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Vandas High

Vandas High

Autor: Charles glory



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I'm the youngest child of a wealthy family, I have two brothers and one sister. I live in the united kingdom with my mom and dad ,and when the children of my family reach 18 we are sent on exile to united states to complete our studies and start our life and my exile time is here .I'm heading to united states to see what life awaits me there .

Chapter 1


I'm shirla verazzi and I'm on my way to the airport.

"baby don't forget to call back your sister when you arrive , okay" mum said. she followed me to the airport because she wants to see me before i leave, since we don't know when i will be coming back.

"ok mum , bye ,i love you"I said and left to board my flight.

it's not been long since the plane took off."ah" I exhaled , knowing that i left my loved ones behind to start a new life .

well I'm the last child of Mr verazzi ,a well known man , that has the largest wine company, clothes and make-up companies. my dad told me that i was moving to the USA to stay with my siblings . I was so mad at him, because he just told me this a week ago and and when he sends us over there ,we just never return. i was 11 when my sister left at the age of eighteen. And now I'm eighteen years. I have two senior brothers , one left before i was born and the other one left when i was still a baby. well I'm not planning on spending my life in USA ,I must come back to meet my best friend jade .

well we have just arrived at Norway's airport in USA and I'm being escorted by the security that were waiting for me to a black limo, where two security and an old man who should be in his 60s in are standing in front of, waiting for me i guess.

"miss shirla ?" The old man said , he was looking at me in disbelief. I guess he expected me to be dressed like a princess but no . i putting on navy green cargo pants and white crop sweater and white sneakers. with a necklace that my mum gave to me, I guess i looked nothing like he expected ,but that's good ,he shouldn't expect princess style from me. "yes,that's me" I said. "your sister sent us to bring you home" he opened the door for me to get in , and we left there . "I hope i adjust well to this place " i said to myself.

I had taken my shower and freshened up . I'm at the sitting room waiting for my siblings. The house here is fine but cannot be compared to the mansion. "Hey,how is the weather there". I'm chatting with jade my best friend. "Well its okay here ,what are you doing". "I am trying to get my dad to say yes to me moving with you , but you know how stubborn that man is ". "Yeah ,I know. You know you should just do something to impress him ,something that will make him grant your wish". "Like what?". "Hmm,let's see ,you are already good at sports and a good athlete,so try and do something he knows you are not good at . like your grades , raise them from middle class to top class , that will leave him with no other option". "Hey!!,you know that's impossible,I make it to middle class just because of ruby and judy ,you know with out them my grades will be at the bottom level". "Lol, that's true but you can still try hard and shock your dad ". "How ,you know reading is boring and i doze off at the first paragraph,so don't say reading". "I was going to say that but ok , I keep shut . talking of judy and leia , tell them I'm greeting". "Why should i do it ,you tell them yourself". "You know me , I hardly have close friends. You are actually my closest friend". "You know for a girl as crazy as you are ,no one will think that your past made you like this . you should try and associate with people,make friends,close ones and if possible find love , you know". "An advice about love coming from you ,lol ,that's sick . well i keep what you said in mind about friends ,I will try to be different here ,but count me out of the love part "."I only want the best for you"."you sound like my mum " ...."shirla, my baby ,my sweetie is back"a female said . I looked up to see who it was "Clara"I ran to hug her . "my little sister is all grown up now,loving the hair color"She said. "Thank you, I love it too"."I guess its your turn,right. The family tradition has caught up with you"she said while sitting down."tradition you say , I call it exile ". "Ha ha ,don't be so dramatic, I'm sure you will like it here" ."I have no other choice but to like it ,this is my new life,my new home too . where is ken and is big bro coming today"."ken should be on his way but don't blame Rodger for not coming if he doesn't show up ,he has his family you know"." Any who said i won't be coming, I might not stay here for long but i will surely make it to see my lovely baby"it was Rodger."brother"I jumped on him and hugged him "Seems like some one is excited to see me"."Of course i am ,its been so long".

"I hope you will also be happy to see me"it was Ken ,standing at the entrance."of course"I also rushed to him and hugged him."I missed all of you ".

"I also missed you my little lady"Ken said .

"its been long since we were together ,like four years ago since Rodgers got married"Clara said.

"We should celebrate it ,we should go out and celebrate it"." Easy there young missy ,I'm tired and i need to take a shower and freshen up"." You are no fun Clara"I said

"Yeah i know that ,but you can't blame me. I'm going up ,later guys"Clara went in .

"You can't blame her ,I'm also tired sweetie,let's just talk today we can celebrate it later ,I need to freshen up.I will come down for dinner baby"Ken also left .

"Come here,come sit beside me and tell me thing's like how you want to leave your life here". I sat beside Rodger and we spoke for long ,Ken and Clara joined us in our chat . We later went for dinner ,after dinner we continued chatting . "So you decided to follow Jade's advice"Clara asked.

"Well yeah ,you know i know coming here really mean so much,like it a start of my future, I can't make my future boring, I will just start assistant with others". "Well missy that's a good turn ,but not just friends you can also find love ,you know"."I'm not yet ready for that and you know that Clara" ."no one is ever ready,it just comes unexpectedly"."if anyone should give love advice here it should not be you"."Rodger how could you".

