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Defying The Rules Of The Pack

Defying The Rules Of The Pack

Autor: Love and war



Defying The Rules Of The Pack PDF Free Download


Is the quest of finding love always worth taking a risk of losing your family and everything you knew? Jessicca is an heiress of the blood wolf kingdom. Who is a defient and confident princess what happens when she falls in love with the rival kingdom. Will she defy her kingdom and follow her heart or will she swallow her feelings and accept her father's rules?

Chapter 1

I don't want to attend the seminar I said while running in the hallway of my father's palace. Being chased by my servents demanding I get dressed and attend the seminar of the United Kingdoms with my father. I ran in my white night dress as it blew in the wind as I ran then suddenly Thud! I hit my father and before I could think of a lie I fell down on my knees and he picked me up as my sevents came running behind me.

"Jess you are royalty for goodness sake you must behave like a princess that you are." But father I said as my father put his hand on my lip and told me to get dressed and prepare to leave with him.

I followed orders as usual it's not good as the alpha's daughter to defy the alpha's rules. I hated being Royal and I knew that this was not just any business seminar but a plot to find a husband for me to marry. I was a medium height girl with big dark blue eyes , my father said they were blue as the Pacific ocean. I had brown hair and I was curvy and had really plush and plump lips. I was dark skinned and I had gotten my mother's looks and my father's brains.

The black dress sat perfectly on my body as it hugged it and showed off my curves. I stood in the mirror speechless as I was looking at my reflection. I let out a big sigh my severnt who had become my best friend in this lonely place combed my hair as she reassured me that everything will be okay. " Don't look so sad now look at yourself you look amazing and you are in luck that your father is going with you I promise everything will turn out okay."

I walked away from the mirror and stood on my bed I wish I could leave this place and abandon my Royal duties because I know my father has arranged a marriage for me. Ohh what I would give to sail the ocean and let the computer l breeze gentle sweep my hair. But I Know that will never happen because I was not allowed to go to sea let alone leave the palace.

" But Jess you have everything you could possibly want here " Melissa said . I know but I just want freedom to do what I want and just roam the wild freely I said sitting down on my bed." Well it is time for you to go before your father gets angry ."

As I walked down the marble staircase the thought of me marrying some guy and becoming and incubator for his children did not sit well with me and I needed a way out I desperately wanted out. My father stood at the bottom of the stairs and admired me." You look like your mother it's as if she just woke up and stood right in front of me . Are you ready to go?"

Dad said as he held my hand I could see my evil stepmother. Looking at me with her wicked eyes.

Ohhh as I look back now I ask myself where did it all go wrong. Now I'm in the ocean floor trapped in a metal box . I guess some wishes come true but u just didn't get mine the way I wanted to. I kept screaming for help but no one can hear you under water , I kept dying and waking up again to the same fate . It drives me crazy and being the daughter of the alpha makes you immortal now imagine me after 1 year underwater , trapped and screaming for help dying and waking up again.

I left with my father as we entered the car he started talking the words I was hoping, begging he would not utter. " My beloved daughter you have become of age and it is time you find a man and settle down , start your own family and lead your people wity respect and honour.

My mouth fell open in shock. I am only 19 how am I supposed to lead an entire Nation and besides that why am I supposed to get married can I not lead my people without marriage.

" You are going to get married and tonight we will find a suitable man to marry you , I don't want any excuses an for your own good you better shut up and accept that there is nothing you can do about it. I saw my evil stepmother stare at me with a twinkle in her eye and a grin on her face I could tell she was enjoying this.

My father was a scary man and if he said something he meant it he was in his fifties and besides the talk of marriage we got along pretty well. He was really tall and had a clean shaven face and very fit and mascular for his age. My stepmother on the other hand was a truly wicked and deceitful woman. She was tall, thin and portable. She was a redhead with black eyes and was white skinned.

She and my father had gotten married when I was 10 years old and she had two sons who , one was five years older than me and the other was my age. The older one's name was Jason and the younger one was Mason. Pretty weird right?

Jason had a dark heart and .he was very mascular and had jet black hair that ran up to cover the left side of his face. It covered the scar that ran across his eyebrows , through his eye and to his cheek. He was just like his mother they both did not like me and honestly the feeling was mutual.

Mason was my best friend and we got along pretty well he had short blonde hair and a heart of gold. He had brown eyes and was about my height he was really shy and very respectful and kind.

So since introductions are done let's Carry on with the story now shall we?

We arrived at the party and I just stood at the corner drinking juice. While my father , stepmom and her son Jason were mingling and having fun. While me and Mason were standing in the corner making fun of everyone's oufits and the way they held their heads up high as they walked across the hall.

Out if all people Mason knew me better than I knew myself and he knew how much I didn't want this marriage to happen. " So what's your plan now that father has planned to get you married ?" I sighed you know for once in my life I feel totally worthless and I have no plan to get out of here.

" Let's go and stand at the balcony I don't like the way that guy is looking at you." Said Mason as he pulled me by the arm . I looked at the stars wishing they would give me a sign anything that will help me get out of here .

As I lowered my head and looked at the wilderness I saw something it rather someone that would change my life forever.