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The King's Maid

The King's Maid

Autor: Regina K



The King's Maid PDF Free Download


Grace is about to start working at the Royal Palace as one of the King's maids in a beautiful country Elovia. But cleaning the rooms isn't her only aim, she wants to solve a murder that happened thirty years ago, and clear her father's name too. And when she meets the King, James, despite her biggest efforts she quickly falls for him. She knows that James only wants her for one night and if she get caught with him, she'd have to say goodbye to the job and to the chance to solve the case. Can she keep their relationship in a professional level and finish her mission, or will she give into the temptation?

Chapter 1


My name is Grace Williams, I’m the new maid. My name is Grace Williams... I’m the new maid. Nice to meet you.

I’m introducing myself to the mirror over and over again. I wear a simple blue knee-length dress with a light blue cardigan on it. I hope making a good first impression. I’ll live with them for months, I have to earn their trust and make them like me.

The little flat I rent isn’t far from the King’s Palace in Elovia’s capital, Rovelta. I can see the beautiful town from my window with the grandious Palace in its western part. It’s half past 2, I have to go now. I nervously step out of the flat, closing the door behind. I take the bus number 26, the 3rd stop is the Palace. I admire the huge building from the distance. The U shaped mansion is placed on a little hill, emerges from the other town-buildings with it’s two floors. It is very well-apparelled, it’s light-brown color radiates in the sunshine.

After I take off the bus, I start walking toward the servant’s entrance, which as I’m told is on the left side. I’m murmuring my new name to not forget it.

My name is Grace Williams. I’m the new maid.

The servant’s door is huge and massive, I use the knocker and wait. I almost start to knock again when the door is opened and a forty-something old lady stands in front of me in servant’s dress. Her light brown hair is tyed up carefully in a bun, her eyes and smile are kind as she’s looking at me. I start speaking my mantra.

- Good afternoon. My name is Grace Williams, I’m the new maid.

- Good. I see you’ve learnt your lesson. Come in, quickly.

- Gloria? – I exchanged many messages with her yet we’ve never met before in person.

She pulls me in by my hand but stop in the small hallway. Her voice is lowered to whisper.

- Hush! You call me Ms Simons in front of the others, and we haven’t met before if they ask. Ms Ramsay insisted to have an interview before you get the job, but don’t worry, your CV get you through, just say yes to everything, okay?

- My CV?

- Yes. I wrote it myself.

- Okay. Thanks.

- We can talk privately after, now come, quickly.

I go after her through the hallway until we arrive to the huge kitchen. It’s very clean and surprisingly modern. The newest machines are working on some kind of dough, while a cook is stirring something on the stove.

Some servants are drinking water by the huge table which I think they use for dining. Ms Simons go to another lady, a little older, curly red hair tyed up like the other’s, no make-up, same servant’s dress.

- Ms Ramsay, the new maid arrived.

- We’ll see, come forward, Ms...

- Williams.

- Oh... Yes... Well, look at you.

She looks at me extensively from head to toe with strict gaze.

- Too pretty. – She just says this.

- I know. But she’s qualified.

I don’t dare asking why is it a problem that I’m pretty. Yet I never thought myself as a pretty girl. I’m nothing special, average height, straight chestnut hair, quite slim, but not too slim. My face is too round, but I have big eyes and thick mouth. With make-up I think I’m allright, but today I don’t wear any, as a soon-to-be employee.

Ms Ramsay doesn’t say anything for seconds, then she stands up and shows me to follow her. She sits down in a very little room’s chair and pulls out another chair for me. I sit down waiting for her to start questioining me.

- So Ms Williams. My name is Ms Ramsay, I’m the leader of the maids at the Palace. Your CV seems okay. You served for three years at Viscount Clayton until he died last month, right?

Gloria said I have to say yes to everything, yet I have no idea, who was Viscount Clayton.

- Uhm... Yes, I did.

- Not too much experience. But Ms Simons told me a little about your unfortunate past. She said, you went to the university for two years when your father died so you had to quit and work.

- Yes.

At least it’s partly true, but I finished the university.

- And what did you learn there?

- History.

- Such a waste of time. Don’t worry, you will be much more useful here, as a maid.

