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Concerto Of Love

Concerto Of Love

Autor: Lady A



Concerto Of Love PDF Free Download


"Life is all about running and running and running for that something to achieve in this hustle and bustle world where there is no time for comfort or relaxation or making beautiful memories," Skylar. "Life is like a season which changes with time. So why bother about bitter phase in life when one could smile bright and move on. Life is all about living in the moment and making beautiful memories," Trevor. Be Kind, have courage and believe in miracles. Be selfish, be cunning and believe in yourself because miracles and magic are bed time stories. . . . "But why?" she asked, trying to find an answer in his eyes. "Why not?" His reply came with a question which she had expected but she needed an answer. "I'm a simple and ordinary person," she reasoned him. "Don't we all want simple things in life?" his lips hovered over hers as the words came from him. . . . "You know, you are a miracle in my life," she said. "A miracle?" he asked, a smile playing on his lips. "Yes," she nodded. "And what do you do when a miracle happens in your life?" he asked, tracing his finger on her exposed back that made her shiver a little under his touch. "Never let it go away," she whispered.

Chapter 1

  Hello Everyone, I'm new to this app. If you are searching for a feel good story then this is the one for you. If you like the story, kindly support me!

  It was not very common for the inky clouds to grumble before a heavy storm during summer season in London. The heavy coulds blocked the bright rays of sun in the sky, the climate had changed within hours. London experienced the hot summer breeze to cold showers of rain drops in a short time. It was a beautiful climate where one would prefer to spend their time with their loved ones, having a cup of hot coffee while looking at the rain drops that trickles down the windows.

  But unfortunately things were not the same for every single person who resided in London. Where one would enjoy with their family, a young guy was standing with no emotions on his face, it was clear that the loss of his parents had affected him more than one could have imagined. People who witnessed the sight, pitied the guy but what they didn't see was that there was another person who lost someone precious in the same accident and when everyone's attention was on the guy named Adrian, one person noticed the girl who was weeping for her father at one corner in the huge house.

  The driver who had taken his last breath was the girl's father, the girl's mother was too shocked to see her husband bury in the earth's soil and fell unconscious. The young girl who witnessed her mother's unconscious state, felt her heart break into peices. It was only few hours ago did they went out to a near by restaurant for the first time. She missed her father, he was supposed to return home but he didn't, he broke his promise to return home soon and her young heart didn't know who was supposed to take the blame upon her loss.

  The person who noticed the girl among the crowd was none another than her father's employeer's son. Trevor was his name and the eyes that always twinkled with mischievousness were now sparkling with cold dried tears in his eyes, he loved his aunt and uncle and to think that they were no more in this world, was difficult for him to believe the bitter truth. He wanted to console his cousin but he knew that Adrian wouldn't appreciate his company at this moment, his cousin wanted to be alone and it was in that moment did his eyes searched for the young girl who had lost her father too.

  Only when his eyes settled on her, did he start striding toward her without another thought. He was neither her friend nor was she close to him. She was a maid's daughter who lived in the servant's quarters and his mother was fond of her. He wondered what must be the reason but it was something he was least interested to know.

  She was plain, simple, ordinary, he thought as he caught a closer view of her. No, he was not looking down at her, he was only picking up the words that were convenient and suitable to describe her. Her long hair was braided with red ribbon, her neatly combed hair was now uneven and few strands of her hair fell on her face covering a part of it.

  It has been only twenty four hours since the family members had buried the couple while the driver was buried by his brother's family. It was while burying the man did his wife lost her consciousness and was taken to the hospital in the rain, while her daughter was sent back to the mansion where she and her parents lived in the servant's quarters, the girl was too young to stay at the hospital. She wanted to go back to the room where she and her parents stayed but that would only make hard for her to believe that her father was no more in this world, she didn't want to be alone in the emtpy room and chose to sit at one corner in the house where people were around but wouldn't notice her presence.

  But she was wrong because someone had found her in the crowd. It was not just someone, it was the son of her father's employer. The girl wondered what could be the reason for him to come to her. She looked at her him with her glassy eyes before wiping her tears and getting up on her feet dusting her dress and then pushing her hair behind her ears with hasty movements.

