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Million Dollar Baby

Million Dollar Baby



Million Dollar Baby PDF Free Download


Alexus' parents are desperate to have a grandchild, so the young man will end up paying a million dollars to the woman who can give him a child. Can he find a woman that he's looking for? Or he'll ended up marrying the girl that his parents picked for him?

Chapter 1


I am just a simple person with big dreams in life. One of them is to give my mom a good life.

Not to brag, but I am a talented person. When I was in high school I was a varsity player on the volleyball team. I am also a good dancer and singer.

As for the food, I can consider myself as a full package. Yes, really! I'm proud of myself because it's all true. Kidding!

I graduated from college with a BS Business Administration course, the only problem is that I have a hard time finding a job now because I am a fresh graduate and do not have much experience.

Taking photos is also one of my hobbies during my leisure time.

My life is happy. Mommy and I are okay, we live our lives to their fullest. We eat three times a day.

Not until this crazy stranger came into my life. I'm just surprised that every time I go out he follows me. And do you know what he is asking for me? Good heavens!

You'd better don't know because you will be stressed like me. Like how he's stressing me!

Who is as sensible as a man to ask for a child from a woman he does not even know?

And you know what? if he can demand me to give him a baby, it's like he's only asking for a piece of candy that you can give him any time!

He's a pain in my head! Ugh!

He wanted me to conceive his future child in exchange for a million dollars. Maybe if I was also a desperate woman I would most likely have agreed to his wishes.

Who wouldn't refuse the grace he offered? Like duh, it's worth a million dollars! Guys, it's a million dollars!

But because I'm not a desperate woman so it's a NO for me! I don't want, never!

Even though I am just a simple woman, just like I said before, I also have big dreams.

And as a dreamer, I also have dreams for myself, especially in my love life.

Look! I am NBSB here, 'No Boobs Since Birth',


What I mean is, 'No Boyfriend Since Birth.' My dream is to marry the person I love and love me as much as I love him. My dream is to have a family with the man I love whom I will marry.

After all, will that crazy man just ruin my dream?

No way!

I will not allow him, I don't want to!

No way! Never!

But wait, how can I escape that desperate man?


Can I just retouch my face so that he'll not recognize me at all?

Oh, I forgot.

I don't have that big amount of money to spend.

Ugh! What should I do now?

Wah! What to do? He knows my name, the address of my house, he also knows that mommy and I are the only two together in the house.

That stalker is a damn! What did he see in me to ask for a child, right away? Is it because I am beautiful and sexy?

He's smart too, huh! That crazy man also knows how to choose a good race. But still, it's a big NOOOO!

"Hey! Sofia wait up!"

Oh, God! He's then again here!

I think I need to...


Before that crazy man caught me, I started running as far as I can.


I shouted in pain after I fell to the ground.

"Stupid rocks!" I blame the rocks in my way causing why I fell.

Because of what happened, the crazy man finally caught me.

"There you are!" He carried me like I am a sack of rice.

"You crazy!" I shouted at him but he seems like he doesn't hear me, or should I say, pretend like didn't hear me!

Alexus Point of View :

"Good morning Ma," I greeted my mother as I entered the kitchen to have my breakfast. I also kissed her on her cheeks.

"Good morning too Hijo, how's your sleep?"

"It's good," I answered sparingly.

"Good morning Pa," I greeted Papa who was busy reading newspapers.

"Good morning," Dad also greeted me back without taking his eyes off the newspaper he was holding.

"Let's eat honey, just continue reading later." Dad quickly obeyed what mama said.

"Alexus, we've talked with your Dad and if you can give us a grandson—"

I almost fell to my chair after hearing what mama said. I even coughed one after another, after choking with the coffee I was drinking.

"Are you okay son?" Mom asked in shocked.

"Careful son!" Dad told me using his deep voice.

"Ma! Pa! What are you talking about? I almost died here!" I told them unbelievable.

"Dead, right now?"


"We are serious son, we are not getting younger anymore. We want a grandchild soon." Dad said seriously.

They seem to be serious about what they are asking to me. But how can I do that if my girlfriend Nicole is not ready to marry me? I already proposed to her 3 times, but she said she was not ready yet, and I could do nothing but to wait until she was ready.

"Mom, Dad, you know Nicole is busy. Look, my girlfriend is an international model. Even if we get married we will not be able to give you a child,"

"That's our point son, if she doesn't want to marry you, then find someone who's ready to settle with you."

"Ma, stop it! You sounds like it's easy? I love Nicole and I'm willing to wait for her, no matter how long it takes."

