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Midnight Rainbow

Midnight Rainbow

Autor: ScarletPaintings24



Midnight Rainbow PDF Free Download


Yara Sanders, 23 going on 24, is utterly (and embarrassingly ) broke. With almost six-months worth of unpaid rent and an unsettled loan that seems to accumulate each month, it's safe to say she's in dier need of money. She is a bright and bubbly ray of sunshine despite all her hardships and she always looks for the silver lining in every dark cloud. She jumps at every opportunity to be there for people no matter what she is going through; A calming rainbow to cheer you up on a gloomy day. Luka Wright, CEO of multi-million dollar Tech company, has enough money to buy off his competitor's companies and give them back for free. He has a ruthless personality and an arrogant bone that's foreshadowed by his gorgeous hair and chiseled jaw line. He doesn't bother with playing nice because 'smiles and Hello's ' won't sign the checks. ......

Chapter 1

Yara's POV

"Listen Ms Sanders, I can't wait any longer. My patience is wearing thin and I hate what I can do when I'm impatient. It's either I get my money or throw you out of that flat. " said the ever-so charming landlord of mine, Mr Ramsey.

I let out a tired sigh, rubbing the bridge of my face with my free hand. "I don't have the money right now Mr Ramsey but I promise to have it. Just please give me a few more days." I plead with him.

"Giving you three days. And my money better be in full." he said without any emotion.

"Three days is too short to find all that money. I need more time." I try pleading again ,tears threatening to fall. Ugh, why am I so sensitive?!

"I don't care if it's too little time. All I care about is my money, period. " he says with finality and I get the urge to throw something, anything, at the wall.

"But I -" I start to say but get cut off by the beeping of my cellphone, signaling that he hang up on me. Great. I place the phone on my desk a bit too hard and blink my eyes quickly, getting rid of the tears in my eyes.

How the hell with I pay him back in just three days? That's 6 months of unpaid rent were talking about and he wants it in full. I rub my temples and lean back in my ratted office chair. I can feel a massive headache coming up.

I have six months of unpaid rent. SIX! And that's not including this month. And let's not forget the Eight thousand grand I have. Isn't life just wonderful?

My phone vibrates, signaling a new text. I pick it up and unlock it, going straight to my messages and sigh when I read it. "Dear Yara Sanders, your account ending *****783 has been credited with K1,181. Available balance K82.97"

Great. Guess who got paid and went instantly broke? Me. Another message came, reminding me that I spilled the bank K7,319.

A knock pulls me out of my thoughts and I look up to see Missy, my Co worker and arch enemy by the open door.

"Can I come in?" she says even though she is already in. She sits her invisible ass my desk and flashes me a patently insincere smile.

"You okay? You look horrible." She remarks and I give her my own faked smile.

"Everything's peachy. Need something?" I say to her and she brushes a strand of her fake hair off her face.

"Laura asked me to drop this in for you. She wants the documents on the flash disk edited." She says, handing me a silver memory stick. "And also, I need these typed and edited." she drops a huge stack of papers in front of me with her own hot-pinl memory stick on top it.

"When do you need them?" I say through gritted teeth, making her smirk like the devil himself.

"Tomorrow. 11am," she says and gets up "hope it isn't too much."

"Nope. Just fine." I say, not even bothering to fake smile this time.

"Good. See you later honey." she says with a wave and walks out, swaying her hips like a hungry cat.

I get to work, starting with Laura's draft, which wasn't too much of a pain swing as it was only two pages long. I was done within twenty minutes and started with typing Missy's work, editing it in the process. There were a lot of unnecessary mistakes that not even an 8 year old could make. She probably did it to get on my nerves.

By the time I was done with it, most of the workers had left. My eyes stung from staring at the monitor for so long. I had successfully transferred the typed and edited work to her memory stick. I went to Laura's office and left hers in her desk drawer. I sent a message to her, letting her know where I put it.

After that, I leeave the office and head home to my warm cozy bed. All I want to do right now is lay flat on my bed wrapped up in a cocoon of blankets as I cry myself to sleep. I don't usually do this but it feels necessary after today.

My rent's long overdue, I have a stupid loan and my damn job doesn't even pay me enough. I could leave and try locking for another job but this place has few publishing companies so finding a job would be so damn hard. Asking for a raise is out of question because trust me, I've tried and it was in vain.

With a sigh, I haul a taxi and get in, giving the driver the directions to my flat. I just wish things would start to look up for me.