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Why Female Student Battle Angel Of Gloom

Why Female Student Battle Angel Of Gloom

Autor: Adeyeye



Why Female Student Battle Angel Of Gloom PDF Free Download


A Law was passed by the senate to uncover female students. Which some parastater most especially in the area of Education which the ministry head mandated and uphold to the least under his administration. And the students concern could not bear it as it against their faith and religion and the students had no alternative than to commit suicide

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Born with silver spoon, to a average Family Barrister by father, no profession by mother, a pretty sister, domestic servants both males and maids, furnished and ensulted household materials good electronics appliance ranging from the general living rooms to the domestic servants. Provided all necessity to aid him in academy life and social life very humane in dealing with everyone.

Poverty is like a coal believe seethat both bond and free should be treated equally and right should not be infringe upon because of the environment he was raised from, believe in the "Supernatural being" as far as he was concerned. Promise by his father to give him a qualitative education to him and his pretty sister, as a neutral person and followers of certain philosophy and believe that education help one in fulfilling and pursuits a particular assipiration.

Upon completion of his secondary education, relocated to Germany to study architecture as a student very interested in contemporary issues affecting human life, politically, social, technology's or right been infringe upon from local and international all over the globe and post comment on opinion to the general public on his social media handle. Drifting bit by bit from his primary discipline to field of journalism by joining a humanitarian group & society right by the association on an issues that was the talk of the town, on a decree to uncover school girls that made them battle with Angel of gloom before submitting their spirit.

In his curiosity to get to the root of the matters has it was hot & disheartening and in the course of putting materials that will aid him, he heard that one of his old high schools mate reside there and had been divorced by his husband over an matrimonial issue is childbearing lead to the separated from both family side.

He was happy as he thought of it as an opportunity to propose to her since he was never married, the place the incident happened was a City he thought to himself why or how could the state pressed suchlaw be passed as we live in a free and egalitarian society.

Where everyone is Free to belong to any religion and use materials attached to their religion as its is stated in every constitution of any country that there a freedom of religion, speech, association, education and others fundamental human rights.

On getting to the city he discovered the the place or region was dominated by all the classes of people you can found in any nation of the world, political group, religious Christians, Muslim, atheists, philosopher, traditionalist, unlettered populace, fcommunist, liberal and all those you can think off.

As a humane poetry he saw all sort of things written across the people faces as he veil he personality and interact with different people of different school of thought and philosophy of life.

The following day he decided to feed his eyes by doing an underground investigation before making his official identity and inform the state about his mission, while lurking round the environment of the place and stylish interrogate some people he Sense are automatic victims of the suicide of high school girls who can uncovered themselves as it was what their religion command.

He noticed some broken down houses, burned old pastry house, cinemas community hall, local stadium, health care center shopping mall which ought to benefits the people of the city, while recording and moving from one outskirts within the city he collided with one old male who walks in the local office of the city he was very happy because he will aid him of other investigation and how to get to the authority of the state.

After exchanging pleasantries he retire to a visitor corner of his friend office to attend to his duty in the local government offices, after the closure of day work they retired to a bar to share memories of the old school days while releasing from soft talk our traveller switched to the incident that claim lives of young woman and teenager which was spreading like Bird flu from people to people and he was re- educated from the genesis of the suicide in the city.

Which became talk of the town and headlines from other countries and surrounding city state that the state pass a decree that all cover girls ofa particular religion should be uncovered which was contrary to the faith of these girls according to their religion and those girls can't agreed to such law this made them to commit suicide as a best option for them he got another facts to what he already had he also remember the story of their old beautiful class mates in college year that he heard well that her husband took her for concortion from traditional personal but her womb could not hold this made families of both parties to intervene in their predicament so they had to divorced, while listening to the story his heart was laughing that a door was opened for him, she now leave with her father and manage a family business to cater for his old man and his younger sister who now school in an higher institution close to the house after some hours they rounded up their drink and get ready our traveller was ask where he was lodging so they will see later and with his friend direction on how to get to the authority of his state to inform of his mission all the way from abroad and they parted to retire to his hotel room and friends to his family member so they parted and he retired to his hotel room.

Chapter 2

The following day before life came into the city, our traveller got up earlier before everyone and was lurking from street to streets and went to the poorest town in the city. Gradually as lives was coming into the town he was observing things and people as little children was sent by their parent to buy foodstuffs for the day survival he couldn't help the situation but was noted some facts regarding his mission. As he went from house to house the picture of the place was like a region wasn't part of the state which the law created dilapidated habitation people were living like they were not interested again in this world as many things was wrong with the place some family welcome him to give him how the law cut short the life of their daughter's.

Some parents were sad as the lives of their young ones is wasting and the local authorities had done nothing to help the situation after much discussion and sympatize with each family of victims while moving on he ran into a local republican publisher who welcome and ask why he had come reply softly that he was keenly interested in the election and most especially the case of suicide among young women and high school girls the local publisher introduced him to an ancient journalists who he was believe to be son of the soil and had first hand information on the subject matters after a brief discussion and further information the publisher told him the he had to see the state police command as customary act for foreigner who had come for a mission to be protected after appreciating the ancient journalists, they left for the police command quarters the publisher re educated him while strolling towards the commander quarters

The publisher re-educate the traveller ignorance about the genesis of the suicide which skyrocket and left the state look like a desert where no one leave, few hours later they retired to the reception of the of the state police command which a junior sergeant inform the commander of a white man and his friend but return to tell them that in few minutes he will be done.

