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Autor: Diana Alex



Parasite PDF Free Download


after the sightings of some strange symbiote, a man is being infected by an unknown, unidentified parasite which forces it's host to copulate. few minutes after he'd copulated with his wife, she conceives and dies when the parasite attempts to free itself. the parasitic creatures spread throughout Lake City and somehow finds it's way to Mikayla's doorstep. Mikayla would never know a night out with her friend to celebrate her 25th birthday would be the worst day of her life. She instantly gets attracted to the mysterious guy who doesn't say anything about himself. Physical attraction grew into desire and a one night stand blossomed. the guy disappears when she wakes up, only for her to find out she's been pregnant all through the night she slept. confused about the rapid growth of the child in her womb, Kayla is torn between finding the man which she knows nothing about or finding answers to the many questions running through her mind. just how do you stop parasitic aliens in search of humans with special kinds of DNA's to conceive while trying to put a stop to the growth of the thing growing in her womb before time runs out?

Chapter 1

The lights from the bungalow of a couple in their fourties in the middle of the woods brightened the area. The dog at the front porch barked vehemently as it stared off far into woods. It's distress and restlessness evident on it's face.

"Honey! Would you please find out what's wrong with Ashley?" She yelled from behind the kitchen counter.

"Alright honey!"

Dropping the newspaper he held before him he got up the couch, walking out of the room to the front yard where the dog growled like it'd spotted an impending danger.

Leaning down he stroked her fur but that still wasn't enough to pacify her restless soul. He gazed at the direction where she'd focused her attention, squinting his eyes for at least a single sign of anything that could have frightened her he found nothing.

"It's alright girl. There's nothing out there."

Her growls got louder instead and she dashed forward, running far into the woods.

"Ashley! Come back!"

"What's wrong honey?!"

He groaned frustrated, "she just ran off but I'll go find her!"

With that he walked down from the house with fast strides, dipping his hand into his pocket he brought out his phone, clicked the torch on then held it u to brighten his way.

"Ashley!" He could hear her growling from a distance and wondered what had her all worked up. He'd never seen her this way, restless and scared.

After walking halfway into the woods with still no signs of her, a sudden howl of pain left her lips, followed by a wince. Quickening his pace he almost ran.


He called out when he neared her on the floor where she laid still beside a tree. Kneeling down beside her he turned her only to see her gut spilling out of her neck and her fur drenched in her own blood. Her eyes looked glazed and her lifeless body stiff.

He staggered back to his feet, covering his mouth with his palm at the gory sights. "Jesus christ!"

In that moment he heard the rustling sounds of leaves before something jumped on him, gripping onto his hand. In his wild attempts to get it off his phone slid out of his grasp, hitting the floor with a loud thud.

Something clamped down on his wristbiting into the flesh of his skin he let out an alarmed shriek, when he'd turned to the direction where his phone's torch managed to shine he only caught the tail of wherever it was that burrowed into his skin.

His body suddenly went rigid he went into a seizure as he fell to the floor. His body convulsed on the ground, white foamy substance dripped from his mouth and his eyes rolled to the back of his head.

His eyes suddenly snapped open, the orbs glowing an electric shade of blue and like a puppet he rose to his feet. His head turned in opposite directions when he gazed at his surroundings then as if been controlled he matched straight back to his house.

"Did you find her?" She asked when the kitchen door swung open.

"Honey?" She asked again, looking past her shoulders.

When there was no reply she turned to face him, gasping in terror when she saw his eyes.

"Ben, your eyes!" She exclaimed.

When he tried to walk closer she moved back, breathing heavily as she stared at the blue markings that had become to form on his skin. She gasped in terror clasping her palms over her mouth.

Somewhere deep down inside her she could tell this was no longer her husband, his face was gim, devoid of any emotions and epression when he stared at her. She did the sign of the crucifix she held unto the one hanging at her neck,  moving back away from him.

"Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thine name.." she said with a brittle voice.

He tilted his head, rushing forward to grab her but she managed to slip past him in fear, when she almost made it to the door his hand grabbed a hold of her hair, yanking her backwards. 

"Deliver us from evil, for thine is thy kingdom!" She screamed.

"Ben stop! You're hurting me!"

He dragged her back before clearing the counter he tossed her on it. She sobbed when she struggled to get up but his hands collared her neck he pinned her down tightly, yanking her clothes off.

"Stop! Please!" She begged with a croaked voice.

Her pleas fell on deaf ears he proceeded to yanking off his own, his hold on her neck tightened, almost cutting off her air supply.


A few minute after they'd copulated she laid unmoving on the counter, panting and gasping for air while the demonic entity that was once her husband stood beside her his gaze on her stomach unwavering.

She felt a strong jolt of pain inside her stomach as something tugged at her walls, fire shot through her spine. She leaned back up to look at her stomach which had begun to grow proportionately.

"Oh my God! What is th— argh!" She screamed out.

Her supposed husband walked closer, palming her belly. Another fiery pain shot through her ribcage she groaned.

"What's happening?! Make it stop! Please,"

Crying in pain she felt her insides being ripped apart her husband glanced at her belly that had fully grown. The unatural and abnormal way at which she'd gone from a non pregnant woman to one which was already due for delivery almost made her die from fear. An eerie smile lit his face.

Whatever entity was inside of her struggled to free itself, it scratched at her insides she felt white hot pain sear through every part of her body it ripped wails of agony from her lips.

Suddenly with a loud pop, her stomach exploded, it's organs flying in different directions blood smeared the entire walls of the kitchen. With one last breath she stilled, lifeless.

A scowl plastered itself on the entity's face and with one loud cry of grief, whatever was inside of him slid back out his body fell lifeless to the ground with a thud.