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Love in Plain Sight

Love in Plain Sight



Love in Plain Sight PDF Free Download


He's a controlling and hot FBI agent--a man with a plan.She's a free-spirited spitfire with a mission.When FBI Agent Dylan Donovan's world gets turned upside down, he's bound and determined to get his life back on track. And when he's assigned to protect the driven and impetuous Serafina Justice, things get more out of hand. She just might need more restraint than he imagined.Sera is off men. With an overbearing mother and a bad news ex-boyfriend, all the lifestyle brand manager wants to do is focus on her job. She finally has a chance to be taken seriously when she’s chosen for a high profile project with a non-profit that helps troubled young girls—like she used to be. And she’s not going to blow it. What she doesn’t count on is one smokin’ hot, broody FBI agent trying to control her.

Chapter 1

When keeping it real goes so very wrong. Sera Justice paced along the hallway of Stark Communications & Branding.

She couldn't believe she'd screwed up so badly. Damn. She'd really wanted that job. Something of her own. Well, you can kiss it goodbye now.

"Seriously, Sera, you're going to wear out those shoes. And since they're mine, you might want to chillax on the Prada."

Sera slid a glance to her best friend, Taj, and stuck out her tongue.

Taj rolled her eyes. "Oh yeah, real mature. I'm not the one who told you to remove your makeup all dramatic movie—style in front of the client."

"I was trying to prove a concept." Sighing, Sera leaned back against the wall, and banged her head twice.

At Stark Communications, Xavier Stark liked to keep the spirit of competition high. Anyone interested in working on an account had to pitch to the client. It kept everyone working their butts off, lest someone younger and hungrier replace them.

Right now, Sera was the young and hungry one. Stark's newest client was the non—profit Girl Interrupted. They helped young girls find confidence and empowerment, providing workshops on how to handle themselves, run businesses, manage friendships, and how to own their power in a male—dominated world. She could have used a safe place like that when she was a teenager.

Normally, she worked on beauty campaigns as a junior associate. However, there were ten junior associates in that division and it was hard to get seen or noticed without killing herself.

Each client became her sole priority when she was working. She loved beauty campaigns and had an addiction to the perks, but a client like Girl Interrupted could showcase her potential and it was for a cause she actually believed in. All she'd had to do was give the pitch of her life. It should have been easy. She should have had it in the bag. She should not have choked.

The problem was starting the presentation with her numbers and stats for all her past campaigns. She'd bored everyone to sleep. Including her boss. Even the client did that jerk—awake movement of micro—sleep. Not a good look.

An inspired thought came to mind...or what had seemed inspired at the time. She'd put down her pen and notes and ignored her PowerPoint. Instead, pulling out her purse and makeup remover, she'd systematically removed her eye makeup, then the rest of her face makeup, then her lipstick. She'd spread out her hands and said, "This is me."

Everyone had looked at her like she needed to be fitted for a white jacket—the kind with the wrap around arms.

But the client, Eliza Montgomery, had sat up straighter. As had her business partner. The moment Sera saw that, she'd told them about herself. Not the part of her she kept hidden. But the broad strokes. The troubled teen years—the loneliness. She'd told a room full of people that she had been just the kind of girl they try to help.

Yes, she had the qualifications, and they could see that. And her reputation, so far, spoke for itself. But more than that, she bared part of herself.

It had been a personal pitch. Maybe a little too personal. Sera slid her hands down her face. "I went too far, didn't I?"

Taj shook her head in the way best friends do. "No, but next time, let's skip the fucking I—woke—up—like—this demo."

Laughter bubbled out easily despite her dour mood. That was Taj for you. Unfailing loyalty and the kind of mouth that would make a sailor blush. She'd been raised by strict Indian parents and busted out of that shell the moment she got out on her own. When Sera had started at Stark, she couldn't believe the pretty Indian girl had a mouth like that. They'd bonded instantly. When she wanted to do something crazy, Taj was the first to rally behind her and organize the bail money.

