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In Love With An Imposter

In Love With An Imposter

Autor: Faith Adore



In Love With An Imposter PDF Free Download


I don't know you. She muttered, shaking. But you do. It's you I do not know. You're not my wife." He fired back, poised, yet charged with anger. Unfortunately, it's too late for that finding. We've messed with each other's heads enough to let go now." ~~~~~~~ Jewelry designer, Persy Carter's life takes a turn when her caretaker from the orphanage is diagnosed with a life threatening disease. In order to raise money for the medical expenses of the only woman that makes her feel loved in the midst of the hatred from her adoptive family, Persy agrees to marry Ivan Connelly— a top billionaire in the city, who disguises himself as a worthless idler— in place of her sister. Ivan Connelly accepts to marry the biological daughter of the Carter family, Dexi Carter, only because it was his mother's last wish and he further disguises as an idler to conceal the marriage from the public. What happens when Ivan finds out his wife is only an imposter? Will he choose love over fulfilling his mother's last wish?

Chapter 1

"Right there! Right there, yes!"

Joe drove in harder— doggy style— thrust after thrust, slamming his palm over Dexi's loud mouth as he did.

"Your parents, Dexi." He reminded her through gritted teeth and she bit her lip beneath his palm, thrilled by how sneaky they were being. Sex with Joe was always full of thrills. It was always forbidden, sneaky— a dose of sin. He was her sister's boyfriend and yet, he could never say no to her, whenever and wherever she wanted him. She planned on making Joe promise to break up with Persy, her sister and she planned to do it that night. He would be too high on the sex to refuse, she assured herself.

Suddenly, Joe pulled out in one go and turned her to him, making her suck him off. He threw his head back as soon as her mouth connected with his throbbing member and she grinned, even with her mouth full. Through her thick lashes, she observed Joe, from his strawberry blonde hair on his head to the equally blonde hair that led to his member, wondering if it was the right time to tell him about the break up thoughts she had in mind. She retracted her mouth from his member with a plop sound and he groaned, pulling her by her chin, back to him.

"Easy, boy," she teased and fisted him, hard. He shuddered in her palms.

"For fuck's sake, Dexi." He cussed, with clenched teeth. Dexi moved her palm now.

"Break up with her." She pitched and Joe's hard-on softened by a tad bit. She noticed and rubbed him faster. He pushed her back on the bed and slid into her again without warning, beginning to fuck her harder than the first time. Her pussy was slick with her juices and it was hard to speak with his large hand clasping her throat firmly, but she spoke up anyways,

"Why won't you break up with her? Does she fuck you like this?" She questioned, lifting her hips to meet his thrusts. Joe groaned, but focused on reaching his orgasm before she threw him out. Dexi's body was unholy, it was a fact, but it was the only thing he liked about her and it was not even remotely enough for him to be able to let a woman like Persy go.

Meanwhile Persy walked into the dimly lit living room and shut the door behind her, looking around briefly for any signs of her adoptive family before lowering herself to the couch and massaging her sore feet as soon as she took off her sandals. She winced at how good it felt to finally relax at a spot, how good her own fingers felt against her stiff muscles. She imagined Joe, her boyfriend, kneading her feet with his strong hands and holding her against him at the same time. She smiled for the first time that day. Asides her caretaker who had fallen sick, Joe was the only other person who cared about her genuinely; he was definitely the type of man every woman imagined as a potential husband, or so she thought.

Low noises made her jerk up from the couch, but everywhere went ghost quiet again after that, leaving her to wonder if the noises were just her imagination. Either way, she had certainly encountered a long day from running around in the hospital all day whilst trying to search for more ways, apart from her job as a jewelry designer, to raise some money that would help to cover up some of her caretaker's bills and she desperately needed some rest. She had failed for the day, and she could not forget the guilt that gnawed at her as she watched her ever cheerful caretaker lie on a hospital bed, expressionless and in pain from the effects of acute kidney failure which she had just been diagnosed of.

She shook her head as if to shake off the bad thoughts when they began to get intense and then began to walk to her room, with her sandals in hand. It was a light green and did not match the pomegranate red, simple midi dress she wore but she hardly had anytime to match that morning. She heard the noises again, just as she made to push open her room door. Her hand lingered on her metallic door handle as she waited, listening carefully. She thought she heard a moan now, but maybe it was Stacey— her adoptive mother— she reasoned; the woman was annoyingly loud during sexual intercourse. She pushed her door open further and heard another moan. It was so gut wrenchingly familiar this time, that it made her heart drop to her stomach. So she shut her door quietly and began to tiptoe towards Dexi's room, where she'd heard the moans.

Placing her right ear on her sister's door, this time, the moan sounded too familiar to deny who it was. It was followed with a desperate whimper from Dexi,

"Break up with her, god-damn it! Do it, Joe, don't you want me?"

Persy kicked the door open, with all her might, ignoring her throbbing feet and it bust open at the exact moment that Dexi whisper-screamed,

"Holy crap, I'm cumming again!"

Joe, however, was off her body in mini-seconds and she was about to complain but her eyes met her foster sister's and then her lips formed into a wicked smile. Their bodies were flush with sweat and the air in the room was thickened with the stench of sex.

