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The Vipers Girl

The Vipers Girl

Autor: Hossy Rich



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Rosa got hit by a stray bullet from a gun fight between two terrorists gangs in her city. The leader of one of the gangs, known popularly as Bad Boy, orders for her to be taken to the hospital. Her stepmother dies of an illness while she is at the hospital and she becomes an orphan, having lost her real mother and father years ago. Bad Boy, leader of The Vipers, takes in Rosa to live with his gang. After a while, Rosa tames him and the two fall in love. Because of her new rank in the gang, she is nicknamed The Vipers Girl. The rival gang, however, tampers with her new found life. But, they messed with the wrong person, as Rosa will stop at nothing but revenge for ripping her off it.

Chapter 1



I'm a loser

That's what I am. No body wants me. I'm I that of a bad luck? I'm I that cursed? My life sucks.

I sat down under a shade and bent my head to cry

I've just been kicked out of the school I managed to attend. The fee isn't much but I still can't pay because I don't have anything doing

I live with my step mother who's really poor

She doesn't have a child so I'm her only family. She loves me a lot and I'm grateful she's not like other step mothers. And now she's sick, how I'm I going to take her to the hospital. A dime isn't even on me. I'm so useless

Let me introduce myself

I'm Rosalyn. Mostly called Rosa. I'm nineteen years old. Tall. Long hair which I don't take care of. And I'm ugly

Well I'm not really ugly

I'm beautiful but because of my condition, I'm looking really tattered

The sky turned dark. It's going to rain

I got up and began to walk down the street

I began to hear shouts and people running towards my direction. Then I began to hear gun shots

Are they having a fight again?

In this part of Seoul, there are two main terrorist gang. The Vipers and the Red Light. These two gangs hate each other so much. Always fighting and killing each other's men.

Though the vipers are more dangerous, especially their leader Bad Boy

He's a terror. Everyone is afraid of him. Just the mention of his name can make the youngest child cry endlessly. In fact, the stories I've heard about him are terrible. I don't even want to meet him in my entire life

Girl: Rosa run, The Vipers are coming

That was my neighbor who ran past me. I came back to my senses and tried to run. Unfortunately, a stray bullet met my thigh. I winced in pain and fell down. Other people began to run faster after they sighted me on the ground

I looked at my leg and I was bleeding terribly. I began to cry. I looked ahead and saw their convoy coming

Oh no, I'm in big trouble. This is the end

Me: Good bye mom. I'm sorry I can't take you to the hospital. I'm sorry I won't be there for you anymore. I'm sorry

I was crying profusely. Their convoy parked beside me. It opened and I saw two legs climbing down. I looked up and saw him

Bad Boy

And that was all it took for me to loose consciousness because I thought it was finally over for me


Next Day

I woke up in a hospital. My eyes opened and I found out that I was still alive. I looked at my leg. It was bandaged up

I sighed

Thank God I'm alive. I'll see mom again. I wonder how long I've been here

Luckily a nurse came in

Nurse: you're awake

Me: yes

Nurse: does your leg hurt?

She moved to me and examined my leg

Me: yes

Nurse: don't worry. It will soon come back to normal. Just a month or so

Me: how long have I been here?

Nurse: two days

Me: who brought me here?

Nurse: Bad Boy

My eyes widened

Me: Bad Boy???

She smiled

Nurse : you should rest

She patted my shoulder and left

Bad Boy brought me here? Why I'm I so unfortunate? Well at least he didn't let me die. Maybe I'm just lucky

I can't wait to see mom. She'd be worried sick now


Next day

Isn't my life the worst? My step mom is dead. She died that same day. I couldn't even get to say goodbye

My mom is dead. Life is so unfair. First it didn't allow me to know my real mom because she died when I was born. Then it took my dad away on my fifteen year old birthday. Now the woman I have come to love as my mom is also dead. She's in the morgue

I don't even have the money to pay for the morgue fee. I would have gone to borrow some money but this crutches make me feel like a human turtle. And this house makes me feel so lonely

I dropped my crutches and sat on the couch. My landlord entered without even knocking

Me: good afternoon sir

I bowed

LL : Rosa, after your mom's funeral, you'll have to leave here. You guys are owing too much. I can't let you stay because you won't be able to pay

Me: sir ...I'll try to pay. I'll work

LL : work? How long will you work? You won't be able to cover all the debts. I'm sorry Rosa, but after tomorrow you won't be staying here anymore.

