs. Ashley knows that her sister is being mean to her and<br />treats her as a trash and right now, she feels that it&quot;s not a right idea for her to go with her sister after<br />all.<br />&quot;Come on, Ashley. This is the first time she asked me out. You know, she wants to have a sisters&quot; bond<br />with me and I don&quot;t want it to pass. You know how much I longed for this.&quot; she mumbles and sips her<br />coffee.<br />She went to where Ashley works as a part time waitress at some coffee shop just near their mansion.<br />Ashly is also rich but not as rich as them. And she wants to earn money on her own for her to help her<br />parents as well to their small business.<br />&quot;I know, Elandra, but I am just being worried about you. Don&quot;t you that your sister and her friends are<br />being such a bully at school the last time.&quot; she scoffed, rolls her eyes.<br />Elandra knows how bully her sister was. She knows that her sister is just like that because of her mean<br />friends. She isn&quot;t like that when she didn&quot;t meet them before.<br />&quot;Ashley, she wasn&quot;t like that before.&quot; she said.<br />Ashley scoffs and tries not to laugh to what she said.<br />&quot;For real? You&amp;#39;re going to deny the truth? What happened to what you keep on telling and sharing to<br />me about your sister&quot;s bad treats to you? How come you still want to go with her.&quot; she said and wanting<br />her to realize about it.<br />Elandra went speechless. She knows that her sister is being so mean to her since they&quot;re just a young.<br />There are many things and lies she talked about her for their parents to go to her side but she doesn&quot;t<br />care because she deeply loves her sister.<br />&quot;I know, but maybe, she already changed.&quot; she said to her.<br />Ashley couldn&quot;t control but to laugh.<br />&quot;Come on, El! It&quot;s impossible for your sister to change. She grew up being like that and she&quot;s going to be<br />like that forever.&quot; Ashley said.

&quot;Ash, she&quot;s still my sister.&quot; she said.<br />Ashley just didn&quot;t say anything to try to please her. She just took a deep breath and sighed. She shook<br />her head and smiles at her.<br />&quot;Okay, if that&quot;s what you want. But, don&quot;t you forget that I had warned you about it. If you want to go<br />with her, then go but don&quot;t forget to call me if that sister of yours bullies you again. Okay?&quot; Ashley asks<br />her.<br />Ash is such a sweet and genuine friend of her. She&quot;s been Elandra&quot;s savior and protector when they keep<br />on bullying her. Elandra wishes she got Ash&quot;s strength and braveness because she is not like that. She&quot;s<br />so sweet and soft woman. She doesn&quot;t even want to curse or say anything bad that will hurt others.<br />&quot;Thank you, Ash.&quot; she smiles at her.<br />Ash just smiles and massages her hands. She knows how fragile inside Elandra was. She knows how she<br />grew up with her sister&quot;s bullying towards her and even her parents dislike her. They&quot;re always on her<br />sister&quot;s side making her to hate Elandra for being so quiet and not fighting back.<br />&quot;Ellaine, where are you going with your sister?&quot; Elizabeth, their mom asks her.<br />Ellaine smiles to her and waits for her Elandra to come out to her room. It&quot;s already six in the evening<br />and she decided that they&quot;re going to go out now.<br />&quot;Mom, I asked my sister to come with me to the club and hang out with me. I know she wants this kind<br />of routine. I am already tired seeing how boring woman she was.&quot; she said, rolling her eyes.<br />Elizabeth took a deep breath and sighs.<br />&quot;Why club? You know your sister isn&quot;t used to clubbing.&quot; her mom said.<br />&quot;I know, mom. So, this time I am going to make her do it. For her to experience and come out from her<br />room just once. So, please let us. I promise I am not going to leave her or do any ridiculous thing.&quot; she<br />said, trying to please her mother with her sweet but such an evil smile inside.<br />Elizabeth just groaned and surrenders. Ellaine got so much happy and Elandra came out from her room<br />wearing her baggy dress making them to laugh at her but Elandra didn&quot;t care about it. She saw her sister<br />wearing her sexy backless dress and she&quot;s so sexy on it. She stared to her dress and just smiled to them.<br />&quot;Are you going out clubbing or going to the church?&quot; Elizabeth asks her.<br />With that, she was hurt when her mom and her sister both laughed. She&quot;s not expecting those words<br />from her mother after all.<br />&quot;Mom, don&quot;t be so mean to her. You know our Elandra, she doesn&quot;t know how to fix herself.&quot; Ellaine<br />stood up and flips her hair.<br />&quot;Fine, the just go and come home early!&quot; Elizabeth told them.<br />They both nodded and headed out.