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Wolf of Prophecy

Wolf of Prophecy



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"Adolph and Admetos, twin werewolves were born to a powerful alpha family. The pack seer prophesied that one is destined to bring peace and the other is fated to start a war. The two boys were about to perform the prophecy ritual until one of them mysteriously went missing when they were still young. He becomes a part of the human world and thinks he is a regular person until he meets Nymeria who is also a wolf and a healer. There was something about her that he could not put a finger on. He continues living his normal life until his first change. Then trouble started in the pack and an important part of the pack died. The secret could not be hidden anymore and he has to go back to where he came from. The prophecy will come to pass as soon as they are together. Which one of them is fated to start a war? Will the prophecy come to pass or can it be changed? Find out in the chapters of this book. ""Bai Suxin, why are you so cruel?"

Chapter 1

'You must take one of them away tonight. Before the seer chooses.' The woman in a large black cloak whispered to one of the knights who was also her ex—lover.

'But to where? HE will find out. You know him." The knight replied clutching his door tightly

'I trust you. Please. Promise to always watch over him. You know he can't stay here. They will banish him if he's the one.' She replied pleading with him.

'How will they know? They are exactly alike.' The knight asked curiously

'A mark will appear on both of their chests. A writing I suppose. I intend to take one of them away before that. They can't appear unless they are together.' She explained.

'You want him to go? This does not feel right to me.' The knight replied shuffling his feet.

'I do not want either of them to be banished. I love both. Please, take one to the human world for me. Protect him with your life.' She replied placing her hand on his chest.

'What about when he is of age for his first turn? '

'Then you know what to do' she replied looking at him knowingly

'Anything for you' he said fiercely putting his hand on one of her rosy cheeks. Then he did as she commanded.

NEPHELE groaned loudly. Her sons were coming hard. So much pain that would have killed her if she was human. She was hoping the strength of the full moon tonight will help her but it turned out it was not helping either

'Please. Bring them out.' She whispered her pain showing in her face.

'You need to push when the contraction hits' the midwife replied holding her hands. But the contraction has been hitting a number of times now and the boys were showing no sign of leaving the warmth of her stomach. Her husband was not here. He was probably dealing with pack business as usual.

'Please get my husband. I want to see him.' Nephele said brokenly. The midwife immediately sent one of her handmaids to call the alpha.

She held the edges of the bed to control the overwhelming pain. Then she heard noises.

'Where is she?' Her husband and mate shouted. He was scared. She has never seen him so scared.

He came into the room and took her hands.

'Why didn't you call me immediately?' He whispered his voice rasp.

'I didn't want to disturb you.' she replied my voice betraying the amount of pain she was feeling.

'Call for a healer ' he shouted to one of the midwives.

'No Amarok. We have enough problem about my strength in the pack already. I have to do this myself. '

'You won't make it.' he said to me and my heart broke.

'So be it .' I whispered softly.

'I cannot live without you Nephele . '

'You will have something better than me. Our sons. 'I replied smiling at him.

'How can I love those who took you from me?' he said his eyes going liquid.

'They are your flesh and blood. You must find a way. 'I replied holding his hands tightly.

'We must cut.' One of the midwives said to both of us.

Amarok jerked his head in agreement and went out of the room.

He might have agreed to cut but he had a mind of his own.

He called on the best healer in the pack in and swore her to secrecy.

Then they both went into the birthing room. As they entered, they heard the cry of a baby. One of his sons.

He rushed in and saw the blood on his body.

'Come take him and let us pull out the second. 'The midwife with the baby said to him.

He moved closer and stared at the miracle in the midwife's hands. The baby was handed to him and he turned to Nephele.

'He is so beautiful.' he whispered and turned the baby for Nephele to see.

She gave him a weak smile and nodded her head. Agreeing with him.

'Yes he is beautiful.' she whispered and peered at her first son.

'The second is out. We need to stitch her up. 'The midwife said to Amarok. But he knew. She was telling him to say his good—byes and that he would not do.

He turned to the healer and jerked his head towards his wife. The healer moved to Nephele and placed her left hand on her forehead and the other hand on her stomach which was cut.

'Amarok No. Don't do this. 'Nephele whispered brokenly but Amarok did not listen.

The healer closed her eyes and absorbed the Nephele's pain. The wound started to heal since the pain was already taken away. Then the healer dropped to the floor exhausted.

The midwives stared at their Alpha in shock. It was forbidden for an healer to help in childbirth. They all knew it.

