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Can I court you?

Can I court you?

Autor: Hellan white



Can I court you? PDF Free Download


Sam Huston, a fresher having crush on Wil Heyworth (Mr.popularity), a basketball player in that same college. Later that crush develops into love before she even knows it. On the valentine's day she decided to tell her love to him but she came to know something big. Calix, a sophomore and a member of basketball team. He fell in love with Sam at first sight. He propose Sam eventhough knowing she already like someone. Things get complicated on Sam's journey of love. Will she know with whom did she really in love with?

Chapter 1

Enough with this starring stuff. I'm done. I'm gonna say that I like him today.

I walked to his place where he is seated. I stood before him. Everyone's eyes was on me, eagerly waiting for what I'm gonna do next. I ignored them.

He was infront of me. My heart was throbbing faster than normal. He was looking straight at me. Damn! His eyes was so mesmerizing. His lips are sculptured in the perfect way to kiss. Shit! How can you be this handsome!

He opened his sealed lips, the parting of the lips looked damn sexy and asked me,"What!?"

My heart skipped a beat!

I started to sweat. I can do this. I closed my eyes. A slow inhalation and a quick exhalation and shouted, "I LIKE YOU!!"

There was a Silence.

I opened my eyes slowly and saw him. He was smiling. Is he smiling?... Oh my gosh! He just smiled at what I said? That means...wait... his smile is fainting. His wide lips are flat now. His eyebrows frowned. It seems like he's... angry. I sense something is wrong. Suddenly, he banged the bench and shouted,"Come out!"


"Come out! It's late! You better get your ass off the bed or..."

I was confused.

Suddenly I was being dragged behind and fell on something. I blinked my eyes and opened. I saw the neon stars sticked to the ceiling. I always love to watch it but now I hate it because it strikes me the reality that I was still in my room and dreaming about him again.

My confessions always happy only in my dreams. I wish it could happen in real someday. The boy who I dreamt is Wil, my crush.

"You awake?", a voice came behind the closed door of my room. That was Sven, my elder brother.

"YES!",I shouted back.

There was no sound after that. I think he left. I woke up and put on my glasses and looked into my phone, there was still time for the school. My class starts at 8 a.m. and it's still 7.30a.m.

I'm a Fresher  enrolled in Science and technology faculty in AAA University.

I got ready, took my bag and came downstairs. Dad was having his breakfast at the table and Mom was serving him. My brother wasn't around. I think he already left to College.

"Honey, Come and have your breakfast!", Mom called me.

"Coming mom."said with a smile.

As I was eating the bread, my dad started his lecturing like usual, "Sarah is younger than you, waking up early and getting the school bus ontime...blah...blah..."

I stood from the table and grabbed my bag saying,"Mr.Huston, don't talk while you're eating because It's really bad for your health."

"Mom! I'm off to college. Bye."

I was waiting for the bus at the bus terminal and was listening to songs while waiting.

A notification popped. I took my phone out of my pocket to see what it is.

A message from Clara, my best friend in class. She said that today's gonna be Miss Shelly's class.

Shit! How can I forget that. I got so many detention from her already. I shouldn't miss her class today otherwise I'll be suspended. There's also another reason to be in her class... But the bus hasn't arrived yet! I watched the road here and there. I tried to book a cab, but there was nothing nearby.

A Red almirah car stopped infront of me, it was Blair's car. Blair was my friend from neighborhood. We went to same high school and now we go to the same college but a different faculty. Her crimson hair made her look hot among girls. She was so popular from high school to college.

The windshield dropped, Blair with dark sunglass asked me, "Need a lift?"


I jumped into her car.

"You are my guardian angel!", I hugged her after I got seated.

"Treat me, next time!", she smirked.

I nodded.

She started the car. Omg! Not only her looks are great but also her driving is so professional and cool.

I messaged Clara asking whether mam has arrived. She wasn't online. I think Miss Shelly would have came. I bid goodbye to Blair and rushed to my class.

Finally I came to class. I was breathing heavily when I entered... Thank god! She hasn't arrived yet. I looked around the class. Clara was waving at me from the back of the class.


I walked and sat beside her.

"I'm scared when you went offline."

She laughed and showed her phone,"Here, take a look at Wil's Fanclub, it is increasing day by day. He's gaining lot of fans from other faculties too."

I joined his Fanclub for his pictures which was uploaded by his fans and I can know his whereabouts too.

"Because he's so handsome! specially in his jersey he looks damn cool in that!", Lia screamed beside Clara.

Wil is a member of the Basketball club along with Ace, Liam from our class. These three were selected to represent first year in the club.

"Good morning!", Mam entered greeting everyone.

Miss Shelly teaches us Cell communication class. While listening to her lecture, I fell asleep without my knowledge. She shouted my name which made me awake suddenly.

I apologized to the teacher and sat while taking a look around the class, Luna and Zoe was gossiping. Benjamin and some others are taking notes at the front. Justin is looking into his phone. Some girls are drooling at the back.

I hate her class but I'm here, not for her but for one person. I turned to my left, he was there.


Listening to Miss Shelly and taking notes so seriously. His skin was shining, is this what they call sun-kissed. Now I'm jealous of Sun. He was handsome, not perhaps in the conventional sense, but he had that appearance which could make him stand out in the crowd.

He was fair, almost pale white. His unfathomable, golden brown eyes contrasted exceptionally with his light toned face.

His face had that faraway look in it, which cannot be described in words.

His eyes were as deep and expressive, where you could get lost if you stared long enough.

His smile, which reached up to his ears, shrinking his eyes a little and cheeks bulge, flaunted his modesty and humility.

Above all was his frame and his stature. He was not extremely muscular, with 8 pack abs or 16 cm biceps. However, he could stand out in a crowd, which was mostly due to his way of carrying himself. I think that is why he was selected for the Basketball club.

I wish I could be his girlfriend someday. For now atleast, in my dreams.

My name is Sam Huston. I'm a Fresher in Science and Tech faculty and a new member of cooking club, having secret crush on William Hanks, the boy of many girls dream.