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Wife, Love Me Back!

Wife, Love Me Back!

Autor: Kassandra Winters



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I could see the surprise on his face. "C-Cassandra? Is that you? The little girl?" I took a deep breath and gulped. My heartbeats are now twice as fast. "Is that you, J-Javier?" "Oh my goodness, you're the little girl?" "And... are you my savior?" In astonishment, I asked again. "Yes, I did call the cops back then. Then the little girl pushed me and said she'd take care of everything." I gasped, unconsciously putting my palms in my mouth. I was so surprised. "Wait, you're that guy...?" He smiled all the way to his ears. "Well, it appears that fate is allowing us to face each other again after many years,"

Chapter 1



I'm starting to get worried for my driver as I'm waiting for him to fetch me. I had already finished my class. And my driver is not yet here now. He knew my schedule, so I know that he must be already outside the campus, waiting for me.

I'm in my senior year now in a Business Management course. I'm trying to call my driver, but to my surprise, he is not even picking up my calls.

Many would raise an eyebrow when they heard that my driver is still fetching me in University, but my mother, Jacintha, is overly protective of me.

I'm aware since I was a child that I'm adopted. I'm an orphan, no parents, and family. My mother, Jacintha, told me that her first love never returned, that's why she never get married. My mother can't find herself loving someone else, so she accepted her faith being an old maid. My mother adopted me because she knew that she is unable to have a baby on her own.

My mother lavished me with love and attention. She nourished me in every way she knew. And one thing how she shows her love to me is treating me like I'm still a baby.

My mother promised me that once I started working, I can able to drive on my own. When the right time comes, I will also be the future CEO of Gray Holdings Inc. Our business sells prefabricated houses and tiny truck houses all over the world.

A fellow block mate of mine greeted me. "Hey, Javier. You're still here? It's already getting dark," my classmate told me while looking at his wristwatch.

My classmate didn't seem to tease me, so I smiled at him. "My driver isn't here yet,"

He tapped me on my shoulder and nodded. I knew my classmates just don't want to offend me, but I knew everyone thought of me as mama's boy despite my age.

I redialed my driver's cellphone number repeatedly, but he isn't really picking it up.

I'm already exhausted, and I need to get rest. Hungry too.

I dialed my mother's number, but my mom isn't picking it up too. I put my phone down and went in search of something to eat nearby.

It was getting dark soon. As I walked down the dark road, I heard strange sounds. Like someone is crying.

I'm not a natural eavesdropper, but I have a different impression of what's going on.

And my suspicion seems correct. I peered into a small alley and heard voices.

"Is that all? Is that all you can give after begging on the streets all day?" A big man yelled loud in an angry tone. The man has a large body, but I couldn't clearly see who he is talking to.

I noticed the big man becoming more aggressive, so I quickly scanned the man's appearance.

Damn. He looks so scary. He will be undeniably passed like a major villain in a TV shows.

"Yes, that's all I've got. I don't have anything left for myself! Please have mercy on me. Don't hurt me, please!"

What...? It's a child's voice!

I shivered as I heard what is happening. I'm not definitely deaf. I heard it right. It's a voice of a kid!

The big man laughed sarcastically. "It's a good thing you're scared of me, kid! You need to improve your begging skills so you can get more money. You understand?"

I could only hear the kid's cry.

"O-Okay, I promise... just please don't hurt me. This is all I what I've got today..."

The guy is not yet clearly satisfied with the money. He became more aggressive and kicked the jar that contains money.

The bills and money had spread on the floor. "Fuck! I don't need that small sum of money! I want a lot of money! Don't you still get it, kid?

Are you dumb? You're not going to eat tonight and your worthless mother!"

The kid continues to cry and begged. "Please don't hurt me... I-I'm sorry... I will try my best tomorrow, I promise... just please let my mother eat tonight, it's okay if you won't give me food... just please spare my mother..." The child pleaded.

The guy chuckled. "Hmm... let's see. My mind can still change, you know," the man started to touch the kid's jaw.

From this angle, I can saw the kid finally.

And to my surprise, I realized that the kid is a girl. A little girl! My eyes widened in shock.

The guy cast a malicious glance at the girl's face. "You have a beautiful face, little girl. Then... if you truly want me to feed your mother tonight... okay, I will let her eat, but only on one condition..." the guy grinned devilishly.