He then left. I began to cry

It's true, I won't be able to pay the debts

I wanna die

The cemetery

I watched as my beloved mom was fixed into the wall that was built for fixing in coffins. The opening was covered and her picture placed in a glass beside it

My face was already soaked and swollen

I quickly turned back and wanted to leave. I began to walk on my crutches as I made my way out. I wouldn't have even been able to pay for anything here but a good Samaritan helped me. I don't even know the person. Maybe he or she heard about my predicament. But I guess the person forgot to pay my house rent

I walked to the house and saw that it was already locked with my things outside

I sighed and walked further

It was already getting late. I just felt like going around to relief myself instead of sitting in one place and mourn.

The sky was already dark and I was still walking around with my crutches. I didn't have any body to visit, neither did anybody visit me. I'm actually disliked around here, I don't even know why because I do not have a bad character.

I came to a place and sat down beside the road. I actually fell asleep. When I woke up, the road was already empty. No cars were passing and everywhere was quiet

I began to feel afraid

I'm all alone in the dark

What if something terrible happens to me

I better find refuge somewhere

I took my crutches and began to walk slowly down the street. I saw headlights from afar. The car was coming really fast. I left the road to the pedestrian way

The car was black. It got really close and it was really fast

Me: what a rugged driver

I muttered as I stood still for it to pass

It drove past me but suddenly stopped. I became scared. I began to walk at fast as I could with the crutches

The car began to reverse LMy heart was beating loud. The car stopped in front of me. I swallowed a lump in my throat

It opened and someone with dark shades stepped out. I wonder who wears shades at night. I moved back and bowed. I looked up and he removed his shades

My jaw dropped

Me: Bad Boy???

Bad Boy : hi

He smiled

Or maybe this isn't him. I don't think he smiles

Bad Boy : why are you outside by this time?

I looked down

Bad Boy : should I tell you why I'm outside?

I didn't talk because I was terrified. Maybe I would even faint now

Bad Boy : I just came back from my club. Those bitches almost drained me out

I looked up

Bitches? Was he with girls?

He saw the look on my face and began to laugh. I moved back again

Bad Boy : sorry about your mom and your leg

He looked at my crutches and back to my face

Me: thank you

Bad Boy : you need somewhere to sleep tonight. I'll give you a place

Me: what?? No, I'm okay. I'll just...

Bad Boy : get into the car

It was more like an order. I shuddered.

I'm so scared

What if he does something bad with me?

I can't trust this guy. No one trusts this guy.

He moved towards me and took my crutches. I screamed and almost fell but he held my waist with one hand and the crutches with the other

I blinked repeatedly. I was filled with so much tension that my mouth was open but words found no way out.

He helped me to the car. I was leaping involuntarily. A part of me wanted to struggle so he would leave me, but I heard he pulls the trigger at anyone as he pleases. Killing is like breathing to him, he feels no remorse. As much as I hate my life, I still don't wanna there. As long as there is life, there is hope.

He opened the back door and dropped the crutches

Me: please, leave me alone. Please I'm begging you

He smirked and opened the other door

He carried me up and sat me down then closed it. Sitting in his car brought me back to my senses, all the bad things that existed flew through my mind. I began to cry and hit against the window. I tried opening the door but I didn't know how it worked. The car was quite modern.

He sat on the drivers seat and drove off. I didn't say anything anymore neither did he. I couldn't even turn to look at his face

I looked at the dash board and saw weapons of mass destruction.

I gasped and he frowned at me

Bad Boy : don't touch anything

He looked away. I swallowed and sat still. We reached a mansion and he parked. He got out and carried me out. He then gave me my crutches

Bad Boy : let's go

He walked ahead of me and was walking fast. He stopped and looked back. I was far behind

He sighed and came back.

He carried me up and left the crutches outside. We entered the house and I gasped

Where is this place?

We entered the elevator and went upstairs. He opened a door and it was a bedroom

Bad Boy : you're staying here

He dropped me on the bed and looked around

Bad Boy : a Maid will bring your crutches for you. She'll also help you with some things

He made for the door

Me: Bad Boy...

He looked back

Me: thank you

He smirked and opened the door and left

I fell on the bed. Thank you wasn't what I wanted to say, I wanted to ask why he brought me here. And what he wanted doing with me. But then I thought about the brighter side, that he wanted to help me. And even if he had other plans, as long as I would be alive then I can cope. That was what made me say thank you


I looked around. The room was massive and luxurious. Bad Boy lives here?
