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The Exiled Alpha

The Exiled Alpha




The Exiled Alpha PDF Free Download


Lucas, a powerful werewolf who has been banished from his pack due to a tragic mistake. Determined to redeem himself, Lucas wanders alone until he meets Maya, a spirited human who captures his heart. As their forbidden romance blossoms, Lucas discovers that Maya has secrets of her own, threatening to unravel everything he holds dear. With enemies closing in and old wounds reopening, Lucas must confront his past and fight for a future where love can triumph over prejudice and betrayal.

Chapter 1

The Banishment

Lucas's POV

The forest was cloaked in the hazy glow of twilight as I prowled through the dense underbrush, my wolf senses attuned to every whisper of the night. A cold wind whispered through the trees, carrying the scent of damp earth. It is a familiar scent, one that should have brought me comfort, but tonight it only deepened the ache in my chest.

I, once the proud Alpha of the Silver Moon pack, now walked alone. The weight of my actions hung heavy on my shoulders, a burden I could not shake no matter how far I roamed. I have thought that leaving the pack would ease the pain, but each step deeper into the wilderness only seemed to magnify it.

Memories flashed through my mind like shards of broken glass. The night of the accident replayed in vivid detail—the chaos, the screams, the overwhelming sense of failure. I had been reckless, blinded by anger and pride. And now, my pack paid the price for my mistakes.

As I moved silently through the forest, my thoughts turned to the night of my banishment. The moon have hung low in the sky, a silver disc casting an eerie glow over the clearing where the pack gathered. Their faces have been a mixture of sorrow and anger, their eyes accusing as they condemned me for my actions.

Lucas remembered the weight of their judgment, the sting of their betrayal. I had been their leader, their protector, and in one reckless moment, I had shattered their trust. There had been no room for mercy in their verdict—only the cold, unyielding edge of justice.

The memory threatened to overwhelm me, but I pushed it aside with practiced ease. Tonight is not a night for dwelling on the past. Tonight is a night for survival.

I moved with purpose now, my wolf senses guiding me through the labyrinth of trees and rocky outcrops. The forest is alive with the sounds of the night—owls hooting in the distance, small creatures scurrying through the underbrush. My muscles coiled beneath my fur as I navigated the terrain with fluid grace, every sense alert for danger.

Suddenly, a sharp crack echoed through the stillness, and I froze. My ears twitched as I strained to identify the source of the sound. It came again, closer this time—a twig snapping underfoot. My instincts screamed at me to retreat, to disappear into the shadows and evade whatever approached. But something held me rooted to the spot, a strange curiosity that I couldn't quite shake.

Slowly, cautiously, I turned toward the sound. My eyes narrowed as I scanned the darkness, searching for any sign of movement. And then I saw her.

A figure emerged from the shadows, moving with a cautious grace that mirrored my own. Long, dark hair cascaded down my back, catching the moonlight in a shimmering cascade. She is moving with a quiet confidence, her steps sure and deliberate as she navigated the uneven terrain.

I watched her approach, my heart thundering in my chest. I should have been wary, should have slipped away before she noticed me. But something about her presence drew me in, a magnetic pull that I couldn't resist.

As she drew closer, I caught a glimpse of her face—a delicate profile illuminated by the pale light of the moon. Her features were sharp, softened by the hint of a smile that played at the corners of her lips. There was a sparkle in her eyes, a glint of mischief that spoke of secrets hidden beneath the surface.

For a moment, neither of us moved. We stood on opposite sides of a small clearing, separated by a world of uncertainty and unspoken truths. I pulse quickened as I studied her, trying to discern her intentions.

"Is she my friend or my foe? Human or something more?

The woman took a cautious step forward, her gaze never leaving my own. My tensed, preparing myself for whatever comes next. But instead of fear or hostility, I saw something else flicker in her eyes—a flicker of recognition, as if she had sensed the predator lurking beneath my calm exterior.

"Hello," she said, her voice a whisper on the night air.

I hesitated, caught off guard by the simplicity of her greeting. I should have remained silent, should have slipped away into the darkness without a word. But something about her presence called to me, stirring a long-buried longing deep within his soul.

"Hello," I finally replied, my voice rough with disuse.

The woman's smiles widened, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes.

"I didn't expect to find anyone out here," she admitted, her tone light and casual.

I studied her for a moment longer, weighing my options. I know the danger of revealing myself, of letting her get too close. But something about her gaze softened the edges of my caution, drawing me closer to the precipice of vulnerability.

"I could say the same," I replied at last, with a measured voice.

The woman tilted her head, studying me with a curiosity that matched my own.

"Are you lost?" she asked, with a gentle tone.

I considered her question carefully, weighing my words before speaking.

"Not lost," I replied finally. "Just... wandering."

A flicker of understanding crossed the woman's face, her expression softening with empathy.

"Sometimes wandering leads us where we need to be," she murmured, more to herself than to me.

I feel a pang of something I couldn't quite name—a longing, a yearning for connection in a world that had turned its back on me. I have been alone for so long, a solitary figure wandering through the darkness. And yet, here she stood—a beacon of light in the wilderness, offering him a glimpse of something I have almost forgotten.

"Perhaps," I agreed quietly, my gaze never leaving hers.

We stand in silence then, two strangers bound by a moment suspended in time. The forest around us seemed to hold its breath, the air thick with unspoken possibilities. I feel a stirring deep within my soul, a whisper of hope that maybe, just maybe, I have found something worth fighting for.

But the night was unforgiving, and our time together was fleeting. As quickly as she had appeared, the woman turned to leave, her footsteps fading into the darkness. I watched her go, a pang of regret tightening my chest.

"Wait," I called out before I could stop myself.

The woman paused, half-turned toward me, her eyes alight with curiosity.


I hesitated, the words caught in my throat. I didn't know what to say, how to bridge the gap between us. But the woman's presence lingered in the air between us, a promise of something I couldn't quite name.

"Thank you," I said at last, my tone barely more than a whisper.

A smile tugged at the corners of the woman's lips, softening the lines of her face.

"You're welcome," she replied simply, before disappearing into the night.

And just like that, I was alone once more. I stand in the clearing, the echoes of her presence fading into the darkness. But in the stillness of the night, I felt something shift—a seed of hope taking root in the depths of my soul.

As I turned away, my heart heavy with uncertainty and possibility, I know one thing for certain. The woman had awakened something within me a longing for redemption, a yearning for connection.

"I seems like a flicker of hope that maybe, just maybe, I could find my way back home."