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Moonlight Awaken

Moonlight Awaken

Autor: McQueen



Moonlight Awaken PDF Free Download


Hey, my name is Glulla, the girl who is always scared of her home not that I'm not love at home my parents are the most fun-loving parent anyone could ask for. It happened After my 18th year birthday my body felt strange and it seemed I slept longer on the full moon than usual but my parents said otherwise or they said I was running on high fever and was on treatment why? But it's been six months now and I started having this strange dream, I was always been chased by a big wolf and a handsome man always helped me, and I always end up sleeping with him. But today I discovered I was two month pregnant and I met the handsome man at college today.

Chapter 1

Moonlight Awakening

Chapter one

Glulla slowly walked through the familiar

path that leads to the woods. savoring the sweet smell from the roses that line the pathway.

She walked briskly to one of the lone chairs in the open field and did a royal twirl before taking her seat.

She has been here countless time with her childhood friend Lyra.

Once the full moon cast its silvery glow on the beautiful town of Raven’s peak Glulla and Lyra will find their way to the Garden and enjoy moment of fantasy that is normal for every one of their age.

“ I can’t wait to have my first kiss,” Lyra will start the thread of the conversation with a dreaming expression

“ me too” Glulla will reply and the rest of the

conversation will continue in a predicted manner

“ who do you think it will be?” Glulla will ask. “ I think it will be one of the boys in our class” Lyra will reply with a sad expression.

“Which of them do you think could be my first kiss” Glulla will ask again hopefully

“ hmmmm... Lyra will raise her head up with a finger on her lips as if she is trying hard to figure who it will be among the boys in the class. “None of the frogs is qualified to kiss the princess “ she will answer eventually and they will both burst into laughter.

“It’s not as bad as you paint it Lyra, Glulla will interject, Myles is still good looking and he is a good athlete too”.

“Oh, that one that think of himself as some Greek God and walks with a gait that looks more of limping to me than swag” Lyra will say with a smirk and they will laugh thier heart


Of a truth, Myles is handsome and a lot of the girls drool after him.

But for Lyra and Glulla he is no match for their fantasy Man and coupled with the fact that he is always surrounded by girls make it disgusting.

Today, Lyra wasn’t with her because she has caught a flu the previous day and her Grandma has insisted she take the hot soup and lie in bed that night.

“What a shame, she miss this sight”. Glulla muse as she pop one of the candies she brought along in her mouth.

And continue with her day dreaming. It’s one of those things she used to keep herself busy recently.

She’ll fantasize about her Cinderella moment of kissing the Prince Charming to the cheering of every native of Raven’s peak.

She heard the Russ from the small brush behind her at first but attributed it to the wind. again she heard the sound again as if someone was tiptoeing, Had it not been that she has seen Lyra that evening been critically ill and her granny forcing her to take the soup she would have thought she was the one trying one of her many pranks. When the heavy footstep sound came again this time around the hair on her back stood at alert as if sensing some sort of danger.

She stood up and turn around sharply and her eyes come in contact with a huge red pair of eyes that look so deadly and ready to pounce on her at any moment.

It didn’t take a second for her Brain to click in that, this monster towering over her is a fully mature Male werewolf.

She did what a sane person will do, she took to her heels and as expected, the werewolf gave her a good chase,

The werewolf was fast gaining ground as the distance between them begin to get shorter same as her breath.

She trip over a fallen log and lost her balance. The pain in her leg shot through her head as her blood begin to pool to the surface of the open wound.

She let out a cry as the werewolf finally caught up with her.

The werewolf howl loudly and the fear that descended on her was as paralyzing as the pain in her leg.

She closed her eyes as she anticipated the pain that is coming when the werewolf will tear her apart. She purposed in her heart that she won’t cry or give this monster the satisfaction of seeing her tears.

From nowhere, a pair of hand grabbed her off the floor and whisk her off unto a horse.

She thought within herself, “so I am dead”

“Is this what it feels like to be dead?”

“No, you aren’t” Her saviour replied.

now, that doesn’t sound like the voice of a werewolf she reasoned. surprisingly the voice has some magical effects on her as she found herself relaxing.

“too bad I’m dying soon and I haven’t even tick kissing off my bucket list. Lyra will be so sad. I can’t believe I kept myself up to this point to die such a gruesome death without knowing what it feels like to be made love to” she moaned still with her eyes closed.

“You aren’t dead, I rescued you from him” that deep baritone boom again in her ears.

She quickly begin to calculate the whole thing. This voice speaking sounds nothing like the Big bad wolf chasing her a moment ago. But if it wasn't the Monster, and it wasn’t an angel because the voice said she isn’t dead. then who is this person with a charming voice. Perhaps another monster. Probably a siren. She concluded.

She slowly opened her eyes to catch a glimpse of who her so call Knight was and her eyes came in contact with a cute pair of Hazel eyes that seems to penetrate into the core of her soul and at the same time, it held a deeper sense of anger borne out of vengeance.

She took in the feature of his face and beneath the mask she could see that he was really handsome.

Something about him feel homely like she has known him for a long time.

The fact that she felt totally at peace with this stranger makes it more weird.

Perhaps in another world, at another time, this cute stranger in mask would have fit in perfectly into the role of her dream boyfriend whom she will love to share her first kiss with.

Without been told she knew they are headed toward the foot of the white Mountain where no one has ever dared to thread due to the story

that circulated that a group of hunters has found the skeleton of what looks like a man but the head of a wolf hung on a peg on their way to a hunting expenditure and found 3 more of such on their way back.

The head of the wolves were neatly severed off the body and it was dripping blood as they hung on a peg as if to warn trespassers of the strength of whosoever that lives inside the cave of the mountain.

Mothers usually warn their kids and fathers talk in hush voice about whatever lives in the cave..