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His Forgotten Memories

His Forgotten Memories

Autor: zhandranel



His Forgotten Memories PDF Free Download


It’s the unexpected that changes our lives. They say, Always expect the Unexpected, because the best thing happen Unexpectedly. Altalune Mizuki Starrin met Beauden Zypher Heisenix unexpectedly. That unexpected changed their lives, the last year of their college lives became more meaningful because of each other. Their relationship is full of understanding, you can say. It is a perfect relationship. Who would have thought that destiny would test them? Beauden got into an accident and forget all the memories he had with Altalune. ‘Mind can forget memories, but the heart can’t.’ Altalune used to believe this phrase before, not until she experienced being forgotten by someone she loves the most. Will Beauden still remember her? Or fate would continue to test their relationship?

Chapter 1

“Is this all enough for your 1-month trip abroad?” I asked my boyfriend.

Beau is my boyfriend, we’ve been together for years. I’m helping him to prepare all the things he will need abroad. We had to separate for a month because of what he had to do abroad, he wants to take me with him but I cannot because I have a job.

“You sure you don’t want to come with me?” He asked

He is going abroad for his business trip, he is now the CEO of their company.

“As much as I want to go. I can’t. I have a job remember?” I laughed “Next time. I will come with you. I promise.”

I am a model. Not to brag but I am one of the most famous and highest-paid models in the world.

“I will miss you, baby.” He said

“I will miss you too,” I said

He let me sit on his lap and he started kissing my forehead down to my lips. “There is also one of the things I will miss. My baby’s sweet lips.” He laughed

I chuckled “I love you.” I pinched his nose “Uhm.. I’ll ask you a question. I want to buy a condo unit, like my own. Do you know? I want to be independent.”

Ever since I became a model I lived here with him. Our relationship matured more because of that. We share the housework so I don't have too much difficulty.

I have been thinking for a long time about buying a condo so that I can learn to be independent. Because all my life I have been with my parents at home. Besides, I already save money I got from work to buy the things I need.

“Why? Am I dragging you out here?” He looked at me “I even want to tie my body to you because I always want to be with you. Then you tell me you will buy your own? You said you will always be by my side but you will still leave me. where is the justice there?”

What kind of drama is this?

“What the f? Beau. I just said I wanted to be independent. Why did you say too much?” I laughed “You’re now a drama king for real.” I held his face “How could I leave this handsome face of my boyfriend?”

“Don’t buy a condo. I will buy a house when I came home. I will marry you soon.”

I showered him with kissed “Just make sure you don’t have a mistress abroad.”

He held my face as well “How can I still have another woman when my woman is already this beautiful!”

He chuckled “Baby, don’t let me go. Seems like I don't want to leave.”

“It’s for our future baby.” I chuckled too. “It’s time, do you want me to take you to the airport?”

“No, It’s hard to leave if you take me there, I might go home with you.” He laughed

I helped him take his belongings down to the condo and put them in his car. He also took a picture of us. He hugged and kissed me also before he went inside the car.

“I will miss you... take care always.” I said, “I love you.”

“I love you more. Take care baby.” He said, “You sure you want me to leave?”

“Yeah Go ahead.” I laughed

He waved at me and I went back to the condo unit after that. People are greeting me in the hallway, they probably knew me.

“Hi, Ms. Altalune.” A young girl greeted me

“Hello, baby.” I greeted her back

“Can we take a picture?” She pointed to her mother holding the phone

“Of course.” I smiled and carry her. I also smiled at the picture

“Thank You, Ms. Alta. My daughter is your number 1 fan.” Her mother said

“Thank You so much for supporting me.” I said all of my heart “Did you had lunch?”

“Yes, Ms. we’re done.” She smiled

“Oh.. I’ll get going. Thank you for your time” I smiled again and went back to the unit.

When I get inside, I slept on the couch to rest. I just woke up when I heard someone knocking on the door.

When I opened the door I saw Gravity looking so devastated. It was Beau’s younger brother.

“Oh Gravity. Your brother already leaves. What are you doing here?” I asked



“Beau is in the hospital.”

“He got into an accident. He was hit by a truck on his way to the airport.”

I couldn’t figure out what he said and I just cried instead. “Take me there Grav..”


He drove me to the hospital until we reach the Emergency Room. His parents are already there and his mom is crying. She looked at me first then went near me.

She hugged me “My son.”

“I’m so sorry.. he didn't want to leave at first but I forced him and said it was for his future,” I said

“Why are you blaming yourself, Ate Alta?” Gravity asked, “My brother wouldn’t like it when he saw you blaming yourself because of what happened to him.”

Gravity is 5 years older than Beau. But his mind is more mature than his brother's.

“Are you the family of Mr. Heisenix?” A doctor came to approach us

“Yes, Doc.” His father answered

“The patient is awake, we transferred him to the private room. But I have a thing to say since his head hit so much, he may forget the memories he has.”

“Will he forget everything doc?” I asked

“It is possible. if he remembers anything, it could be just his family.” The doctor said

I cried of a sudden thing that comes to my mind. Will he forget me? Our memories?

We went to the private room where he was. There is a bandage on the head. He looked at his family first and he never looked at me

“M-Mom.” He called

“You remember me?” His mother asked

“Yeah.” Then he looked at his Dad “D-dad.”

“Thank God you remember me.”

“What about me?” This time it was Gravity

“Gravity.” He called “W-What happened to me? why is that, why do I remember so little. I can't remember everything?”

I cried, he can’t remember. He can only remember little

“Do you remember her?” Gravity pointed me to his brother “Answer me!”

“Don’t shout Grav..” I said

“I-I don't I’m sorry... who are you?” He looked at me

“I need fresh air.” I tried to laugh but the tears are really on my eyes “I excuse myself first... Auntie.”

She looked at me crying. “Came back okay”

I nodded and I decided to leave.

When I came out of the door, I immediately sat down and cried. He doesn't remember me anymore. but all our memories came back to me, how we met, and how we became in a relationship.

I will make you remember anything, my love. Your mind may forget me but I know your heart won't.