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Long Road, I Run To You

Long Road, I Run To You



Long Road, I Run To You PDF Free Download


In the conspiracy, Song Ziqin stood on the opposite side of his family for the sake of his beloved. He took the throne with his beloved, but the person he loved only regarded him as a male pet. In the daytime, he was Prime Minister Song, who was appointed by the emperor. At night, he was Song Ziqin, a plaything favored only by the emperor. After being tortured day and night, he was finally seriously ill. But for the sake of his country and the people who had experienced war, he bowed to them and finally died. He tried his best to go far away from the border. It wasn't until he coughed up blood step by step and left with wounds all over his body that the Great Yan Emperor realized how foolish of a mistake he had made. It's a long way. I'm coming for you. "Ziqing, please wait for me."

Chapter 1

"Your Majesty, the peace talks at the border..."

"Shut up!"

In the imperial study, the Emperor, Tang Chenhan, threw down the memorial in his hand and scratched the Prime Minister Song Ziqin's cheek, leaving a bright bloodstain.

"I told you not to mention it again. Have you forgotten?"

The cold outside was strong, and the imperial study was as warm as spring, full of fragrance.

Standing in front of the dragon table, Song Ziqin only felt cold all over, as if he were in an ice cave.

He knew that the might of an emperor could not be angered, but he really had something urgent to ask of him. The peace talks at the border could no longer be delayed. He had paid too much for this peace talks...

He bit his pale lips and said stubbornly, "Your Majesty, I just want to..."

Before his voice had died away, the emperor behind the dragon table suddenly raised his head and looked at him with gloomy eyes.

Song Ziqin was shocked and his words were stuck in his throat.

"Did I ask you to speak?"

Tang Chenhan's face was cold, and there was a touch of violence between his eyebrows.

Before he could finish his words, Tang Chenhan raised his eyes and scolded him. Song Ziqin was so shocked that he trembled and instinctively looked into his eyes.

Tang Chenhan's face was cold, and there was a touch of violence between his eyebrows.

He held the pen in his hand and stopped in the air. He looked at Song Ziqin and said in a low voice, "Do you want me to leave another peony on you, my beloved minister?"

His words made Song Ziqin shiver all of a sudden.

The crowd only knew that Tang Chenhan liked the green peony, especially the drawing of white peony.

However, no one knew that the work that Tang Chenhan was most satisfied with in his life was the one that he had personally spent three days to get a Chinese peony painting behind Song Ziqin.

What's more, no one knew that Lord Song, who was impartial and cold-faced in the court, was just a plaything that His Majesty could play with at will.

Tang Chenhan engraved the map of the peony on Song Ziqin's back for three days. Song Ziqin was locked in the dragon bed for three days.

He cried so hard that his throat couldn't be replaced with a trace of pity. His body was sore, and his lust was blurred and his whole body was full of pain. Song Ziqin almost thought that he was going to die in that person's bedroom.

But fortunately, he managed to get through it.

As usual, every night, his naked body was repeatedly tortured by Tang Chenhan, and he collapsed on his bed, unable to resist.

However, when the night fell and the morning fell, he would bear with the pain all over his body and put on his elegant official robe as if nothing had happened. He would return to being the unsmiling and aloof Prime Minister.

He was Tang Chenhan's plaything, but he had never taken the initiative to look for Tang Chenhan. Today was the first time because he had something to ask of him. He wanted to go to Tang Chenhan and apply for peace talks with the barbarians.

It was his lifelong wish to promote this negotiation and bring peace to the border. The happiness and health of millions of people were what he wanted for the rest of his life.

For this reason, he sacrificed his family, himself, and his innocence.

Today, he finally got this opportunity. Even if he was tortured half to death by Tang Chenhan in the imperial study, as long as he could get this official position, he would have no regrets in his life.

Song Ziqin was afraid of Tang Chenhan. Tang Chenhan had already ordered him not to speak. He should have kept his composure, but he was unwilling to give up. So he had to brace himself and continued, "Your Majesty, I want to go..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Tang Chenhan picked up the candle on the table and threw it directly at Song Ziqin's face.

Song Ziqin hurriedly raised his hand to block it. Although it protected his face, the burning candlelight was still through his clothes, burning his hand.

He groaned in pain and looked down at his hand. It was already red and swollen. The candlelight was red and stuck to the back of his hand. It was so painful that he couldn't help frowning.

"I ordered you to shut up! Do you not understand my words, or do you violate the imperial edict?"

Tang Chen was extremely cold. He waved his hand and knocked down the memorial on the dragon table. The cinnabar plate was knocked over, and half of the dragon table was dyed red by the bright red cinnabar.

Before Song Ziqi could recover from the shock and pain, he saw Tang Chenhan striding toward him with a furious look and rough movements. He raised his big hand and went straight to Song Ziqin's face.

Song Ziqin's heart skipped a beat. Subconsciously, he dodged, but he did.

But he was not lucky in his heart. He actually hid from Tang Chenhan. Tang Chenhan would not let him go.

Sure enough, Tang Chenhan immediately said angrily, "You still dare to hide? You're tired of living!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Song Ziqin's black hair was pulled. He was thrown in front of the dragon table and half of his body was thrown onto it.

Tang Chenhan was so strong that he grabbed Song Ziqin's scalp and felt a sharp pain. He couldn't help but whimper in pain, but he didn't get any pity.

Instead, there was a loud tearing sound in his ear. Then, he felt a chill all over his body.

His official robe was torn in half by Tang Chenhan, and more than half of his body was exposed.

Deep and shallow kiss marks, as beautiful as flowers, bloomed on his white back.