  Trevor on the other hand, was out of words. The tall guy towered the girl and there was a decent distance between them. Now that he was right in front of her, he wanted to add a few more words to describe her though he was speechless in front of her at that instance.

  She was plain, ordinary, simple and her eyes were as green as forest. It was after she pushed her thick black hair behind, did he notice her beautiful eyes.

  "Did you need anything?" her voice was sweet as the raw honey found in the deep forests and her fragrance reminded him of lilacs.

  "Ahh... Yes, I did," he stuttered, but internally scolded himself for coming to her without a proper reason.

  What was his purpose? He forgot.

  What did he even want to talk to her, he asked himself and didn't understand as to how to start a conversation with her because he never spoke to her before though they grew up the same house. He only saw her from far working in the garden, sometimes with his mother but she would leave the room as soon as he came to his mother's room.

  The girl was looking at him, waiting for his reply while he was stuck as no words came on to his lips because his attention was only on her eyes. He was surely going to be lost in her forest green eyes if he looked longer than another second. Her eyes were deep and addictive as one could be addicted to a strong cup of coffee.

  "Coffee," he blurted the word that came on his mind and realised the blunder he made.

  He hates coffee!!

  Idiot, he scolded himself.

  Damn his young harmones, he then cursed himself again for what he had felt after looking at her.

  She must have felt disgusted that he had asked coffee when everyone were mourning. That was not his intentions, he wanted to speak to the girl and check her condition. He was aware that her mother was admitted in the hospital too. Why did his tongue slip and if he did slip his tongue, why the word had to be coffee, why couldn't it be water? At least that way he would've started a conversation with her.

  The fourteen year old guy didn't miss to notice the way her eyes batted, she must've not expected it from him. Her face was neutral but her eyes spoke volumes, if only he could understand what her eyes meant.

  The tip of his fingers rubbed his forehead and he followed the girl to the kitchen, he looked around and saw the servants were in the hall and the corridor was empty and so was the kitchen. For the first time, he entered into the kitchen and looked around before settling his eyes on her. She was not a maid and he knew that, she could've asked someone else to make the coffee as it was not her work, but she didn't.

  She must be around twelve or thirteen, he thought judging by her appearance. He tried to remember her name but he couldn't remember. For some odd reason, he felt his heart at ease to see her drown in something else instead of crying at one corner. May be asking a coffee was stupid of him but that made her to forget her sorrows at least for a few minutes, he smiled and tried to recollect her name.

  What was it again, he asked himself. Skylin, Skyla, Skyleigh... all he could remember was her name had sky in it.

  "Skylar," her name rolled on the tip of his tongue. Before he could appreciate his smartness for remembering her name, he cursed himself again for his dumbness.

  Why did he have to call her name out loud!

  He was surely going to embarrass himself in front of her today.

  "Yes?" the girl turned her head to his side, startled that he knew her name.

  Seconds ticked, filling the silence in the room, he spoke.

  "Stay strong," he said softly, in a low voice and she heard it. Instead of saying everything would be fine or asking if she was fine, the boy chose only two words.

  Skylar was young but matured than a girl of her age would be and she clearly understood what he had meant. She had to be strong to fight the pain in her heart.

  "Your coffee," she gave him the cup of coffee he asked her and noticed the hesitance in his face, she was good at observing things around her and for some reason she felt that he didn't want to drink coffee but it was not her place to question.

  "Thank you," he took it after a second and blew a little before sipping it.

  Skylar didn't wait another second in the kitchen with him, she left after she was done with the work that was given to her.

  "Perfect," Trevor mumbled and emptied the cup before leaving the kitchen. The coffee was not as bad as he expected.

  A few days later he had found that the girl left to live with her uncle after her mother fell sick and the woman was being treated in the hospital. Trevor was actually surprised that he asked his mother about her whereabouts but as time passed, he was busy with his life and so was the girl. One was on a run to achieve something in life, while the other lived in the moment; not caring of what future was holding.

  Time will tell when she would stop her run and settle to live in the moment and when he would start chasing after that something he want in his life.