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I'll Give You Love

I'll Give You Love



I'll Give You Love PDF Free Download


"Love" is made up of 1 single word including 2 syllables containing 4 letters. Now, when you heard the term "love" you would suppose it was a word that would describe your family members, friends, or perhaps someone so affectionate or emotive that you might envision a future together. But for Camilla, the definition of "love" is different. For her, it is nothing more than a false emotion utilized for another ones benefit. Are you ready to hear her narrative of how she once misinterpreted the meaning of "Love" and discovered the true meaning of it with someone who also taught the same? Well, buckle up folks! cause it's gonna be a bumpy road up ahead.

Chapter 1

I still remember it clearly.

The sound of the ambulance.

Over here!

My sister crying.

"M-mom," *weep

I remember it all.

How I lost everything.

"Camilla sweetie, *cough take good care of your sister okay?"

"No! You're not leaving us, right mom? Please don't!"

"I'm not going anywhere silly, *cough mommy is gonna be fine. The doctors will take good care of mommy okay?"

"However, if I don't make it happen to my child. I just want you to promise me one thing,"

"No, that will never happen, and stop saying that! You're gonna be okay *sniff."

"Just promise me, sweetie please?"

"N-no *sniff"

"Camilla, look at me."

"M-mom I'm scared."

"I know I am afraid of it, my child. "cough But leaving like this just horrifies me. So please promise me that you'll take care of your sister, Camilla."

"*sniff I-I *sniff promise...*sob"

"Now that you promised me. Mom feels more at ease,"

"Mom, p-promise me that you'll come back."

"I-I can't I'm so sorry *smiles,"

She didn't promise.



"We tried everything we could. There's nothing we could do"

Would everything change if she did?

8 Years Later

*Beep * Beep * Beep


*Beep * Beep * Beep

"All right, all right...*yawn," I reached out and turned off the alarm. I then stretched and quickly got up from the bed and started to get ready. I first took a bath, dried my hair, and grabbed my uniform from the closet.

The color is somewhat odd. I mean I understand it's an elite school and all but isn't this too extreme? I mean am I attending a ghoul's academy or what?

The uniform contains three colors red, black and, white. It has white long sleeves with black buttons, a red tie with white criss-cross marks, red knee skirts with black criss-cross imprinted on them too. It also has a black wide peak jacket that had white buttons, red tips, and a small pocket on the left side with the school logo printed on it in red with a single white lace on top of it. And finally to finish the complete look it has long black knee socks and a red ribbon wrapped around the top.

I signed as I wore the uniform, then grab a comb and tied my long black hair into a ponytail and, pin my name tag on my uniform.

"All right, I'm all done," I mumbled then grabbed my bag and exited my room, there I was greeted by my little sister- Claire.

Claire had brown with curtain bangs and light blue eyes. She is currently wearing blue long sleeves, a white long tie, a white skirt with blue stripes, and white long socks. She also wore a plain black headband. Claire goes to a different academy from mine because as my father's successor to the company, I have to get the course of Business Management and an Administration Degree, and so I was sent to Rosemary Academy since it has been known to have countless students succeeded and not to mention the number of sponsors it had with a few well-known businessman and administrators.

Claire was able to choose her course freely and she choose Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communication Degree since she loves creating and singing. Yes, I crave the amount of freedom she has sometimes, but knowing that Bitsy

a nickname I made for her

is pursuing her dreams gives me ease.

"Good morning Sista!" she greeted me with her finger hearts.

"Morning Bitsy... How long have you been here?" I chuckled.

"Ummm... About 10 minutes ago I guess?"

"Why are you always excited on my first day?"

"This isn't just any of your first day of school, it's your 4th year of high school," she cheered jumping.

"You said that every year, remember?" I said as I close my door.

"What do you mean? I did?"


"GOOD MORNING SIS!!!" Claire yelled to Camilla the moment she opened her door.

"OW! Claire your so loud... It's still 6 pm for heaven's sake," Camilla gaped.

"Big sis is finally going to be in 6th grade!"

There's also that other time.

"GooD MoRNinG SIstA!" sang Claire

"Wait... This scene's quite familiar-"

"It's finally your 1st year of high school! Woah!"

"Ooohhhh, So that's why."

"Aren't you thrilled?"

"Nah not really-"

"Yes, you are!" Claire smiled.

What am I gonna do with you?


"Yeah but today's different! You'll be able to experience prom, school trips, graduation and, if you get lucky you might finally be able to experience your first love!" Claire said.

I already had school trips from my old school and I already had the privilege to graduate from primary school. Prom sounds like a bother and love- Wait. Love?!

"Love? That's laughable! I don't need that. Besides school is only school, we only learn at the end of the day."


"Nah-ah. Let's stop talking about that and eat our breakfast already okay?"

We went downstairs and as we arrived on the first floor we were greeted by the housemaids.

"Good morning Ms. Camilla and Ms. Claire." the maids greeted while forming two lines. We greeted them as we walk by them and went to the dining room. There we saw Father and Emma seated.

"Good morning girls," Emma greeted us. Emma had Long beige hair with victory roll bangs and green eyes.

She's also dad's new secretary. Not long after mom died, she appeared- dad's new secretary. It was usually just him and her in his workplace, but then he started taking her home. She even gets to share to the same table as us.

"Good morning Emma, Good morning Father" we greeted and sat in our seats. We had a long table in the middle of our living room it had a total of 10 seats. Father sat in the middle, Emma sat on his left side, I sat on his right side, with Claire beside me.

The maids then attended our breakfast and we began eating.

"So are you guys excited for your first day of school?" Emma asked us.