When the commander was through our traveller and the publisher we're ushered in and the local news authority introduce the Journalist to the commander and informed him of his mission to their state as regards to what happened in the city state.

The commander warmly welcome him and he interrogate the office about what happened and what was their effects as it saver of human life and the commander answer diligently accordingly to how it started and what happened before it spread like widefire and how they came in before sending his boys for surveillance to capture evil society miscreants who use opportunity of small societal issues to perpetual their evil plan eg stealing, killings, robbery and rape among the people.

After few discussion and conclusion meet with victims of incident from house to house, they came out and headed to the house of those victims the family not interested in the visit rake at them and they left peaceful.

Door were flew open as the as another search for attacks from place to place. Entering some apartment was upside down as they cannot imagine some places were somehow interview a family saddness was written across their faces he paused, listen to the family of a girl who joined her mate in the city of the dead, stating the root cause that the educational institutions received a letter from the state to ban female students who cover their head accordingly to the faith and religion was a command and this lead to the girls taking their life, another was a story of a family who force their daughter to marry at tender age against her will and the husband maltreated her our traveller saw regret in the face of the student parents or guidance who the law cause pain and sorry in their heart. Lastly the story of a devoted family who had a pretty girl who wasn't herself any longer as she see life meaning less if she uncovered herself she confirmed in her father who could not help her and she said she is no longer interested in this life again to see people deny her faith & support another philosophy, while by watching television with her family she briefly excuse herself and as it was prayer time for abolition

a practice by a religion which followers must wash hands, leg and their faces

which make them acceptable in the sight of their god she spread her mats, pray and think

The last victim of circumstances apartment spoke with made his face turn black and became helpless what situation had turn our country into. He walked a few meters pass town into a pastry shop to have a zip for his l

Physical life. Our guest being moderate rejected for as the manager thought he was thinking about the money or maybe va gluntony is our guest he explains he was quitely contended, what he had requested, called by the manager a staff to find out the cost of his coffee and said to o write off his bills and told her he was a course mate in their university days. Appreciated by the guest for the footings of his bills after exchanging pleasantries with each and inquiry about both relative and love ones they were happy seeing each other again. The manager ask why he had come and hearing about his assistance to political intrigues and his positive contribution to the field of journalism in keep the main idea under his tongue and said it was true that he heard about the issues of how high school girls plunge into the world of suicide and land in the land of the living and how so many women too went into the realm of taking their spirit out and submitting it to the Angel of gloom most especially why he and her husband part ways.So as to work out ways for re-union of forgiveness so as she can go back to the matrimonial home. The manager gave him a look that tell him to change the topic of discussion. Our guest felt like a mud as he used to touch his face, after sometime the manager switched to political issues of the land and the incident how the power tussle or political instability after the like of the people. Speaking like one correspondent from the manager to our guest he gave him a glimpse that made the journalists jotted some facts down which made the manager ask why he was jotting her down and our guest said she made a Sharp and intelligent point which warrant him penning somethings down. After much explanation of one issues leading to another ones the manager also brief him about her family after the demise of her mother, her younger sister in another state how they worked her school back to be around in order to cater for their father which made the family members flushed her out of her matrimonial home after her husband had taken her from native doctors to doctors and made her eat concortion from them. This made him to return from back to his father's house and start new life like a spinster and care for his their ageing father our guest listen sharply as was in a master class with his professor.

Chapter 3

As someone who always love to acquaint himself with what is currently happening in the world and neighbouring state at large with a newspaper in his, hand went to a giant supermarket to have his favorite nut. After getting his favorite nut he took his seat with his paper and enjoy his nut step by step in a corner of a place as it was partition for you and your visitor while reading. Few hours later he noticed a stranger walking towards him and excuse him for a while.

Hello sir, Do you recognize me? No, as a state figure in line of education I don't. I thought as much because we haven't met . I press hard to see you but it wasn't easy for me if you don't mind can I ask you a few questions sir as a major contributing to education in this state no problem please take your seat and let discuss, thank you sir very greatful to speak to an enlighten educator like your self he then balance himself well.

I hope you don't mind if I ask you few questions? Are you an atheist sir, No I am not. Are you a jew, No I am not. Are you a muslim, Yes by the grace of God. I would like to ask you to take my question seriously and answer accurately. Because it took me time from where I came from and how hard to see you I have to discuss what is bothering my mind which people like you can help me out hope you don't mind if I ask you a question Are you an atheist? No am not. Are you a jew? No I'm not Are you a muslim ? Yes by the grace of God. I would like to sk you to take my question seriously and propheart. Are you a press man? Don't bother sir. It took me days and time before getting to you and time, there's something that is bothering my mind and only people like you can answer the question in my heart. I wonder the level of your education couple with the fear of God could not allow school girls to cover themselves. No I didn't not ban them from school because I fear God, he burst into an heavy laugh which made our educator change his mood and face .

May I ask you to explain how a law impose by the state cancel the law of God? That is a good question , but in a secular state matters like this is a separate issues. That is very good and straight answer,sir. May I ask you another question sir. Does the word "secular" mean "godless" No that case, how can you why the state is banning many school girl's from the classroom in the name of secularism, when all they are obeying the law of their religion? Honestly my son. Arguing about this will get you nowhere. They argue it nationally and I think it will get them somewhere because some people want justice to prevail over this issue, by bringing the culprit to book