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My Virgin Husband

My Virgin Husband

Autor: Author Feathers


General Romance

My Virgin Husband PDF Free Download


It's weird when a woman doesn't like to make love with her husband but it's super weird when a man loathes to make love with his wife. Ethan was a billioniare who has everything he needs in this world but he has a little secrete that stops him from making love with his wife. What could this secrete be? Find out in this comical romance story.

Chapter 1

Rose's POV.

"May you now kiss your bride" The priest said before the crowds of people that had come to our wedding ceremony.

I looked intently and seductively into his eyes hoping for his soft lips to land on mine in no time. We had really never kissed or had any romantic thing in the past. Any time I make the move, he had say until after marriage.

I wonder what kind of man says that but I love him anyways.

"Kiss your bride." The priest repeated softly after his hesitation. He darted his face to the priest and and lowered his head shyly.

The priest threw me a questioning look while I shot him back a confusing look.

"I'm shy to kiss her." He sniffed like someone crying as he lowered his head.

I was really stunned and I could see an expression of confusion and total surprise on the face of the priest.

I was getting embarrassed as the crowds seated may be wondering what was delaying the kiss.

"Common Ethan, kiss me!" I mumbled softly and he wouldn't raise his head up still, I moved to him and raised his head up ready to kiss him.

"I can't do this, I can't do this!" He shook his head as his eye became teary.

"Are you sure you didn't marry a woman? " the priest asked while I ignored. It's sounds funny to him but not to me.

Am I even certain that we will make love when we get home this night?

I held his head stiff and kissed him forcefully. I could hear some chuckles amidst the crowd. It made me really feel embarrassed but I had no choice but to pretend like I didn't notice.

I don't seem to understand Ethan's romantically life.

The wedding ceremony continues and finally ended after several hours of fun.

Our driver drove us home and we came down in my own exquisite wedding gown and his beautiful suit. Ethan is so handsome, he has a very pink lips and a very beautiful tall stature. Hs dimples are so alluring.

It's just his romantic life that amazes me till date.

I held his hand as we walked inside, I walked him straight to the bedroom.

I turned my back to him and he was quiet without making a move.

"Pull down the zip of my gown." I said softly and seductively while twisting my body slightly.

"If I open your gown , does that mean I will see your bare back?"

"Huh?" I turned and face him. "Are you joking or what? So what? What happens if you see my bare back?"

He covered his eye shyly." it's so precious , you should keep it from my eye."

"Ha ha! " I looked at him like I'm dreaming. I turned my back from him anyways and insist he zips down my gown.

He zipped it down slowly. "My days!" He murmur softly as my gown fell off to my toes. I was left with my pant and strapless bra.

I turned to him and to my surprise he was covering his face.

"Ethan! Ethan!" I called.

"Rose, please dress up." His voice came through with his palm still covering his face.

"Ethan, do you realize we have married at all?"

"I know, I just...I... I'm shy." He said as he turned away from me and ran to the edge of the bed like a baby.

"What is wrong with you, Ethan? You are my husband, you have all the rights to my body."

"Yes but..."

"But what?"

"I'm a virgin, I don't want to get deflowered, please."

Ha ha...what kind of husband is this?

We didn't made love that night, when it was the following Morning, I was at the kitchen preparing food for Ethan and I when the visitors bell rang.

I hurriedly concluded what I was doing and walked swiftly to the door to check who it was that had come to visit us this early.

On opening the door, it was my best friend.

"Baby!" She called enthusiastically as she threw her arms around me. I hugged her tight happily.

"Such a surprise!" I said out loud. I wasn't expecting her to come and visit me this early.

"Come over!" I said as we both walked to the living room. She sat comfortably and stare around our new house.

"This place looks so beautiful!" She complimented.

I chuckled. "Oh yeah! "

"It's good to marry the son of a rich man." She teased while we both laughed.

"How is your husband?"

"He's fine." I replied bluntly.

"Fine? Huh? you did not know what I meant , right? " she asked and looked around carefully.

"Is he close?" She asked referring to Ethan.

"No, he is upstairs." I repliied.

"Good, tell me how the night was, did he drill you as expected. " she asked and laughed.

I giggled and remembered what happened at night between Ethan and I. He didn't allow us make Love, he was just behaving like a baby virgin.

"Erm...yeah, he drilled me so deep!" I lied and we both laughed again.

We suddenly heard steps walking down the stairs.

"Oh! Here he is." I mumbled enough for my friend, Sonia to hear.

Ethan walked towards us with a beautiful smile on his face. Sonia stood gladly and walked up to him.

"Congratulations Ethan."She said and tried to hug Ethan but his reactions shocked and embarrassed the hell out of me.

Ethan jerked back and expressed a face full of fear. His expression later dropped into that of shyness.

" Is anything the matter?" Sonia who was surprised at Ethan's reaction to her attempt to 'hug' asked him.

He shook his head. "I promised myself not to hug anyone except my wife, I'm sorry." He said while looking down.

"Oh! Sorry!" My friend force a chuckle out of her lips.

It's obvious she felt really embarrassed.

Sonia turned to me "Erm...Baby, let me start going." Sonia said, picked her hand bag and walked out. She was found of calling me 'baby.'

I felt ashamed of myself and wondered what kind of husband refuses hug from other women who meant no harm.

"Why wouldn't you hug her? It's not a big deal /, Ethan."

"Maybe." He said softly and tried to walk away.

"Hey! You said you can only hug your wife, right?"

He nodded like a baby as he turned to me slowly.

"Fine, hug me."

"Ouch! I don't hug in the morning...I don't...I just can't." He said like someone wanting to cry and ran out of my presence

Is he having some mental problem or he was doing it on purpose?