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Reversing Fate: Taming Hunk Hubby

Reversing Fate: Taming Hunk Hubby



Reversing Fate: Taming Hunk Hubby PDF Free Download


Su Ling crosses over, becoming an overweight woman in the 1980s, despised by everyone, only to be caught in adultery at the start! The previous holder of her body was lazy and gluttonous, despised by people, and even willing to resort to underhanded means to get the macho soldier. This turned into a classic case of forcing a king onto the throne... Looking at the handsome hunk beside her, who's completely naked, and thinking of the shocking scandalous deeds the previous host had done, Su Ling feels like head-butting a wall! But since things have already come to this point, she has no choice but to accept them. Everyone despises her? She will change that and become the new darling of the military compound, loved by everyone! Is she fat and plump? She will work hard to lose weight and become a slim, fashionable beauty! Are her pockets empty? With her modern wits, taking advantage of the era, she leaps to become the city's richest woman! What can't she face? Oh, there is a pure lotus who is coveting her macho husband! Just a simple white lotus, she can weed out easily. The most important thing is to win over her tough-bodied soldier husband! She closes the door, turns into a sexy lady and clings onto her macho husband's waist... "You said before that you didn't like me, but what about now? Do you like me?" Unexpectedly, he turns around and pins her on the bed, voice deep and indulgent: "My heart, has long been yours!"

Chapter 1

"Who... Who are you..."

Su Ling murmured in her sleep, vaguely feeling someone pressing against her.

A strange scent inherently belonged to men hit her, a firm touch and burning breathe mixed up, making her breathless.

She instinctively struggled, wanting to push the man off her, but she found herself totally helpless, incapable of moving.

Su Ling tried hard to open her eyes, but she was stuck in a half-awake, half-asleep state.

Was she dreaming?

But those touches were too real...

Especially that unfamiliar and domineering scent which carried a wild possessiveness, devoid of any gentleness.

Who was this man on top of her?

Why was he treating her like this?

Her mind was in chaos, she wanted to cry but no sound came out, she wanted to resist, but her body was listless, left to the whims of the man.

Very soon, her remaining sliver of consciousness was swallowed by waves of odd pleasure.

The scene before her eyes blurred, consciousness began to fade...


"Bang, bang, bang!!"

"Sulin! You shameless woman, come out at once!"

A deafening pounding sound on the door awakened Sulin from her deep slumber.

"Who is it? Disturbing my peaceful sleep so early in the morning! Annoying!"

She grumbled, irritably rolling over and reluctantly opened her half-closed eyes.

And then, to her utmost shock, lying beside her was...a naked man!

"Ah! Who, who on earth are you? How come you, you're in my bed?"

Sulin screamed in terror.

In the sweltering summer, an old electric fan was continuously blowing hot wind onto the bed.

The man glanced at her disdainfully, and coldly said, "I will take responsibility. But don't expect me to have any feelings for you!"

Take, take responsibility?

What does that mean?!

Sulin stared blankly at the man before her. Suddenly, a wave of unfamiliar memory exploded in her mind.

After taking in all the memories, she gradually made sense of her current circumstance.

Did she...time-travel?!

Back to the '80s! She found herself in the body of a girl who shared her name.

This girl, also named Su Ling, was a tone-deaf country lass. She was dark, overweight, lazy, and had a crazy crush on boys, flirting with any man she met.

Su Ling's older brother, Su Ming, was a soldier who had been injured during a mission.

To care for her brother, she naturally moved into the military compound.

And the man sharing her bed at this very moment, Shen Qinghuai, was Su Ming's comrade, who was handsome and suave.

He frequently visited the injured Su Ming, and over time, drew Su Ling's attention.

Shen Qinghuai's comrade, Tang Cheng, was making arrangements to introduce him to his sister, Tang Rourou. Somehow, Su Ling heard about this plan.

Immediately, she felt a pang of jealousy in her heart, her eyes burning green with envy, a surge of malicious intent rose within her.

To win over Shen Qinghuai, Su Ling resorted to underhanded tactics, slipping something into his tea when he wasn't looking.

Surprisingly, this trick worked.

But as the saying goes, 'man proposes, God disposes'.

Just when Su Ling tasted sweet victory, her heart blooming with joy, her blood pressure suddenly skyrocketed, her heart became uncontrollable, and suddenly, she died.

Thus, this farcical situation emerged.

She felt a strong ache in her legs, now finally understanding what had just happened.

The knocking at the door was giving her a headache, and the cursing voices never ceased.

A shrill female voice cursed ungracefully, "Su Ling, you shameless vixen, open the door now!"

"I'll make sure everyone in this courtyard sees the disgraceful creature you are!"

Immediately following that was the furious voice of a man.

"Su Ling, you truly disappoint me. I was completely sincere towards you, and yet you were busy engaging in sly affairs behind my back!"

"Hurry up and open the door!"

"The person inside, open the door now! If you refuse to open the door, I'll kick it open!"

Yikes, someone's here to catch a cheater!

Su Ling heard everything crystal clear. She was all too familiar with the voices of those two, the man and the woman.

The harsh female voice outside was none other than Tang Rourou—the younger sister Tang Cheng tried to set up with Shen Qinghuai!

As for the man, isn't he Zhu Erniu from the village?

Zhu Erniu was the honest and simple man Su Ling would play with to kill time in the village.

He was so naive to the point of being somewhat silly sometimes.

However, how did Zhu Erniu track her down here?

The original owner of this body, an unreliable women, really had no morals to go after a man who was already taken.

Worse... whats even more hard to accept is, she clearly had a lover herself!

This completely overturned Su Ling's worldview!

"Now what do we do?" Su Ling felt the knot in her throat tighten and she helplessly turned to look at Shen Qinghuai.

Shen Qinghuai coldly scoffed, "Scared now, are you?"

"I..." Su Ling wanted to explain, but she found that she had no grounds to stand on.

At this moment, she was trapped in the body of the former host, which weighed at least 150 kilograms. How could she possibly explain clearly!

She was now Su Ling, and Su Ling was her.

It would seem that she would have to bear responsibility for all of these absurd events.

Su Ling wanted to get up and get dressed, but she accidentally bumped into something hard.

She picked it up and saw that it was a card that said "Luck Charm", faintly glowing.

Her current plight permitted no further thoughts. She stuffed the card under her pillow and prepared to get out of bed to grab her clothes.

But just as she was stretching her leg out to the edge of the bed, the door was suddenly kicked open with a show of force.


Su Ling screamed, hastily pulling the quilt over her body, and looked fearfully at the group of hostile people who had stormed in.

Tang Rourou angrily rushed to the bed, her eyes bloodshot, fiercely glaring at the two people on the bed, shaking with anger.

Su Ling was filled with panic, her heart pounding like a drum.

The woman before her had a gaze as sharp as a knife, as if intending to rend her into a thousand pieces.

Just then, a muffled male voice rang out in her mind, seemingly coming from a distance.

"Oh no."

This voice... Wasn't it that of the man beside her?

But he clearly hadn't spoken!

Could it be that she had suddenly gained some incredible ability to hear others' inner thoughts?