"Yes," we replied and continued eating.

"Oh god, you guys sounded like a robot. Camilla, dear. I've overheard that you haven't been inside a relationship before?" Emma beamed.

*cough This woman almost made me choke on my food!

Claire also looked at Emma.

"H-how?" I asked after I swallowed my food.

"Oh, I heard Claire talking about it upstairs."

What's wrong with this house. Despite being this enormous, how come only a handful amount of people come and go, where to the point that sounds just go through the corridors.

"What's with the question?"

"Oh, no reason. I just wanna know you guys more."

Yeah but why?

*sign "No I been in one, why?"

"Oh, you haven't?! Why?."

How am I supposed to know? Besides, do you literally have to make it an issue? It's not like I don't like being single. It's more convenient that way.

"Do you want me to set you up with someone?"

"What?! NO-"

"Stop it, Emma. As much as I want her to have a boyfriend, Now is not the right time." Norman

My father's name

Interrupted. Father had Black hair that's always in a "Subtle Undercut" with light blue eyes.

"But Sir, when is the right time? She's already 15."

And yes, they still talk formally.

"Emma, we shouldn't meddle with her love life. Let's let destiny run its course," Claire reasoned.

Like that's ever gonna encourage me into dating.

"Meddle'? I'm not intruding, I'm just worried about her love life. What if your elder sister ends up dying alone?"

For heaven's sake! I'm just 15! I still have a lot of time when love comes. It's not like I'm rejecting love and all since I am bound to have one, maybe. Also can we not talk about DEATH at the dinner table?

"I won't care if that happens as long as I have Claire with me," I replied and turned to Claire.

"R-really?" Claire's eyes sparkled. Yeah, so you better not take this love talk any further or I'm really gonna stay by your side forever.

"Ohh That's so sweet-."

"No, I won't let that happen, Camilla. Why would you even said such a thing without even bearing a successor?." Father said without even looking at me. Tsk! Are being serious right now 'dad'? Give the 'crap talk' a rest alright, will you?

"And as for your 'boyfriend', I'll be the one to decide with that considering your boyfriend might one day be a part of the Smith Industry and I wouldn't want to have a son-in-law who knows nothing in our field." Norman continued. Are we seriously talking about my non-existent love life first in the morning?

My eyebrow furrowed as my father continues giving me the lecture as his next beneficiary needed. I gotta get out of here before I cough up the all food I ate.

I peep at my watch to see it's 7:23 AM and class starts at 9:00 AM. I know that it's still too early to go but I still I wouldn't as long as I'm far away from these two.

"Excuse us, we're leaving now, don't wanna be late," I said then grabbed Claire and walked out.

"O-oh alright girls. Have a nice day." Emma said aloud.

*Thud -The door sounded behind us

"Are you okay?" Claire asked.

"Yeah, it's just that my blood boils, each time we share with them the same table," I replied. We got outside where our drivers greeted us with two cars to take us to school separately.

"Take good care of yourself, okay?" I said and hugged Claire.

"Don't worry you know I will Sis," Claire assured me and hugged me back. *chuckle She's so cute when she's like this. Well, She does has the personality of mom.

I was about to get into the car when Claire grabbed my hand and looked at me seriously.

"Hm? What is it?"

"Can you not isolate yourself from others this time?"

"Bitsy, the fact that I like being alone doesn't mean I'm lonely, it's just that I find it enjoyable being with myself. That's all," I explained.

"But life is sometimes too difficult to be alone, which is why life is too good to be alone," She rebelled. That's rather accurate.

"Wow, I guess those lectures are deliberately paying off huh?"

"Sis I'm being serious, this is a good start for you. It's gonna be troublesome at first, considering you're going to be in an elite school where students there are radically the next descendent of their parents' company or whatnot, so they're gonna be remarkably overbearing."

"And being spoiled brats."

"Yeah that too, but even so. You should at least make a connection with some of them. It's what brought dad this far."

"You're right but I'm not him."

"I know you're not, however it is very necessary for attachments in this line of business, even I understand that. So when the time comes when you take over father's business-."

"I won't."

"What? What do you mean?"

"I'm not taking over the family's legacy. The way he handles the company is too much, too corrupted."

"Which is why you should take over in the future. I know how much you detest the thought of it. I'm not stating that you should clean after our father's mess after everything he has caused, but rather restoring it to its rightful place."

She eyed me sincerely as she delivered those defined words. Since when has this little crybaby grown this much?

"You need to have the right friends, friends that will encourage you through your ups and downs, friends who'll certainly take the trouble for you."

"But I have you. What more do I require?"

"I'm not gonna be there with you all the time, you know that full well. Plus, there might be a possibility that 'she' might be there."

Oh yeah, 'she'...

"What a b*tch!"

"You gonna cry?"

"Just look at her"


"I will I will, okay. Why are you so worked up about it". I chuckled and got into the car.

"I'm just anxious."

"Goodbye bitsy take care, Also, thank you for yet another speech of my life," I smiled and bid her goodbye.

"Bye, you too big sis." she waved her hand.

My expression later changed as I'm getting farther away from her. My sudden shift didn't surprise the driver. Since I only smile whenever Claire is around me. Although it's not like I hated the other workers in the house. I mean why would I hate them when they had absolutely nothing to do with how I've always functioned. I just simply don't feel like smiling at others, particularly my father and my stepmother. And when I do, you bet it's a sham.

"Today's gonna be a great day Ms. Camilla so please lighten up a bit," The driver spoke.

But I am curious as to why they are being considerate to me. Sure it's their job but it's not like they're getting rewarded for being nice to me.

"I'll try," I replied as I stared at my side window.