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Autor: sam_x23


Steamy Stories

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A mission that will unite them more than just friends or colleagues. Because by playing with self-imposed limits you can discover your power of sexuality and seduction. Sexual tension, jealousy, drama, and a mystery to be solved. Sasha discovers a dangerous world and her best weapon will be her body. Will she be able to emerge victorious from the underworld of exotic dancers?

Chapter 1

"Boss, you can't be serious about assigning her to this job, can you? She is unfit for this type of mission and the training to prepare her for such a job would take more time than we could afford. With all due respect, I think it would be better to choose someone else"

The honey-eyed woman raised a blond brow in silent admonition. She understood what she was referring to because she too had felt the same way, but she had gone through the list over and over and her conclusion had been the same. There was simply no one else available to take this job. However, she did not expect such strong resistance from the man in front of her. Being a former black-ops agent, she generally took orders without question, trusting that his superiors would make the right decisions for the good of the people. Considering her history with luck, she did not think that she would choose precisely today of all days to respond and oppose her orders.

"I understand that you are worried Arlet, but I think you are underestimating her" She crossed her newly manicured hands and placed them on the desk, evenly meeting the gaze of her one dark eye "There was a time when you knew her abilities better than anyone, but that time is gone. She hasn't been your student for years and in the meantime, I've watched her grow by leaps and bounds. Her lack of experience in this field will undoubtedly make the mission more difficult, but it will by no means make it impossible"

Inexperience? He wanted to scoff at the statement. Inexperience was, to put it mildly. The mission required a girl familiar with the dark world of seduction and lust. Her former student didn't fit that description.

"Since you request that I accompany the chosen agent, I would feel much more comfortable with a different candidate. The girl Carla or even Eren would fit the profile better"

Grisha sighed irritably, struggling to stay calm, Arlet was being abnormally averse to the whole situation and hated being made to repeat it. She didn't like the situation any more than he did, considering that the girl she had chosen was like her own daughter and she couldn't help but feel that she was sending her straight to the lion's den.

That same morning he had received a request for a girl between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five to come to the aid of a small club in a province on the country's borders. That particular area, although it excelled in modern technology, was known to lack a consistent form of government and not many missions came from there, most potential requests went to Suna, which was closer, or resorted to recruiting from thugs to solve problems with brute force. However, a successful mission with agents from his village could lead to more requests from the area going to Kono, a fact that was too tempting for Grisha to pass up.

However, this particular mission seemed a bit more delicate than the average assassination or attempt to keep the peace. The assignment came from a man in a crime-ridden city named Fuzen Machi. Grisha had even been there a couple of times considering the hell hole was a gambling place. The man owned a club with exotic dancers and recently, several of his girls had disappeared, threatening to put him completely out of commission. The message had called for a single girl, dressed in civilian clothes, to act as an undercover dancer in search of the culprit, using her feminine charm and her own body to elicit the answers she needed from the club's clients.

If only Dayana had been a few years younger, he would have sent her without a second thought, but there was no way she could go through the requested age. She agreed that Carla would have been the first choice, except that she had gone on a mission with her team almost a week ago and wouldn't be back for ten days. Eren had also gone on a simple escort mission that would last another three or four days. The assignee would have to leave immediately.

"Arlet, you have made your concern very clear, but my decision remains the same. All other elected officers are already assigned to other jobs. The only other girl available that fits the profile is Alba and I think you will agree with me that Sasha is the best to choose between the two"

Arlet, who had been standing abnormally upright during this battle of wills with her boss, slumped a bit. He couldn't deny that she was right. If you were to mention something like striptease around Alba, she would undoubtedly turn a surprising shade of pink before quickly passing out.

Grisha watched him deflate and sighed in relief, hoping that his return to his normally abominable posture would indicate that he had agreed. However, with that infernal mask covering his face, he was even harder to read than most of the officers he dealt with.

"You are an excellent officer Arlet and you are a master in many fields of our profession that is why I am sending you along with Sasha" said Grisha, her voice taking on a softer tone "You know her better than most, and have protected her in the past. I expect no less from you this time"

"Yes boss," he replied, his voice betraying the weight on his chest.

The masked man bowed slightly, still not happy with the final decree. He wasn't trying to save the young girl her innocence, because that was something you gave up when you were given the title of officer. He just thought that this mission would go much better with a different girl, but he supposed it couldn't be helped if she was the only one available for this.

However, he was grateful to be by her side to keep her safe and ensure that she fulfilled this mission. On the other hand, he was well aware of the infinite possibilities of awkward situations that her association would produce during this mission. She had been her student at the tender age of twelve and somehow he still thought of her as that very girl. He knew a rude awakening awaited him when she took on the role of a seedy club dancer.

"Thanks Arlet, you are free to go. Don't forget that her shift at the hospital ends at six and you need to meet here so we can brief her on this mission and go over the details"

He responded with a silent nod, her hand already drifting into his bulletproof jacket pocket to retrieve her most prized possession, opening her book where she had left it. He was almost out the door before Grisha stopped him.

"Oh, and one more thing. Since you are undoubtedly an expert in all things perverted, I have left his training in such matters in your hands"

Her words were enough to stop him in his tracks and if her mask hadn't hidden her face, it would have been possible to see her open mouth and her eyes in shock at Grisha's casual amendment to her mission agenda.

Slowly, he turned to look at her boss, not sure he had heard her correctly.

She smiled at his obvious shocked reaction. He knew Arlet enjoyed her dirty books, but that didn't mean he wasn't a gentleman. She had correctly guessed that showing her former student how to satisfy the average man's desires while she was gathering information at the same time wasn't exactly her idea of ​​a good time of hers. Because of this, she was even more confident that he would do it right and if she ever found out that for some reason she had taken advantage of her apprentice, she would have a fist at the ready with her name written all over it and perhaps a match ready to set fire to. all his precious books.

"The trip to Fuzen Machi should take about five days. You will have to make the most of it and teach him along the way"

Arlet nodded silently before turning and leaving the room, opening her book but not seeing the words on the pages. This complicated mission became much more complicated than expected

And it hadn't even started yet!