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Love Beyond Bounderies

Love Beyond Bounderies

Autor: Rachylyn



Love Beyond Bounderies PDF Free Download


Ava's passionate romance with billionaire Ethan is threatened by her vengeful ex, his jealous childh ood friend, and his disapproving mother. But when she discovers she's pregnant, Ethan denies the child is his. Why? Why does Ethan's mother hate Ava? Secrets, lies, and betrayals tear them apart. Can their love survive the truth?

Chapter 1

I'm so excited, Ava said, bouncing in her seat.

"That's because you're full of energy, sweetie." Her mother replied, laughing. "We're going to have the best day ever!"

"Definitely, we will," Ava's father said while smiling.

Ava giggled. "You guys are the best parents in the world! And I get to sing my favorite song."

"Go for it, kiddo!" Her father encouraged her.

Ava's voice filled the car as she sang a song by Whitney Huston. "Greatest Love of All"

"Everybody searching for a hero, people need someone to look upto, I never found anyone who fulfilled my need, a lonely place to be.............."

Ava continued singing, and her voice filled the car. It was a joyful time as her mother sang along with her. "I love this part, Ava exclaimed!"

"You have such a beautiful voice, sweetheart," her mother said, proud of her daughter.

Ava giggled, feeling happy. "I can't wait to perform on a stage!"

As they continued singing and laughing, Ava's father suddenly slammed on the brakes. "Hold on!" he exclaimed, his voice tight with urgency.

Ava's heart skipped a beat as she saw a truck coming towards them, its headlights shining like a sun in her eyes.

Her father swerved to the side, but it was too late. The truck crashed into their car, the impact throwing Ava forward. She heard the sound of crunching metal, shattering glass, and her parents' cries.

And then everything went blank.

Ava's eyes fluttered open in the hospital, her head throbbing. Her parents' faces were buried in her mind, but they weren't there. She was alone. Memories flooded back.

The car ride, the singing, the crash... And then it hit her—the realization that she was alone now and that her parents were gone. Ava's voice was silent, her screams echoing only in her mind.

She knew she would never see her parents again, hear their laughter, or feel their warm embrace. They were gone, and she was left behind in a world that no longer made sense. How she survived was a miracle.

Ava is now a 25-year-old strong-willed, determined, and hardworking young lady who lives with her best friend Soledad. Her hobby is music which is a source of comfort that helped her cope with the stress of everyday life. Ava has a warm smile that makes her so beautiful and adorable. She is always willing to lend a helping hand to just anyone she meets, and her kind heart makes her everyone's favorite in the coffee shop where she works.

Ava worked tirelessly in the coffee shop, she was dedicated to her job and always wanted to improve to satisfy and impress her customers. Her co-workers admire her because she takes her work seriously, and customers love her friendly smile and welcoming nature.

"Hi Ava, dear, can I get two cups of coffee, please?" Mr. Cruz asked, and his eyes lit up with excitement as he fixed his gaze on her.

"Of course, Mr. Cruz! I'll have your coffee ready in just 8 minutes," Ava replied, her voice filled with happiness. She loved making coffee for her regulars, and Mr. Cruz was one of her favorites.

"I will wait, my dear," he said, his voice soft. "If I don't wait for your coffee, who will? You always make it just right, My wife and I can't start our day without it."

Ava's heart filled with pride and gratitude as she brewed the coffee. She loved being a part of her customer's daily routines, and Mr. Cruz's kind words made her feel appreciated. As she gave him the cups of hot coffee, Mr. Cruz couldn't help but giggle like a little child.

"Thank you, Mr. Cruz; those kind words you said, mean so much to me," she said, appreciating him.

“You're welcome, sweetie,” he said, giving her a warm smile. Mr. Cruz has always admired Ava's hard work and dedication to work, looking at her with admiration and wishing she were his daughter.

Ava returned to the coffee counter, her mind wandering back to that fateful day . The sound of shattered glass and the pain of losing her parents still lingered, hidden behind her bright smile and warm demeanor. Her eyes held a deep sadness, a hint of pain she kept hidden.

“Mom and Dad, I wish you were still here,” she said with a gentle hum as tears rolled down her eyes, a hum that masked all the pain, sorrow, and emptiness she felt inside. She pushed the thought away, focusing on the present, but the pain she felt remained.

She sat down, looking at the snow falling from the window of the coffee shop, with her earpiece listening to music. Music helps her forget whatever she's been going through.

As the day went by, Ava had just finished her shift at the coffee shop, and her mind was preoccupied with the thought of Antonio, her boyfriend of two years. She had not heard from him for a while now, and she had this feeling that something was off.

“Soledad, I'm heading off to see Antonio,” Ava said as she arranged her things.

Soledad, her best friend and colleague, looked up from her phone with a concerned expression on her face.