Sera laughed. "Yeah, next time. That's if Xavier doesn't fire me first."

"Relax, he's not going to fire you. Besides, he'd have to deal with me. Do you know how many office mates I went through before you moved in? No one removes my bestie."

"Are you forgetting that you made every single one of them leave?"

Taj's shoulders lifted, displacing the thick, inky hair that fell over her bare shoulder. "Details."

Down the long hall a door opened up and Xavier's admin called them in. "They're ready to announce now."

Once everyone was seated back in the massive conference room, Sera tried hard not to fidget as Xavier spoke. "Good morning everyone. Given the amount of work we have to do, I'm going to get to the point. Girl Interrupted's Go Girl event is in just a few short weeks and it's on a tight budget so time is of the essence. Remember, the account manager who does the best job will be named permanently to the GI campaign." He shuffled the papers in front of him.

"I took into account past performance, client feedback and request, as well as who is best suited. Not to mention your pitches from this morning." He slid a pointed gaze in Sera’s direction. Tension rolled through her shoulders and settled into a tight little ball just over her shoulder blade. Come on. Come on.

"The first of the primary brand managers will be Jason Braiburn for the dedication he shows with sports and philanthropy as well as his experience with high—profile clientele. Not to mention his track record here at Stark."

Sera ground her teeth as she read between the lines. She was one of the few people that knew that Jason was a Stark. They'd gone to San Diego University together. Even shared some classes. Not that he'd noticed. Jason dropped his last name, going with his middle name, Braiburn, when he started working here.

If he was on the account, that meant there was no way she was. They'd pair him with someone with more experience. Damn it. She'd really wanted this one, and had put a lot of work into getting it.

Too busy in her own world, it wasn't until Taj elbowed her in the ribs that Sera realized she'd missed something.

"…her experience with her brand clients, combined with her stand out effort with the Glitz campaign. Not to mention the client asked for her by name."

All around the table, pairs of curious eyes flickered in her direction. What had she missed?

Taj, ever helpful, grinned at her. "This is where you smile, baby girl. Congrats."

Wait, what? Sera forced a smile and hoped she looked thrilled and humble instead of surprised and constipated.

"I'm sure this team will show them our Stark best."

Right, her best…and Jason's best. She was caught somewhere between a booty dance and a mild panic attack. She'd gotten what she wanted. All on her own. Now all she had to do was work overtime to prove she deserved it.


"Celebrate good times tonight," Taj sang at the top of her lungs as they strolled back to the office, celebratory coffee in tow.

Sera barely contained the snort of laughter as she balanced her precarious load of latté, coffee cake, and muffin. She hadn't eaten that morning because of the nerves. Not that she had any food at home. "I see you're still on your 80s kick."

"Nothing says happy like cheesy 80s music. I can't believe that crazy plan worked. I mean, who knew?"

"Believe me, I'm as surprised as everyone else."

Taj did a little dance. "Well you know this calls for celebratory drinks. The Exchange?"

"Sounds good, but can we do it Friday? Ava will be back and that way we can all celebrate." The third member of their trifecta at Stark was on site with a client in L.A.

Taj pursed her lips but said nothing and Sera sighed. Taj and Ava had never gotten along. Just about the only thing they had in common was her. They tolerated each other for her sake. Taj changed the subject. "Are you ready to wipe the floor with Pretty Boy Ken Doll? Jason is good, but you are on fire with that client. I mean…"

Taj kept talking, but Sera didn't hear her. Deafening silence overtook her senses as her body went on lockdown. Aaron. Sweat popped on her brow.

To her right, in the next café over, she spotted her ex. When the street started to tilt, she did the logical thing and ducked behind a flower box.

It took Taj a second but she eventually realized that Sera wasn't with her. When she ducked next to her, she whispered, "Mob assassin or zombie attack?" Sera furrowed her brow and Taj rolled her eyes. "Are we ducking an assassin or are we ducking a zombie?"

"Worse. Ex." She inclined her head toward the café.

Taj cursed and tried to stand, but Sera held her tight. "Don't."

