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Twins Of The Storm

Twins Of The Storm

Autor: Sugar Queen Chaos



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Knowing the future is a horrible thing. To know how you will live and how it will end means you won't hope or dream of something; you won't use your brain and live happily. Knowing the future is a terrible curse. “I Jordan Rivas, future Alpha of the Rivas Pack, reject you, Okoye Grayson.” These were the words that sealed their terrible fate. The words of the demon at play.

Chapter 1

---Okoye's POV---

I woke up screaming and crying, it was the third time tonight that the Shadow Man had made himself present in my dreams. But this time, this time was different.

"I am going to kill you and everyone you love." he said in a guttural voice. As I pulled my blanket over my head, my mother rushed into the room.

"Okoye, baby, shhh." she cooed

"It's back again mama!" I cried

"Yeah and this time it spoke..." Ori said sitting up, "he said he was going to kill us." Mother turned to where I usually point by the closet and growled, I simply assumed that he was still there. Mom picked Ori and I up and went to her bedroom where daddy was preparing our bed.

"Mommy!" Ori screamed.

"Mommy!!" he yelled again"

"Haha! Ro, Wake up girl, these kids ain’t gonna let you sleep.” came Aunty Calypso’s voice.

“Let’s do this my way,” said Aunty Nyx’s. Then as suddenly as she said it Ori and mom flew in the air as both Aunty Nyx and Aunty Calypso jumped onto the bed. Finally, mummy opened her eyes to meet the dazzling silver eyes and raven black hair that is my twin brother.

“Yay!!! Mommy’s awake! Tika mommy’s awake!” he yelled as jumped off the bed and ran out of the room.

"I know Demitri." I exasperated as he ran past me down the stairs.

"Good morning my princess," daddy said kissing my cheek, "my queen.". He pecked mommy on her lips as our breakfast of pancakes, sausage, and eggs was served. After finishing eating, Onyx, my cousin, and I excused ourselves and headed to the library.

"What are you gonna read?" she asked

"I don't know, we just got some Rick Riordan books as well as James Patterson." I replied. I walked up to the shelf and pulled the first book my hand came to.

"Guess it's James," I said as I smiled at her; together we sat in daddy's large single-seater and read. As I turned the page chapter ten, the scent of electrons filled the air and trailed right to us, slowly I place my hand on hers, pushing her book down, and signed to her we needed to move. She looked at me.

"Why?" and in the instant she asked, the crackling of the lightning bolt sounded.

"Move now!" I yelled, snatching her by her collar and jumping off, only to witness the chair exploding at the last second. As we hit the floor the same sickening voice from last night laughed.

"Just as fast as your mother." he sneered. As we were about to move a silver chain came out and whiplashed Onyx across her back. I extended my wings and used it as a shield, but failed to notice the Shadow woman with a gun behind us. The sound of the cocking gun and the firing bullet, I'd remember forever. A shrill cry left my lips before I collapsed unconscious. The last thing I remember was my mother bursting in through the door before I woke back up in my daddy's office. I sat up from off of my brother's lap.

"You okay Ye?" Ori and Kalus asked as I held my head. I nodded and touched Onyx's cheek.

"Open." I said and her eyes fluttered open.

"Look we can't allow something like this to happen to you girls again." Ban said. He placed his pinky out and gestured to the boys to do the same, then for us girls.

"We, your brothers, promise to love, protect and defend you no matter what." Ban said and the others nodded.

"We, your sisters, promise to love, protect and defend you no matter what." I replied and Onyx nodded. I looked to Ori who nodded. We muttered an incantation.

"By the grace of the Moon Goddess, we are bound by this promise," I said. Kalus turned to my mother.

"Mama Ro? Will the shadow really come back for us?" he asked.

"No, my dear, it won't, we will always be here to protect you. I swear it by the grace of the moon." she replied. And just as the words left her mouth, we yawned and we taken to our rooms to be put down for our naps.