- Uhm... Thanks.

I see, she doesn’t like when somebody’s educated. Okay, I’ll pretend that I’m stupid, if I have to.

- Qualifications: cooking, cleaning, ironing horse-breeding, serving, sewing, embroidery. I’m afraid, you won’t use most of these talents here. Only cleaning, and serving will be your duty.

- No problem. – I really hope I don’t have to use my other nonexistent skills.

- You’ll live here with the other maids, day out once in a week, payment 800 Elovian forints per month.

- That means, I get the job?

- We are short of servants, could you start tomorrow?

- Yes, of course.

- Then take over your belongings today, so you can have an early start in the morning. Ms Simons will show you around.

- Thank you Ms Ramsay.

- I have many things to do... uhm... Grace. So, see you tomorrow.

- See you tomorrow Ms Ramsay.

I quickly go back to the kitchen looking for Gloria, but I don’t see her anywhere. So I decide to go back to the flat. I didn’t bring here too much things, I only have one suitcase with clothes for about two weeks, some bathroom stuff and my stuffed bear that I was received from my parents when I was born. That’s the only personal thing I brought.

I travel back to the palace with my suitcase. Gloria, I mean Ms Simons welcomes me. She guides through the servant’s corridor on the second floor until we arrive to the bedrooms. She points to the second room on the right.

- You’ll sleep here with Daisy. Come, take place.

The room is quite bright, it has two single beds, two chairs and two wardrobes. The left bed is untidy, with books on it and clothes on the back rest of the chair next to it. The other bed is empty, I put my suitcase on it.

Ms Simons closes the door carefully.

- Now that we are finally alone, come, give me a hug Grace! It’s so nice to finally meet you in person!

- I’m glad, we could meet Gloria.

She gives me a tight hug, like we’ve known each other in our whole life.

- Let me look at you... I see him in your eyes.

I see melancholy in her gaze, happiness and sadness at the same time.

- Yes. I have similar eyes.

- I see. And your hair color is the same too.

- Do you... do you still miss him?

-... Often. Yet I realized a long time ago, that I’ll never see John again. It would be great to hear some stories about him, if we find the time.

- I’ll tell about him.

- Okay. But first, the rules: Your job will be simple, taking out the trash, dusting, hoovering, swilling, making the beds. Your responsibilies will be all of the guestrooms and Princess Olivia’s bedroom. Luckily all of the guestrooms are empty now except one, where Baron Gregory Downhall stays, he more or less lives here permanently. Your duty will be to serve the morning tea to them, or breakfast if they ask. That means, you have to start your day at 6. In a normal day you finish at 3, the rest of the day is free, but if the palace has a ball, festival, etc...or we have important guest, your working hours will be longer, can be up to midnight. Your duty will be to help the Princess as well, pack her suitcase, dress her up, similar things.

- Seems though, but I’ll manage.

- Good. You have to address the King and the Princess Your Majesty first in every day, then Sir and Mylady. With the other nobles, such Baron Domnhall, the address is Your Grace. Is it clear?

- Clear.

- I’ll tell the other rules, if you receive new tasks. But for now it should be enough.

- Where can I start the investigation?

- Grace, I know you’re eager to start, but please be patient. You have to settle down a little here. As I told you in the emails, the investigation could be dangerous, and nobody should know about your real identity. If somebody finds you for example in the library without permission, you’ll be out of here before you wink one. And that’s the best consequence. I told you about the Colloway-law, right?

- Yes. So what do you suggest?

- Start working, make friends, stay out of the trouble, earn everybody’s trust. Learn people’s daily routine and where to find everything. And in a few weeks, you can move more easily here, and you can start investigating your father’s past.

- Weeks?

- I know. But I told you, it’s a long road. I wish I had the courage years ago to search for the answers. But I’m really just a maid, and I was afraid.

- Don’t worry. I don’t care about the time it takes. I’ll clear dad’s name.

- If somebody could do it, it’s you. But until, do you have more question about your job?

- Just one: Why did Ms Ramsay say that I’m too pretty?

- Let's just say for now that a certain somebody here has a history with young beautiful girls. But I made sure you won't meet him during your daily work. We don't want anything to distract you from your mission, right?