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Her Flaws

Her Flaws

Autor: Am a leader



Her Flaws PDF Free Download


When you hear the word "FLAW" what is the first thing that comes to your mind? A flaw in someone means an undesirable character or quality they have within them. Meet Ainsley Addie, a very smart but creepy and a short tempered lady. She is not beautiful. Many Men look down on her because she don't have what they want in a lady which means she's not beautiful but she's very brilliant and can solve any problems on her own. She lives with her poor parent and her two siblings, A girl and a boy. She's a graduate so she works as a clerk in a company. Ainsley has always had a dream of becoming a model when she was young but due to the fact that her parent where poor, she had to buried the dream... Ainsley only dresses cooperate when she's going to work but she always dresses like a psycho when at home which makes guys hate her more. Some will say she's not beautiful and she doesn't even dresses properly. Meet Brandon Ernest, a very Jovial but hardworking guy. He jokes with everyone but doesn't take shit. He's very good at picking his choice when it comes to Ladies always going for The beautiful and more exposed ladies. Once Brandon notices a beautiful Lady that matches his taste, he gets intimate to the extent that he becomes friendly with One just to get in between their legs. He is The CEO of the company where Ainsley works but didn't pick interest in her because she's not the kind of lady he always wants. Find out what happens when Ainsley starts to develop feelings for the guy that didn't even know if she exist. How will she cope being in the same company with her one sided love??? What will make him feel her presence in the company??? A story filled with One sided love, Betrayals, Comedy, Suffering, and Drama... Get your popcorn ready. unlock the next episode with your likes and comment.

Chapter 1

Ainsley POV

Oohhhh no!!!!! I screamed out of my sleep just to see my crazy siblings laughing to themselves.

"What the heck did you guys did to me. why don't you leave me to finish my dream. oh gosh" I said angrily.

"Sisi we didn't do anything we only try to wake you up from your sleep I think you've forgetting you said your CEO is coming today and you are still here sleeping" the two said in chorused.

That's true I look at the wall clock and see it was already 8:00am.

"What!!!!! why do you guys take so long to wake me up. am done for" I said and jump off the bed.

I rushed to the bathroom and take a quick bath. I rushed out of the bathroom and go to dress up in my cooperate wears.

I don't really like dressing like this I don't feel comfortable.

I pack my hair into two. pick up my bag and rushed to the sitting room I saw my parent sitting on our old and tattered chair discussing.

"Mom dad good morning, I am off to work" I greet and rushed out.

"Won't you have your breakfast, won't you drop your sibling at school" I heard her saying.

"No mum am late already, see you love you guys" I said and go to board a taxi.

Let me quickly Introduce myself I am Ainsley Addie the first child of my parent I got a twins has siblings a boy and a girl. am just 21 am working has a clerk in a company here in this town.

My parent aren't rich but they are the best. and talking about my siblings the are my bodyguard when I say my bodyguard I mean we are partners in crime.

Their names are Jimmy and Jemima let me stop here for now you will get to know me better has the story goes on.

"hi ugly girl why are you dressed like this you don't even have any sense of fashion" a guy in my street who was sitting beside me in the taxi said.

I pretended I didn't hear him. he touches me with his hand. "Are you norm don't dare touch me ever again" I said angrily.

"What's smelling" he said using is hand to cover his nose.

Don't try to fake anything here nothing is smelling" I said not knowing what he's talking about.

"You are ugly and your mouth even stinks what a bullshit" he said irritated.

"I put my hand on my mouth, oh gosh I forget to brush my teeth again" I said to myself.

"So you don't even brush your mouth you are disgusting I wonder which type of man will marry someone like you maybe a pig like you" he said laughing.

I need to put on some drama or is this how he will insult me without me getting back at him and why didn't I bring my sibling along cause I know by now that will have put him in his place.

Let me make here uncomfortable for him he will learn to keep shut I pick up my phone and pretend to dial a number.

I start making fakes call.

"who is stopping here?" the driver asked.

"Me" I replied. I breath out air from my very close to his nose before going out of the taxi.

"Disgusting idiot" he barked.

I pulled my tongue out to make jest of him. And I see it really pain him.

The taxi drove off. "I run has my leg could carry me into the company I worked. I see thebmeeting has already started.

I walked gently to a seat and try to avoid the CEO from seeing me but he's very smart.

"hey young lady" he called out.

I pretended has if he wasn't talking to me.

"hey can't you see am talking to you?" he asked.

"Me? do you mean you are talking to me" I said in a low tone to avoid the other sttaffs for perceiving my smelling mouth.

"Why are you just coming when the manager already told you I will be coming?" the CEO asked.

"am sorry I slept off" I said truthfully covering my mouth with my hand.

"What is your work here in this company" he asked.

"My work" I asked. "No work" he replied.

"I am the clerk of this company" I answered.

"I don't think you know your job here if not you won't be coming late" the CEO said.

"I promised I won't come late again" I said with my head down.

"Whatever" he replied. I was about to sit down but the chair shake and I fall on my butt.

"All the staff burst out laughing including the CEO. I feel a little embarrassed because am always getting embarrassed everyday so. Not even a sorry. I stand up and adjust the chair properly.

Brandon POV

I saw a lady I mean one of my workers coming late to the meeting so I question her but didn't give me some genuine reason why she came late.

well that's not a problem since shes already here.

she was about to sit but she fall on her butt which got me and the other staff laughing at her.

No one even say sorry what a wicked world I thought smiling to myself.

well that's not my problem right now my problem is getting the new and pretty damsel who just start to work here in my company.

let me tell you little about me. Am Brandon Ernest am a very cute and hot guy am greatful to my parent for giving me that name according to some psychologist name shows you character.

that's exactly me my name shows who I am. I am very funny and a picking guy I know my choice and one thing about me is if you are a lady and you aren't beautiful and classic don't try to be my friend cause I don't make friends without ugly people, because I think they will affect my handsome face with there ugly look that's just me like I said am funny and some of my thought are funny.

after the meeting I asked the beautiful angel am seeing and can't resist to come to see me in my office.

am a flirty guy I flirt with my workers and if you think you want to give me free hmmm. make sure you are beautiful cause I have taste.

Ainsley POV

"see me in my office" I had the CEO said. I know he's up to something and I will surely find out what it's because it has been is usual habit to always asked the new workers to see him in his office.

I could remember the day I apply for work here. he was saying she's not beautiful but he thinks am intelligent and that got me wondering what does my beauty have to do with the work and he didn't asked me to see him in his office.

I think I will have to know what's going on. Wait a minute how was that my business.

after all his not my boyfriend so why am I chasing after him I said to myself and decide to face my business and stop bothering myself about the what he's doing with the ladies.