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Her Hired Lover

Her Hired Lover

Autor: M W Maggy



Her Hired Lover PDF Free Download


Vicky becomes an orphan at the age of 18, forcing her to quit school in order to provide for her younger brother and sister. This leaves her with no time to socialize and by the time she wants to, she realizes she has a brain tumor and the longest she can live is three months. She meets levi and drunkenly offers to buy him as a boyfriend for one month for 100 dollars. Is it too late for her to experience love ?

Chapter 1

Vicky, short for Victoria as her workmates liked to call her moved the dishes to the basin. She was turning twenty-five that august, but she felt even older than her own mother.” Come on help me lift this up,” she said to Luke, a guy who worked as a waiter at terry’s diner for quite some time. ‘Who still did dishes using the hands this day.” But yeah, since she did not have many options, she had stuck to the job, it did help to pay the bills in any case. After cleaning up the dishes, she moved to the front of the diner to start preparing for the evening rush that would certainly follow as people started taking their supper. She moved with familiar swiftness between the tables as she arranged the chairs and wiped the tables off every spill. For the rest of the time, they only had the occasional customers, who maybe dropped in for a cup of coffee or wanted late lunch.Moving to the store back, she stretched as she sat on a sack somewhere. She swore she only needed to close her eyes for five minutes and she would be okay. She felt tired and to be honest, recently she had been experiencing a lot of fatigue. She knew that her Luke would cover for her and if the boss came, he’d have her awake in no time. Closing her eyes, she leaned on the wall just where she sat and soon, she was breathing softly, the soft rise and fall of her chest signaling how fast asleep she was. It felt like it had only been a few minutes when she was awakened by Luke. The workload was increasing and she was needed right at the front side. Taking her notebook, she went to the front now to get ready to serve. The orders were coming in fast and quick, she served salmon fish, and bread, another table asked for wine before they had their meal. Mark, their main chef was busy making sure that everything concerning cooked food was ready. Ready to serve the food was Joel, “bugger for table six, and a soda for the companion,” Vicky said as she moved on to take the order of another customer who had just got in. by the time she was done, her back was paining and her head was buzzing. She completed her shift a little after eight, after which she went to club sexy, where she worked as a bartender from nine in the evening to around twelve thirty in the morning. Moving into the backroom, she changed into the bar uniform and then moved to the front area. Club sexy had existed for quite a while and it was one of those places she actually enjoyed working at. Since the day she had turned eighteen her life had turned around for worse. She had been home that day, just came from the college to say hi home. As she sat with her baby sister and baby brother, who were fourteen and twelve respectively, they had received a call that changed their entire life and the choices they made.She picked the call, which was done from her mom’s phone. Picking it up, all the excitement and joy of talking to her parents ended as she realized that her parents were hospitalized. They had been both in an accident. At that moment, in as much as she was appalled by the idea that her parents were lying somewhere hurt, she did not feel devastated. This was because in her mind her parents were a steadfast rock that could never change or move. So, she had the neighbor look after her siblings before making her way to the hospital.As she sat in the cab, the condensed silence making reality of the act that her parents had been in a serious accident finally sunk in. at this moment, she could feel tears gathering at her visage. Her mind was a jumbled mess as picture after picture of the worst-case scenarios flashed through her mind. The worst was having both parents die. The mere thought of it had her feeling breathless and chocked. Shaking her head to dispel; that thought, she tried taking deep breaths to calm the queasiness she had started feeling. There was nothing serious going on. Besides after she saw her parents, she was sure that everything would be okay. The cab dropped her in front of the Johnson imperial hospital. She stood there in a daze for a while before she gathered her wits and stepped onto the stairs that opened up to the entrance of the hospital. Getting there, there was the receptionist station where she went to ask for directions towards her parents. Standing on the line, her eyes wandered to the several patients seated in the waiting area.Some had swellings that looked incredibly big and painful. At the same time, there were others whose countenances were pale and looked sickly and weak. Others looked healthy, but at this moment her mind could only process the fact that her parents were at the hospital and not what the others were ailing from. The activity around seemed to go around her in a blur of activities while the voices murmuring behind her seemed so far from her. quickly, she was informed of where her parents were. They were both in surgery as the accident had been quite severe. Walking outside the operating room, she could feel a migraine start. Walking forth and back did not give her any solace nor did sitting down prove useful. On the contrary, her stomach felt constricted, her guts twisting and coiling around each other making her have the most uncomfortable feeling in the world. Worry gnawed at the deeper parts of her heart as the intensity of the accident caught up with her. how severe must have the accident been to warrant her parents going to have a surgery. At this moment, she could only rub her stomach to alleviate the discomfort that she felt threatening to spiral in form of vomit.