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Autor: Blessing writes





(He killed her sister and she promised to get revenge.) Meet cole a wealthy business man who is ready to do anything to keep his business on the right track. What happens when he made a gravely mistake by killing someone who was used as a camouflage thinking it was the real person. What happens when he finds out ? Meet tracy a girl whose sister's last death wish was to seek revenge and she's bent on getting it at all costs. What happens when she found out her sister's assassin was her boss but strangely falls in love with him. Will she really get her desired revenge ?? Will she really kill the one she loves just to seek for revenge? Remember,that was her sister's last wish.

Chapter 1

  "Emily nooooo!!" I shrieked as I saw her lifeless body falling down, I quickly hid to avoid the assassin from seeing me,immediately I noticed he had turned about to leave, seeing he had completed his mission.

  I waited patiently, ensuring his shadow his no longer in view before running to meet Emily.

  "Emily, please hang on! Just for some few minutes and I promise you're going to be fine"I cried as I saw blood gushing out from her mouth.

  "" she stuttered holding my hands with her eyes fixed on mine.

  "I promise, Emily" I replied drawing her Pinky finger for a Pinky promise.

  "Who's he and why had he shot you" I asked after realizing I just made a promise to revenge

  ""she tried speaking but she started coughing out more blood.

  I gasps in fright, shut my eyes closed tightly not wanting to behold the sight of her loosing her last breathe.

  I cursed under my breathe promising to get revenge for Emily even if it'd cost my life, I'm sure going to do it.


  "Bring the maid in" Cole voice boomed through the room his voice seething with anger.

  "Who damn dare try to poison the almighty Damon king"he questioned angrily as he watch distastefully with his eyes glaring dagger at the maid his guard had dragged to his feet.

  He stood up from his throne like seat ,threw a venomous look at the maid as his eyes surveys her scornfully.

  "Who sent you?"he asked breaking the one minute silence that had enveloped the room.

  "Why do you care to know?'she replied trying her best in hiding her fears but Cole had noticed how scared she had become and decided to pickup such interesting moment to make her more scared of him.

  He smirked,his eyes blazing like a hot iron.

  "I have no time for jokes,wench"he barked at her his face more scaring.

  Cole watched as her body shuddered with fear and he let out a light smile knowing his stunts was working on her.

  He waited for a minute to get reply from her but she didn't say a word.he wasn't a man of patience,he was used to getting whatever he wants and whenever he wants them.

  He cocked his gun pointing it on her forehead ready to pull the trigger, sensing she wouldn't reply.

  "Do you really wants to kill me huh?"the maid asked.

  "Just do it already"she added.

  Seems she was expecting death and he was sure going to kill her but he had to find out who had sent her inoder to deliver her corpse as a warning.

  He snap his finger beckoning on his guard to come forward.

  "Lock her up in the fiery cell,till she's ready to confess"he said to his guard and with that strode out of the room.

  She had been his cook for almost half a year,she really think she's smart enough trying to gain his trust before poisoning him.

  She had made coffee for him, since he was used to drinking her coffee without asking her to have a taste so she had decided to poisoned it, unfortunately for her he had asked her to first have a taste and she had begun to shivered.

  Cole wondered who must have sent her as he entered his sitting room only to find his friend sitted comfortably on his couch.

  "Leonard,I need a new cook"Cole said as he ran his finger through his hair pushing it backwards before proceeding to sit in the next couch

  "Really man? Dude it not been up to fifteen minute you found out the last one you employed was a traitor"leonard said

  "True jerk,Am hungry and you know I don't do junks" Cole replied.

  'yeah,I know lemme put a call through the manager and inform him' Leonard said.


  Tracy tossed, ruffles her hair in an ecstatic manner ,waiting anxiously for her mini laptop to load the profile of whom she had just searched for.

  The pain of having your only family murdered is more than a scar in the skin.

  She had promised to get revenge for Emily so she had carried out a research on the assassin which she's yet to discover who he's.

  Her brow rose skeptically as she zoomed the picture her research had provided.

  Her throat burn with fury as she glared dagger at the man's picture,she was tempted to smash her laptop wishing it could be him but she kept her cool as she proceeded to read some more information about him.

  She scrolled downward to a part that catches her attention.her eyes popped widely as she read to a part where he was described as a filthy billionaire,she wonders how her sister gets to know someone in such position.

  Judging from how they had live their lives they barely eat two square meal a day.

  She wonder what business connection they had that had warrant him killing her.

  She kept her mini laptop aside and sat up straight on her bed clamping her knees together.

  She knew she had so many puzzle to unravel to come up with an idea on getting revenge and the thought made her worried sick.