"Why the fuck not? He deserves a cussing out."

Sera's pulse boomed in her skull. "Please. I don't want to deal right now."

Taj looked like she was ready to do battle, but her angry gaze scanned Sera's face, then she relented. She spent the next several minutes distracting her with kitten videos on her phone. When they stood, Taj said softly, "We don't have to talk today, but we will talk eventually about this."

Sera nodded. "I know. Just not today. Okay?"

Taj nodded. "You got it. Today, we celebrate."

Sooner or later, Sera knew she'd have to deal with him. The last conversation they'd had, she left him in the middle of a crowded restaurant after he'd admitted to cheating on her. The kicker of it was, he thought once he came clean, she'd stick by him. You thought wrong, ass wipe.

She and Aaron had met her junior year at SDU. And like a moron she'd thought they were so good together. That they were going to live happily ever after. Fast forward two years and she was trying to piece her life together. Clearly she was handling it well.

As they approached the massive glass doors, the hairs on Sera's neck stood at attention. With the chill crawling up her spine, she whipped her head around trying to pinpoint what was causing the Houston, we have a problem signals. At the corner, a man stood looking in their direction. Her gut curled in on itself and her breath caught as a sheen of sweat coated her skin. No. It can't be.

Sera squeezed her eyes tight and then tried to focus better, but when she opened her eyes again, he was gone.

"Earth to Sera. You coming or what?"

She blinked at Taj, before turning to the corner again. You're losing it. "Sorry." She hadn't been sleeping well the last few weeks as she prepped for the pitch. Clearly it was taking a toll. She was seeing ghosts now. Time to start getting some rest.

Once they were upstairs, Taj ran off to a meeting and Sera's phone rang. "This is Sera."

"It's nice to see you answer the phone when I call."

Sera's heart stuttered. "Mom, what's wrong?" If her mother was calling, it was either the second coming or the apocalypse. Right about now, she was leaning toward apocalypse.

"Serafina, don't be so dramatic. It's not like I don't call you."

Sera bit her tongue. There was nothing she hated more than being called a drama queen. It was her mother's favorite insult. And no, unless it was to inform her of some edict she expected Sera to follow, she didn't call. "What do you need?"

Her mother sighed. "I'm calling to tell you that I'm putting in my presidential bid. I'll be heading out on the campaign trail and I'll need you home in a few weeks for the announcement. It coincides with your brother’s anniversary. So we’ll need to show a united front."

Sera's skin went clammy and she swallowed hard. "You're running for president?"

"Yes. It's a good move. And I think I can win. I can do a lot of good. I'll have Theresa send you the campaign details. But it will be a grueling pace so I'll need you at top form. See the doctor first to get what you need if you must. But there is no room for error here, Serafina."

Sera's whole world titled as her mother's words filtered through her consciousness. President…campaign…anniversary. Her mother expected her on the campaign trail…by her side. And she wanted to use the anniversary of Malcolm's death to kick things off.

The flash of fury, hot and blinding, had her snapping out of the fog. "No."

"And we'll need—excuse me?"

"You heard me. No. I won't be coming back. I told you years ago. I want no part of that world. I'm not coming back. Especially not so you can parade me in front of cameras for your political gain."

"Serafina, we need to show a united front. This is important."

"Congratulations or whatever on your bid to rule the world. I want no part of it."

"Sweetheart, don’t be melodramatic. Besides, you have no choice. This is happening. You will be on board. I know this will be stressful, but I think you can handle—"

Sera’s fury flashed and then she snagged hold of the controls and yanked it into submission. "Good luck with that. I told you. I'm not going back there. Especially not so you can use it as a photo—op to further your career."

"Serafina, a run for president is just about the most important thing that I can do. For Malcolm, for everything this family has suffered. You will toe the line."

Sera didn't have the energy to fight. Her mother had been doing this for years. "No. I won't. Goodbye, Mom." Sera sniffed deep and held the tears at bay. There was no way in hell she was going back.