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My Dreams into Reality

My Dreams into Reality

Autor: Graciaaaaa



My Dreams into Reality PDF Free Download


Have you ever got your heart broken? Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? Have you ever dreamt of something or someone that soothes your broken heart? There was a woman walking on a long bridge, alone and crying .. She wandered her eyes even though her eyes were dimming because of the tears that kept falling on her cheek. Even she, wonders what she’s doing there, all she remembers is she broke up with her boyfriend and she went home crying. As she walked she was surprised to meet a man, and she was even more surprised to know that it was all just a dream. The funniest thing is that they are on a dream of the man, and that place was always the man's dream. Although confused, she listened to the man, they were going through the same thing. What a destiny! The man introduced himself to her, but when she was about to say her name she woke up. While on the bus she looked at the bench at the bus stop and she was shocked to see the man in her dreams with the same clothes! The man also looked up and they stared at each other, the man stood up in shock and even he was amazed. Is it really possible to enter someone else's dream? Is it really possible that a dream becomes a reality?

Chapter 1


I'm crying as I walk across a lengthy bridge by myself. I have no idea why I'm here; I have no prior knowledge of this location. When I rolled my eyes, the tears that were pouring down my cheek clouded my vision. I don't know why I was crying either.

There are flowers at the end of the bridge that are so lovely, even from a distance, and I'm already in the thick of them. My eyes were immediately drawn to the river, which had crystal-clear water. Because the river water was so clear, I walked to the side of the bridge where it could be seen from all angles.

This is an extremely secluded, crowded, and windy location. ' At the end of the bridge, my eyes were tired of looking at the river, so I resumed walking. I stepped closer to the flowers and plucked a sunflower because I realized how beautiful they were after seeing them from a distance.

A man ran into me as I was admiring the flowers, and I didn't recognize him at first.

In height, he is 5'9" and weighs 150 pounds. He is only medium in color but has a pointed nose, he is skinny with pale eyes, and he has red lips and thin lips. His shape was exquisite.

It's my fault for not having noticed you, miss. When I heard his voice, I was even more shocked. I don't know why, but I recognized it.

I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes as she stared at me with those sad eyes.

"My apologies, Miss. What's the matter? Was it excruciatingly uncomfortable for you?" He inquired, his gaze sweeping across my entire face.

When I couldn't come up with the right words to explain myself, I simply shook my head and tried another time.

"What is your exact reason for being here? You might be interested to hear that I recently had a dream in which I saw someone else." As soon as he informed me about the dream, I immediately turned to face him.

"Can you explain what you mean by 'in your dreams'?" When I inquired about it, he appeared astonished and wrinkled.

"I'm perplexed by your presence in my dream because you're the only one there, and I'm the only one who thinks about this location while I'm having trouble sleeping. As a result, I'm perplexed by your presence in my dream because you're the only one there, and I'm the only one who thinks about this location while I'm having trouble sleeping. What method did you use to get into my REM sleep?" I was really taken aback by what he said; my brain was unable to process it.

No, you will not be able to enter your dreams. There has to be a better way to put it than that. In the course of time, I had a dream that I'll share with you. Nakakapagtaka!

It was at that point that I turned my back on him and said: 'I don't comprehend what you are saying."

I continued to walk, but I became aware that he was keeping up with me on the sidewalk.

"Because I am unfamiliar with you, I am pleased that you have arrived. When I'm alone, I have the sensation that I'm suffocating. It's awkward when you're alone yourself. Isn't it true that I'm just as lonely in my real life as I am in my fantasies?" It wasn't until a long time later that he realized what he needed to do.

It wasn't until I looked him in the eyes that I saw he was wearing a black v-neck t-shirt with the words "alone in this world" emblazoned on the front and back.

"Why are you the only one in the world? What if it's all a dream?" Just before she answered, I could hear her giggle and sigh.

"Friends and family who are essential to me have left me; my parents died in a car accident; my siblings have already moved to another country and are not even bothering to greet me when I arrive. My girlfriend and I believed everything was OK and that we were happy, but when I went to surprise him at their house on our anniversary, I discovered them naked with his man and performing a miracle; what stings even more is that his guy is my bestfriend, whom I considered to be my sibling." Her tone was depressingly sad.

"But it's not as if I'm the only one who feels this way. My ex-boyfriend had cheated on me as well. Without him abandoning me and choosing his new wife, we would have been together for four years at this point. The agony of not having him when I need him the most is still present. If he left me, we're happy, or perhaps I'm simply delusional? Due to the fact that I am such a 'goody two shoes,' he has grown tired of me. He's becoming disinterested in me. Laughing out loud" I tried to chuckle, but he moved to the front of the room, and I came to a complete halt, and he gazed at me. "What exactly is it? What is it about you that makes you look like that?"

"Do you think you're beautiful? His actions were foolish and they changed you; I can see how good your heart is, perhaps because we're in a dream, and that there isn't any resentment toward your ex or toward his lady living there in your heart. What is the best way to go about it?" He grinned as he heard the promise.

"Hmm. Maybe it's because my parents raised me, and they understand that I shouldn't express my rage or carry hatred toward others. It's fine for me to get furious or to experience any other negative emotion, but I shouldn't let it last too long since I will be devastated if I do. I still understand him, and I constantly hope that he is content with whatever decision he makes in life, despite the fact that I am disappointed in him." I realized that he was having difficulty believing what I had stated. That's why I couldn't help but giggle at his reaction.

"Wow! A someone like you, who is so pure in love that he is willing to hurt you in order to make the other person happy, just came into my life. It would be wonderful if I were able to do the same thing "He smiled, but the sadness in his eyes was palpable.