"Alexus, do you hear yourself? Nicole is not a material wife, that woman is full of ambition. You have nothing to expect from her."

"Well, I'm old enough. I know what I am doing. I'll wait for Nicole, she's the only woman I want to be the mother of my future child."

I don't want to go any further where my parents and I talked about nothing. So before I could utter a word I quickly stood up at the dining table.

"Where are you going?" Mom stopped me.

"I need myself to cool down,"

"Your father and I are serious about this Alexus. Whether you like it or not, you will give us a grandson. We are giving you the opportunity to find a woman who is willing to give you that."

I clenched my two fists because of mama's threatening voice. It seems like I have no choice but to allow Nicole to marry me so that we can make .. ugh! Damn that baby!

"Or else, your Dad and I will force you to marry the daughter of his comparator."

Am I going to marry the child of her comparator? Which, the female caterpillar? Fucking no!

"No! You can't do that to me!"

"Try us son,"

What kind of soul merged with my parents' body to ask me grandchild right away? Fuck this life!

Because of what happened, I went straight to the bar owned by my friend Dylan to think.

"What are you doing here man? In this hour you are at the bar? Woah!" I just looked at Dylan seriously. I think he knows I have a big problem.

"Nice! Are you here too? Hahaha we are really friends oh!" Calvin, on the other hand, who is happy with the troops, seems to be teasing his kind of introductory greeting.

"So what's the problem? Did you and Nicole fought?" Felix, on the other hand, is serious about the troop. He is the one who has nothing to worry about as long as what he wants to say, he will really say.

We are four friends and we are all millionaires. Apart from our rich parents, we also have our own businesses in different parts of the country. When we get together it seems like we are just normal people. You will not notice that we are wealthy because we are not showy people like others with only a few outlets who are immediately arrogant.

What businesses do we run? You'll found out next time, because it's tiring to tell a story especially since I still have a big problem facing right now.

"Nope, it's not about me and Nicole." I answered Felix's question.

"Your parents?" Calvin asked.

"Yeah." I answered.

"Why, what happened?" Dylan asked.

"They want a grandchild," I said frustrated.

Dylan and Calvin started laughing like crazy!

"Seriously, as in Baby?" They both asked while laughing.

"Are you guys my friend?" They quickly became serious after I covered my sharp eyes with them.

"Why did they asked you a grandchild right away, where Nicole just renewed her contract in Italy, right?" Dylan said while thinking.

"Yeah, maybe they really don't want Nicole for you?" Calvin looked at me with confusion in his eyes.

"Can the two of you will please stop? Can't you see that the person is already in trouble, and yet you will still be on fire?" Felix stopped them.

See? Felix is ​​just my friend out of the three of them. He is the only one who has a matured mind compared to the two.

"What are you up to?"

"I know Nicole, no matter how I convince her, she will not allow it, especially when it comes to pregnancy,"

"By the way, why don't you look for a woman who can get pregnant for you and Nicole?" Felix said seriously.

"How?" I asked confused.

"With money."

"What do you mean?" I clarify to Dylan.

"Find a woman who you can pay to get pregnant, then after she gave birth you will take the baby and treat it like you and Nicole's child."

"Somehow Dylan has contributed sensibly," Felix said laughing. The madman scored pogi points.

"Who else would allow such a thing?" Calvin opposed Dylan.

"As far as money is concerned, nothing will stop there Calvin," Dylan defended his suggestion.

"I will choose the woman, so that you will be challenge Alexus, the first woman to enter that door is the one you will approach for the problem you are involved in." I looked at Felix who was just seriously staring at the bar door.

We waited for about half an hour for the first woman to enter the bar before finally someone entered.


Calvin reacted immediately when our wait was finally over.

"Come closer," I almost sank into the floor after Dylan pushed me.

"Opps, sorry for the speed!"

I adjusted the collar of the shirt I was wearing before walking closer to the woman. Based on her appearance, this bar is not really her purpose. She was wearing formal attire and carrying a brown envelope. It looks like she just got lost here.

"You don't have free water? But I'm really thirsty," she said pouting. She looks cute, though.

"There really is no ma'am, this is not a restaurant ma'am."

"Ah is that so? All right thank you,"

I do not know if I will laugh or be amazed at her ignorance. I just found myself following her.

Because she was in a hurry to take a taxi, she did not realize that she drop the brown envelope she was holding earlier.

I quickly picked it up and I smiled after I confirmed that it's her resume, the content of that envelope. That is all her personal information.