I could feel my blood is boiling all over my body. I knew what's the man up to. I don't have to be smart to understand what he is trying to imply. I couldn't just stand here and do nothing.

I quickly ran over them and punched the guy's face right away.

The guy didn't expect this, so he unconsciously let go of the kid's face. I pushed him back against the wall.

"Rapist pedophile, you're a rapist pedophile! I assure you that you will rot in hell!" I shouted angrily.

I didn't waste more time. I punched and kicked him again. I noticed that my fist is bleeding, but I didn't mind it anymore. I can no longer feel any pain right now. I'm so angry to the point I can feel my senses.

"You're a worthless human being. You are using other people's weaknesses for your own benefit. How dare you use this kid to solicit money from other people? You're not even feeding her. You're hurting her, and now...? You're going to rape her? You're going to rot in prison!"

I could no longer recognize my own voice. I didn't think that I could be this mad.

I continued beating him up. My vision is becoming darker. The man couldn't move any longer. Seconds later, I felt the girl's soft tap on my shoulder.

"B-Big brother... stop. I... think he's dead..."

I was about to punch the guy's face again, but what the kid said caught me off guard.

I looked at the kid, and I saw her fear, and she's trembling. Then I looked at the guy again, whose face is filled with his blood.

The guy doesn't appear to move any longer.

I'm starting to have difficulty in my breathing, but I'm trying to calm myself. I called an ambulance and the police to tell this incident, but anonymous.

I grabbed the kid's hand and pulled her away from this place.

"Listen, whatever happens, you will admit what really happened..." I began.

The kid is starting to cry again. "But, big brother, how about you...?"

I patted her hair and smiled. I kneel in front of her to equal her height. "We do the right thing. I believe the law is on our side. I'm not sure if the cops will talk to you despite your age, but just tell the truth. Relax, you're now safe..."

The little girl embraced me. She is filthy and obviously a homeless kid. "I-I... appreciate it very much, big brother. I don't know what would happen to me if you're not there..."

"The world is a cruel place. This is not a world for the faint of heart. So, when you grow up, you must be brave and refuse to let anyone hurt you. Do you get what I'm saying? And never, ever cry."

In tears, the little girl nodded.

I wiped her tears with my handkerchief. "What happened to your mother? And why did you go to that man in the first place?"

"They're syndicate. They were abducting homeless people and force us to beg on the streets. And if we don't obey them, they'll hurt us and stop feeding us. We are their slaves. My mother is sick, and I am the one who makes a living for the two of us,"

My heart filled an unexplainable melancholy. I considered her bringing in our home. My mother would undoubtedly help them.

"Do you want me to bring you and your mother to my mother's home? We live in a large house. You are welcome there..."

"Big brother..."

"I'm not a bad person at all—-" I was about to say something, but I heard the cops have arrived and scanned the place.

I stood up to greet them, but the little girl pushed me aside.

I didn't expect this, so I slipped and lost my balance. The floor is quite damp.

"Wait, what was that for?!" My eyebrows turned into one line.

"Leave, big brother! I'll look after them! You've already defended me enough. For sure, the cops are going to arrest you for this or interrogate you. I'm extremely grateful for what you did. But I don't want you to in trouble. Your parents must be so worried for you," the little girl said.

I'm lost for words at this moment.

Suddenly, thoughts occurred to me. I'm running for magna cum-laude at my University. And I'm expected to succeed as the company's future CEO. Everyone has high expectations from me.

And if this issue will taint my name...

"Go, big brother! I'll look after them!" The girl pushed me once more.

I'm starting to get nervous because the cops were about to find us any moment now. My mind is not running smoothly, and I don't know what to do.

"How old are you? You are matured enough at your age..."

"Funny that you still manage to ask that despite the situation, big brother. I'm eight. Leave now. Please hurry!" She shouted.

I can't help but smile. I nodded.

"Okay... I'm leaving. I'm Javier. And you're...?" I'm also surprised as to why I need to ask her name.

The petite and filthy girl turned to face me. "Cassandra. Cassandra is my name,"


I averted my gaze from her. "Okay, then. Cassandra, until we meet again..."

I felt that time I would never be able to forget that name.