"However, You are not the only one who feels this way. My ex-boyfriend had cheated on me, too. We would have been together for four years if he hadn't dumped me for his new wife. When I need him most, I feel the pain of being without him. Do you think we're delighted that he departed, or am I going crazy? As a result, he has grown weary of my prudish demeanor. He's turning his back on me. Inconsolable laughter "However, he proceeded toward the front of the room and I was forced into a complete stop. He stared at me with wide-eyed curiosity. "What's the matter with it? What about you gives you that appearance?"

"What do you think of your own beauty? When he did what he thought was the right thing, you changed. I can see how good your heart is, perhaps because we're in a dream, and that you don't have any grudges towards your ex or his lady living there in your heart. When it comes to doing so, how should one proceed?" As soon as he heard the promise, he cracked a huge grin.

"Hmm. My parents, who reared me, have taught me that it is wrong to display my fury or harbor animosity for others. Getting angry or experiencing any other unpleasant emotion is perfectly OK, but I should not allow it to persist for too long since I will be devastated if I do. The fact that I'm disappointed in him doesn't mean I don't understand him, and I hope he's happy with whatever he decides." When I saw him frowning, I knew he wasn't buying what I said. Therefore, his reaction made me chuckle uncontrollably.

"Wow! This person reminded me of you just recently. You're so pure in your love that it's fine for him to hurt you as long as he's happy with himself. What if I could accomplish the same thing?" Nika, the anguish in his eyes could be seen in his expression.

"It's not difficult for him, at least not for me. I'm trying to put myself in their position and understand what they're going through, even if it's difficult..." I smiled at him with a knowing grin and met his gaze. "I was wondering if I could put myself in their position and see if I could accomplish that?"

He furrowed his brows and shook his head in a matter of seconds "That's not going to happen, no matter how hard they try. A challenging circumstance has been placed upon you, as you have stated. If you keep your calm, I'm sure you'll do the right thing in the situation at hand." His statement made me laugh because he was totally right.

"In the event of a similar situation to theirs, I would not prefer to be injured more severely than other people, despite the fact that I occasionally make reckless decisions and am self-centered. However, I cannot allow my conscience to consume me, and as a result, I have never instilled resentment in anyone, despite the fact that I understand their perspective. My belief is that the problem stems from my willingness to forgive, even if the other person does not apologize." Despite the fact that I'm still hurting, I've forgiven them. Because I believe that's one of the reasons why heart wounds heal more quickly than other types of wounds." Last but not least, I pointed to his heart with my finger.


It's like everything I have to say has been summed up! "In all seriousness, though, you're a tough cookie. When it comes to forgiving someone, it takes tremendous strength of character and mental fortitude. Furthermore, for someone like you, it is difficult for me to forgive someone so soon; it takes me a long time to do so after a mistake. I'm full of rage. When it comes to someone like myself, forgiving is a difficult task to do." As he sat on the grass, gazing up at the night sky, he thought of something.

There is a similarity in the weight of the burden he appears to be born." As a Christian, I understand that forgiveness can be exceedingly difficult for some people, especially if they've been wronged by someone who they believed would never hurt or betray them. What do you think about that, though? It's best to plan ahead of time in case something unexpected happens. Is there anything more you can do with your wrath but vent it? As long as you don't let your rage consume you, moving on will be far more difficult for you. When your wrath spirals out of control and begins to eat away at your self-confidence, it's easy to make poor judgment decisions.

"I'm well aware of it. Everybody, everyone, you've done what you shouldn't have done. You should have known better. You should have known better. You should have known better. You should not have known better. You should not have known better. As a result, "you're going to have a hard time." He didn't even look at me when I was staring at him. "If your heart is filled with rage, you know you'll never be free. You're stuck here.

"What made you decide to go your separate ways?" I was taken aback by his question, but I managed to crack a smile.

No, not yet

When you say that, it sounds as though you're already on the move.

What I'm saying is, "Well, truthfully, I've not been able to move yet because it takes time, and I haven't been able to leave yet because I'm not yet free." He nodded his head in agreement. There may be nothing else I can do if I'm upset. You should know that I'm not that good. My feelings for him haven't altered, therefore I appreciate his decision even if it's painful. not furious with him or them, my chest doesn't feel as heavy as it normally does."

"It appears that your heart is devoid of animosity, you love him, but you are not furious with him for what he did, which is excellent. That's something I'm hoping for as well."

As long as you don't have any resentment in your heart, you can make some progress, even if it's slow. In the end, it's not the person that's difficult to forget, but rather the feelings and memories that the person evoked.

As I gazed up at the sky, it was relaxing to think that such a place exists. Want to go? Close my eyes and let the breeze wash over me.

By the way, I'm Nixon; we've spoken previously, but we haven't exchanged names yet. She was beaming at me, and her smile had reached her eyes by the time she was done.

In other words, "I'm an alt——."

My body felt like it was being yanked out of my hands.

""Althea!!" It's time to get up and move around! So that we don't get sick, we're going to eat and go to work." Fritzie slapped me awake and that's when I realized what had happened.

My god this girl,s he really slapped me!  When I stood, I surveyed her. She smirked at me as he pretended to retreat.

"Bes!" As soon as she walked out of the room, I yelled out to her "the bizarreness of my waking dream.. I'd walked into a man's fantasy."

"Omg! Omg! No, I don't think so. Romance? Thriller? Is he attractive?" A pillow was thrown in my face as well.

"Bitch! No, we're conversing and I'm able to empathize with his situation."