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Holding You In My Arms

Holding You In My Arms

Autor: Rumour



Holding You In My Arms PDF Free Download


Iona Millford Daughter of a multi billionaire. She is shy, quiet and one of the most attractive girl the city has ever seen. But her families past has casted a boundry around her. She despise the Intimacy between man and woman. Zchary Richardson Heir of the famous group Alpha Industry. He is distant from everyone. But unexpectedly he finds his peace in Iona. Jealousy, hatred, confusion, and attraction everything is drowning him madly in love. What will happen if he tries to find herself who is lost in the past. Will he be able to break those barriers or he will lose his sanity in the process?

Chapter 1

She sighs watching the time. Today was the first day of college. And she missed it. It's already half past twelve. How the heck she manages to sleep that long?

"Ugghhhh ......."


"Iona, Iona, where are you? Iona ? I can't believe you miss the first day"

Here comes my best friend.

" can you stop yelling? Jeez. Its just the first day. Its not a big deal"

" dont give me that look doll. And why are you still in bed"

" cause I dont want to get up?"

" Get up Doll now and dont make me repeat that"

"K..but will you please wait outside. I am literally half naked", i siad removing my blanket. And a suspicious blush crept on his chreks. Oh god he is still so shy front of me.

"Get ready fast. I am making some

breakfast/', he said clearing his throat.

Aroma is spreading in the air of fresh cooked food. Zachary is the best chef in the world but he only cooks for me. He dosent even cook for himself as he is a lazy ass.

"Ummmm oh its heaven. Why dont you stay with me.I would love to eat thia food every day.

" dont talk when you eat. Its unlady like."

I complied nodding my head. He sits up staright. I know this posture he is going to say something serious now.

"Hold on love, let me wash my hand.then you can give your lecture"

He nods yes rolling his eyes. I sat beside him. Eager to listen what did i do wrong to deserve this early lecture session. Wait is it beacuse i woke up late today?

He squeezs my hand taking me by surprise he looks at me. Serious concern written all over his face. " you know na doll I am with you wherever you go?" I love you and I will protect you"

This words always flutters my heart. I know how he feels about me. I know all of it. But i cant return those feelings. I cant love. I have no feelings . Those emotions are stranger to me. But selfishly i keep him by my side. Cause he is my only comfort in this world. I hug him tightly. His body shivers in my sudden closeness. He hugs me back. I can feel those heartbeats . those heartbeats are the symphony what keeps me sane all these years. I sighs when he plants sof kiss on my hair. What will I do without him?