"Oh my gosh, Joe, you came in me? That's so sexy..." Dexi alleged and caressed his biceps, all while her eyes focused on Persy, who stood there, facing too many emotions at once and yet, not letting any of these emotions appear on her face. She looked indifferent to what she had seen, but it was only a facade, a mask which she occasionally put on to hide her moments of weakness from people such as these. They did not deserve to see her break down, she would not let them see how much hurt their betrayal had brought to her.

"Pers," Joe called out quietly, but she stood still, leering at them. She wanted to compose herself before she spoke to this man who had been her ‘anchor’ for almost five years. The golden memories of them she'd boxed away for eventual hard times played in her head now, but it was not enough to dull the sharp pain and disappointment she felt somewhere inside her chest.

Joe made to get off the bed and Dexi pulled his arm to herself to stop him, but he pushed her away harshly, staggering from almost falling off the bed in a bid to meet her. His hand also crashed with Dexi's bedside table and a chunk of its contents scattered across the tiled floor. Dexi winced at the large crash but said nothing, watching in anger as Joe ran towards Persy, butt-naked.

"Babe, I'm sorry, I —" Persy struck his face with the back of her palm before he could finish and considered giving him another slap, but her aching palm advised her to leave it at one. Joe's face moved slightly to the side and he clenched his jaw in pain.

"We're done." She announced in a businesslike manner, her honey brown eyes not leaving his face. He shook his head, indicating no.

"Don't do this, Pers. I love you, you know I do, this was a mistake and I swear it would never happen again." He pleaded and Dexi stared at her expressionless face, hate brewing in her heart. She wondered how she managed to keep a straight face like that. Was she not hurting? She questioned herself.

Persy decided she'd seen and heard enough for the day, but just as she started to leave, she heard footfalls coming down the stairs and in no time, her adoptive parents, Tyler and Stacey were inside the room, their jaws dropping to the ground at the sight before them.

"Fuck!" Joe exclaimed and raced back to the bed to cover himself up while he shimmied into his boxer briefs. Dexi pulled the duvet up to her neck at the sight of her parents, her fair skin turning pale in seconds.

"What the hell are you doing, Dexi?" Dan looked horrified as he zoned in on the scene before him.

What does it look like? Persy was tempted to snap at him, but of course, her self control won. Stacey stood behind him, glaring fixedly at Joe.

"Do you realize you will be married to Ivan Connelly in no time? What's the meaning of this?" He yelled at Dexi and she bit her lip, shuddering as his voice grew louder, echoing across the room. Ivan Connelly was quite popular in the Carter's Household; known as a worthless idler that was supposed to become Dexi's husband, as stated in a signed contract between the families involved.

Dexi turned to cast a brief glance at Joe, who had his head cast down.

"Well I can't do that now, dad." She whispered and Dan's eyes formed into dangerous slits. Stacey ran her hand over her husband's arm to calm him, but he shrugged out of her hold, pissed.

"I didn't quite catch that." He lied, waiting for her to say it again. She swallowed and spoke up again,

"I can't marry Ivan, dad. I'm pregnant. It's for Joe." She said the last part with her eyes directed at Persy, whose heart shattered in smaller pieces than the last time. What Dexi had just revealed only meant that the entanglement between both of them had happened more than once and now Persy wanted nothing more, in that moment, than fleeing the now claustrophobic room. Joe's mouth fell open and he started to speak but Stacey beat him to it,

"Then do it, Persy. Marry ." She suggested and Persy turned sharply to her. Everyone was dead silent and though Dan still glared at Dexi, her fear did not stop the rush of joy she felt concerning her mother's suggestion.

"W-what?" Persy stuttered, unable to even blink.

"Your sister's pregnant. She can't marry Ivan, it's only right that you wed him, instead." She explained with a tight shrug. Dan looked over at Persy now.

"I can't. I can't marry Ivan, I'm sorry." She interjected. Dan moved closer to Persy now. For someone who his wife towered over, Dan was not any less intimidating, it was part of the reason Persy took some steps back.

"You have to marry him, Persy. We signed a contract." Dan said, standing directly in front of her now. She shook her head no.

"I can't." She blurted out, boiling with anger.

Stacey chirped in now, "We would be helping you out with Sheila's medical expenses if you say yes. You know you really need the money for her treatment, saying no would just be selfish."

The words hit Persy like a blow. The medical expenses of her caretaker was too much to come up with alone and they knew that, they could not do this to her.. they could give her another condition, not this, she thought painfully and then directed her gaze to Dan for help. He merely turned to look at his wife and then back to her, before adding,

"It's the only way. Marry Ivan or prepare to foot the bills alone, Persy."

Her shoulders dropped and she was torn between rejecting or accepting their offer. Sheila's expenses, she knew, could not afford to wait and she could not imagine raising that amount of money alone in two years from that time. It was no surprise, however, that Dan had joined his wife to put out that condition, for Stacey was a bully, such that even her domineering husband could never stand up to her.

Her lips shook as she prepared to give her answer. She looked over at Dexi; who sat up on the bed, eyes wide and impatient, then at Joe; who still had his head hunched over like the coward she thought he was, then finally, at the parents she had known for as long as she could remember and with a single tear slipping down her right cheek, her facade long broken, she answered,

"I'll do it. I'll marry Ivan Connelly."