“Ava, are you sure that's a good idea? You know how I feel about him; I don't trust him a bit,” she said, looking worried.

Ava nodded, anticipating Soledad's disapproval. “

"I know, but I have to see him and talk to him; something doesn't just feel right," she said, giving Soledad a poppy eye.

Soledad heaved a sigh, her brown hair bouncing as she shook her head.

"Ava, one day, just one day, you will see him for who he is; you will find out that he is not the loving and charming boyfriend he pretends to be; I can't understand why you love that guy.".” She said putting her hand on her forehead.

“He is a wolf in sheep's clothing; mark my words, you will find out so soon.”

Ava frowned, feeling as if Soledad didn't want the best for her; she could not pinpoint why Soledad didn't like Antonio a bit.

“You don't understand; Antonio loves me, I am so sure of that, and I love him. Yes, we have our ups and downs, but we're working on it.”

Soledad's expression softened; her voice was gentle but firm. “I love you, and I want what's best for you, Ava. Be careful, okay?”

Ava nodded, grinning from ear to ear, feeling gratitude for her friend's concern.

“I will, dear. Thanks for looking out for me,” she said, kissing Soledad on her cheeks.

With a final glance at Soledad's worried face, Ava headed out to Antonio's home.

Ava arrived at Antonio's house in just 40 minutes. As she approached the door, she noticed something strange, it was wide open! Antonio was always careful to close his doors, so Ava was curious. She stepped inside and made her way to the bedroom, her heart beating a little faster. As she got closer, she heard some suspicious sounds.

“Ah! Harder, yes, yes, yes, that's the spot. I fucking love you."

Ava heard these moans as her body began to shake. She was shivering, hoping it was not what she was thinking, tears streaming down her eyes. Ava is very emotional. As she got closer to the bedroom, the moans became louder and louder.

"Ahhhh, I love you so much; you're much sweeter than Ava, omg ah,” she heard Antonio's voice.

Ava's heart raced as she pushed the bedroom door open. They were not aware someone pushed the door, they were so engrossed in what they were doing. Her world came crashing down right before her eyes, and what she saw made her blood boil. the one person she loved and gave her virginity to. How could he have done this to her?

Ava felt anger and hurt; she trusted Antonio, and this is how she repaid her. By betraying her?

“Antonio? She said in a weak voice, melting down at the sight of Antonio with another woman naked on the bed.”

Antonio looked up and saw her standing, his eyes widened in surprise, and he quickly stood up, trying to wear his pants.

"OMG, Ava, what are you doing here?? I didn't know you were coming.”

“How could you do this to me, Antonio? I thought we had something real,” Ava said, shocked and hurt.

“real? It's not my fault you saw us this way, you shouldn't have come unannounced,” he said, defending his actions.

“That's not the point, the point here is that you were sleeping with someone, and you're not even sorry about it.” She felt betrayed.

Antonio was now getting angry. “To be honest, I didn't plan on you finding out this way, but just know that I was just using you to satisfy my sexual urge,” he said coldly. ”

Ava was heartbroken; there was this pain; she felt like her heart was pierced with an arrow as she began to cry.

“Using me? Did you use me? How could you be this wicked?”

“Don't be dramatic; you're so naive. It's not like I hurt you or anything, you're just mad because you got carried away with your emotions.” He was now rolling his eyes.

“I'm naive and dramatic because I loved you. You're the one who was sleeping around.” She was now pointing her fingers.

“So what if I was sleeping around? It ain't a big deal, not like we were official.”

"Were we not official? You never told me that. You made me believe we had something—that you loved me.”

Ava's legs were shaking as she fell on the floor, looking dumbfounded. Ava felt deceived and manipulated. She couldn't believe he said all these things to her. How could he hurt her this way?

“You assumed that, so don't blame me for your assumptions.”

“You led me on.”

“I didn't force you to be with me, you were the one who wanted to stay. Don't play the victim card here.”

“You're not sorry for what you did; all you do is keep hurting me with your words.” She said it tearfully.

“Whatever, you can do anything you want. You can now use the door; I am done with this conversation.”

All this while the lady Antonio was sleeping with kept quiet, listening to them while sipping her wine. When she saw Ava and was still standing there, she thought I had to do something.

She stood up, pointing her fingers at Ava. “You bitch, you heard him, get the fuck outta here, we were in the middle of something,” she said, rolling her eyes.

“Ava was dumbfounded and couldn't bear the humiliation and heartbreak as she stormed out of the bedroom, determined to leave him and his deceit behind. As she walked away, she could feel tears falling from her eyes. She thought Antonio loved her, but it turns out he was using her. She was now walking very fast, determined to leave there before she lost it.

As she was leaving, she was a child no less than 4, standing in the hallway, holding hands with the housekeeper. Her eyes widened with different questions and emotions running through her mind. Could this be Antonio's? Child?