'I do not want to hear of this outside. Please swear your secrecy. 'Amarok said to the two midwives and two handmaids who helped in the delivery.

'You wish is our command.' They said in unison and bowed to Amarok.

The second midwife took the first son from him to wash him up. Then they all left the room.

'Amarok, What have you done? 'Nephele cried.

' Anything to keep you alive . ' he replied then carried the healer in his arms to her bed chamber .

On his way back from the healer's bed chamber, he came across his beta, Basil .

' What has happened ? ' Amarok asked .

' The seer has seen a vision . About your sons . You must come . ' Basil replied hurriedly .

' Let me get Nephele . ' he replied then walked back to the birthing room .

Nephele saw the look on his face . One of worry .

' What is it ? They know ? ' she asked scared

' No. The seer has seen a vision about our sons and we have to go listen . ' he replied and lifted her in his arms .

' Should we not take our sons along ? ' she asked staring up at him .

' No . We have to hear what she has to say first . ' her replied and they headed towards the drawing room .

The seer and her accomplices were already seated . So was Basil, one of his Trusted .

He sat opposite the seer and placed his wife in his arms like a babe .

' What did you see ? ' he asked calmly .

' A prophecy . The gods have spoken . ' she replied .

' Tell us . We are all ears . ' he replied bracing himself .

' Two male children . They represent two different powers . One is destined to bring peace . He will rule the pack in your absence . The other is fated to start a war and must be banished tonight . He must be turned into an omega so he would never have the chance to bring chaos to the pack . This is the prophecy . ' the seer said then stood with her accomplices .

' And how do we know which one is one ? '

' They will be placed side by side on the mountain tonight . The light of the full moon shall shine upon them and a writing shall appear on their chests . Then you will know which one . I will be back tonight to perform the task the gods have placed in my hands . You have five hours until full moon . Looks like their birth on a full moon was not a coincedence . ' she finished then headed outside .

' This cannot be happening Amarok . How will we banish our own son ? ' Nephele whispered, pain stark on her face .

' Remember, the seer only sees decisions which are already taken . ' Amarok replied and turned to Basil . ' Please ask the midwives to bring our sons to us . ' Basil nodded and bowed to his Alpha . Then went out of the room to do as he has commanded .

' Amarok please . Do not banish our son . ' Nephele pleaded .

The midwives brought the sons in .

They gave the first son to Amarok and the second to Nephele .

' We have to name them . ' Nephele whispered .

' I name the first Adalwolf which means noble wolf . ' he said raising the one in his arms to the heavens .

Nephele raised the second and he bawled in protest .

' And the second Admetos, one who cannot be tamed . ' Amarok said again .

' We have five hours to spend with them both not knowing which will be banished . Let us use this time wisely . ' Amarok whispered trying to control the emotions clogging his throat .

Then they both spent time cuddling their sons .

About an hour to the time for the ritual, Nephele decided they needed to be fed . Then she carried them both to the nursery but that was not what was on her mind .

She called one of the handmaids to stay with her already sleeping sons . Then she dressed in an attire no one will notice her in and headed out to where she knew she will find help .

Amarok adjusted himself on his chair . It was merely minutes to the ritual and the seer was already waiting in the drawing room staring at him .

' Please send for Nephele and the boys again . ' he said to Basil for the second time .

Basil headed out of the room to send for his Luna but surprisingly, no hand maid was outside .

Then he headed to the nursery himself . He saw the Luna on the bed, in tears . He immediately mind linked his Alpha .

' You have to come to the nursery now . ' Basil said to the alpha through the mind link .

Amarok and the seer rushed to the nursery and saw Nephele in tears .

' Love, what has happened ? ' Amarok asked moving closer to his mate .

She turned her red rimmed eyes to him and whispered '.One of them has been taken . Adalwolf has been taken . '

' What ? How? ' Amarok asked already getting angry .

' I do not know . I was exhausted and I just decided to rest my eyes . By the time I opened it, he was gone . ' Nephele sobbed .

' I would have seen this coming . The decision must have been cloaked by a witch . ' the seer said her eyes blazing .

' What do we do now ? ' Basil asked .

' Whoever did this has messed with destiny . He has messed with the prophecy and the consequences will be dire . Be prepared . ' the seer said angrily them left the room .

Amarok and Nephele looked to each other in fear .

' Nothing will happen . We will find him . ' Amarok whispered then pulled his mate closer . Nephele breathed a sigh of relief and turned to her husband's arms . He was safe. For now .