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Love Awaits

Love Awaits

Autor: Michele Christine Martin



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Olivia O'Brian is found in the woods, nearly frozen to death. She is found by Simon Ares, the alpha male of the Horizon Werewolves. And one look at her he knows she is meant to be his mate. He feels the connection to her like no other. But Olivia is human. And has no intentions of loving a werewolf. No matter if he saved her life. And never mind the fact that he is drop dead gorgeous. She couldnt possibly fall in love with him, could she? And give up all she has ever known?

Chapter 1

was so bitter cold...I couldnt possibly walk anymore. But I know if I stop I will surely freeze to death. So I continue on, forcing myself to put one foot in front of the other till I come to the hill. It looms ahead like a big mountain side, one I cannot possibly make it over. Now what? I think to myself. Is this the end? I fall to my knees. The snow crunches loudly as I hit the ground. My small fists pound the whiteness in sheer fustration. How did I get myself into this mess. I stay still for a moment and then attempt to get up again but only make it a few feet more before I give in and finally collapse. So this is how I will die....I think as the whole world goes dark.

When I awaken it is dark and I am laying on a bed in a room filled with candles. Is this heaven? Where I am? I try to sit up but I am too weak. I turn my head to survey the room. There are very large paintings on the wall and the room is all done in black and dark browns, except for the cream bedding I am laying on. I dont see anyone around. How did I get here? The last thing I remeber was passing out in the snow. Did someone find me and bring me here?

"Hello?" I call out cautiously. But at first I am met with nothing but silence. So I say it again but louder this time. "Hello, is anyone there?"

"Dont be afraid. You are safe." I hear a voice say to me. A voice hidden in the dark.

"Who are you?'I ask trying to keep the tremble out of my voice.

"Im Simon Ares. I found you." He states matter of fact. "And you are?"

I take a deep breath, "Im Olivia O'Brian."

"Well Olivia what were you doing out there all alone?"

"I was...I got lost." I stammer not sure how much I shoul tell him.

"Where are you from Olivia?' he asks.

"Im from Gainsville." I try to adjust my eyes better to the dark hoping to get a better glimpse of this person. But he remains unseen to me.

"And you find yourself out in the middle of nowhere in this weather?" he questions me.

"Um..its complicated." I say.

Suddenly he steps foward, out of the darkness and I gasp. He is six feet tall, with black hair, and these big dark eyes that penetratre right into yours. "Is that right, huh?" he smiles. "Complicated as in you were running away from something perhaps?"

I swallow hard. How did he know that? Im afraid my voice will break if I answer so I just nod.

I try to sit up again but I'm too weak. I helplessly lay there under his overly obserserving eyes.

"You need to rest. We can talk more later." He starts to head for the door but stops and turns back to me. "Is there anything you need?"

"No. Thank you." I say quietly.

"Well then...." he opens the heavy wooden door, "I will check in on you in a little bit Olivia." The way he says my name gives me a shiver. I dont know whether if I should be afraid or something else is going on.

I feel my eyes growing heavy and I cant fight it, I let them close. But before long I am dreaming. And I can almost hear the angry shouts of my father, as if I'm standing there next to him.

"She will do it, Katherine." His voice is loud and demanding. "We dont have a choice."

I can hear the pleading in my mom's voice, "We cant trade our daughter."

He laughs, "Its a business transaction. Not a trade. And she is going to be eighteen next month. She is old enough to get married."

"But we know nothing about this man."

"He is one of the wealthiest men in Gainesville. She should be flattered he wants to marry her." My father says.

My mother sounds defeated as she replies, "And he said he would buy all our land and then lease it back to us?"

"Yes. Otherwise we will have nothing in a matter of months. There is no other choice."

I had been listening to all of this from the top of the stairs, out of sight. I couldnt believe what they were saying. They were going to have me marry someone to save our land. Marry a man I didn't know....didnt love. And the very worst part was that they had not even asked me. Well I wouldn't do it. They couldnt make me do it. Hot tears burned my eyes as I had made my way back to my room. I sat on the end of my bed crying. What was I going to do. I knew how bad our finances had gotten since my father had became ill and couldnt work. And if we lost our land where would we go? Where would we live? All these questions ran through my mind making me feel so anxious I felt like I was crawling out of my skin. It was then I made a decision in haste. I got up and packed a bag with essentials and tucked it under my bed. I then put on an extra layer of clothes under my pajamas and crawled into bed. I had decided to wait till almost dawn then I would leave. I didnt know where I was going. But I couldnt stay here and be forced to marry a man for a business transaction. It had seemed like a logical idea. That if I cut through the woods it would take me into Canyon Falls, where maybe I could find work. Start a new life. I didnt realize how bad the weather had gotten or how childish of an idea my whole plan was till I was halfway through the woods. The farther in I went the more confused I got and soon I found myself lost. And so very cold and tired. I felt myself cry out and I sat up with a start. Only to find Simon standing there looking down at me, concern filling his dark eyes.