"When do you plan on starting school,as you know you will be attending the same school we attended. When will you like to start school,next month,next two months or three " ."she just came how will you be talking about school now Ken" ." I'm just curious,that's all"

"I would love to start next week"."what ,next week. It is almost half of the semester would you be able to cope with studies"Clara asked.

"Yeah ,she is right.will you be able to cope ,its not a good idea"Ken added

"Come on guys she is just joking, you can't be serious right. Next two months will ...."."I'm not joking,i want to start school early and when you guys weren't here i was really bored and i said i will change so by changing i will need new friends you know"."well ok ,if that is what you want then big bro will make sure you start school next week ok ". "Thank you"."its alright,I need to leave now ,maybe you can come visit home whenever you are able to".

"I will love to come tomorrow". "Ok then ,if you say so . I will be leaving now ". And Rodger left,we spoke for some time then we all went in.

It was noon already and i was on my way to see aunt Lisa and my little angels ."driver why aren't we moving yet "I asked because we have been at the same spot for sometime now .

"Sorry ma'am but the traffic is on another level today" he answered.

"Well i guess everyone have somewhere to be at "I looked towards the window to get my mind off the traffic, *I hope i won't be late* I thought. "I guess i should go get ice cream and some toys for my angels ,it would be weird to go there empty handed". " that would be a lovely idea , you can do that while i wait here for you".

"I would love to but i got no cash on me".

" Yeah ,take some cash and get what you need" the driver brought out some cash from his wallet and gave it to me. "Really, thank you so much" ."no need for that ,you can go now ,I will be waiting for you here". I left the car i headed to to the store beside the car . There were few people inside ,i headed to the toy side to pick some toys for my angels.

"Dude ,what are you going to get suby for your proposal plan"a guy beside me said to his friend.

"well i don't really know,I have planned out the event and it is ready,I just decided to get her a teddy but i don't have an idea of what she would like".

"That's fucked up men ,should i call Katie and ask for her opinion"

"No dude,you will ruin it ,I will just figure out what to give her myself". "Okay man ,Good luck with that ".

"Here"I said,handing a pink big teddy bear with a red heart and *I love you* written on it .

"What" he said. "I kinda heard you and your friend since you guys were loud so i decided to help since I'm a girl and i think she would like this".

"Oh". "Are you going to take it or not my hands are already getting sore".

"Sorry"he said and collected it from my hand "Thank you".

"You are welcome,I hope you win her heart ,Good luck"with that said i left ,I went to pay for the two teddies in my hand and also get ice cream. I was leaving the ice cream counter when someone bumped into me and poured my ice cream.

"Hey!,are you blind or something.can't you see where you are going".

"You ruined my cloth You"he said with a cold voice.

"You aren't going to apologize to me, I don't have enough money to get and ice cream and you are concerned about your clothes. Funny,I wish i actually tore it "I said and left , I didn't have enough time to talk to him because i could see my driver waving out of the car for me to get in let's move.

"Finally,I thought we will never make it". I said coming down from the car . I could see aunt Nina coming towards us ."aunty"I hugged her when she finally came close.

"Its been so long since i saw you dear,how are you".

"I'm great and you "I asked her

"I'm fine ,come on in let's talk" she said as we entered inside, I saw Michael and Mirabel playing with their toys."omo ,look at this cutie little winny . how is my baby doing"I said as i carried Mira.she had perfect eyes. "Wow her eyes are just like big bro's own green and perfect".

"You could say that again"aunt Nina said. I dropped Mira and carried Michael ."And how is my sweetheart doing"I said and rubbed his nose. "You know what,I bought something nice for you guys although you have a lot of toys i thought i should add to the collection" I Said and gave them their toys ." You know you didn't have to ,thank you". "How can i visit my angels and bring nothing, I'm really sorry i couldn't get you anything ,I really didn't have money but i promise to get you something nice next time".

"There is no need at least you came ,thanks for coming ,sit down and join me". We chatted and soon it was time for me to go.

I came back home, freshened up ,took my dinner and now I'm lying down chatting with jade .

"you just left me hanging the other day" jade said

"I'm sorry,as well were chatting my siblings came back and we spoke for long i was too tired i just slept,sorry".

"No problem,how is Ken"

"Ken is handsome as ever , I can't believe that you are still crushing on him . he could be our teacher's age mate you know".

"Well students still crushing on their teachers "

"Should i tell him about you "

"No need,I confessed but i was rejected"

"Really,why didn't you tell me"

"I didn't want to think about did your day go "

"Apart from the part when i meat a rude jerk ,that poured my ice cream without apologizing to me ,it went well . I saw my niece and nephew and my brother's wife and i have decided to take your advice about making close friends,that's why i will be starting school next week "

"Wow that's nice,now tell me more about the jerk ,how did he look like "

"Wake up young lady its not what you are thinking and i can't really remember how he looked like"

"Ok ,just say what you can recall"

"He had a cold voice and is very selfish"

"Lol,I bet you remember him but you don't want to tell me"

"Why would i do that" .

We continued chatting till we slept got tired and slept off