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My husband's mistress

My husband's mistress



My husband's mistress PDF Free Download


Amanda Beller, forced by her father, is married to Christopher, a man older than her by ten years, who after many years of marriage begins to be indifferent and no longer sees her as his wife, one day she discovers her husband being unfaithful for the third time, she asks him for a divorce, but he, He tries to win back her love, asking for her forgiveness and acting as if he really loves her, but it is all an evil plan, so that she can sign the divorce without affecting her patrimony, leaving her in ruins and keeping her lover. Amanda discovers his intentions and decides to look for the woman who is dating her husband and proposes that between the two of them they can teach him a good lesson. Lucia, a very ambitious woman, who has been Christopher's lover for more than three years, must choose between helping Amanda with her plan, or continuing her secret love with Christopher. Will Amanda be able to get away with her husband's evil intentions? Will Christopher be able to resist the union of these two women? A story where what should be enemies become the best of allies.

Chapter 1

"Give back my phone Amanda! I demand it!"

"Are you crazy Christopher? I'm not giving you anything back! "I run out of the room, running away from my husband.

"Goddamn it! Give me that phone over here or I'm not answering Amanda Beller" Christopher's eyes filled with anger as he makes his demand, he stretches out his hand and stares at me.

"You're a cheater, why are you doing this to me Christopher? tell me!" I burst into a deep cry leaving his phone on the bed.

"Look at you Amanda, I give you so much money and you don't take care of yourself, you have wrinkles, you stopped being an attractive woman for me a long time ago, this marriage is a total sham."

"Let me divorce you Christopher, you don't love me anymore! and I can't stand one more of your betrayals" I ask him to whisper with my head under my hands, I'm sitting with my knees bent, glued to my chest, it was the third time I found my husband being unfaithful to me. It really broke my heart to know that he was never going to change.

"Look, if it were in my hands, I would have already left your side, but my patrimony and my name are at stake, do you think I will give you a single penny of my fortune when we separate?" He tells me as he comes closer and with his hand harshly lifts my chin.

"I don't care about your money, my father has a lot of money, I have money!!! I don't need anything from you Do you think I'm with you because of your fortune" I look at him with melancholy in my eyes, I still loved him.

"Look Amanda, I don't love you anymore, you must understand that I'm only with you because of the fortune we have, I'm about to make a big deal with your father, if I lose it, I swear I will make you pay the consequences, just give me some time dear".

"But I love you, I really love you, my love, please don't do this to me, don't subject me to this, tell me how I can change," I beg her, while tears are streaming down my face.

"Nothing Amanda, I don't like you anymore, make the decision you want, but I won't submit to divorce, meanwhile I'll have fun out there."

Cristopher takes his phone and leaves the room, leaving me in tears because of the cruelty of his words.

I am Amanda Beller, I am thirty four years old, I married Christopher very young at my father's request, I was twenty years old when it happened, he is ten years older than me and to tell the truth he always liked younger girls, I married very much in love, he has always been a handsome and intelligent man, at that time he treated me like the greatest of queens, he showed me his love infinitely, but above all he had married me without caring that I was a single mother of a two year old girl, her father had abandoned me when he found out about my pregnancy.

My father is one of the major stockholders of a well-known company in the city, the same one where my husband has fifty percent of his assets, so if he gave me a divorce his shares would go down and he would hate me even more.

Over the years he became an indifferent man, he no longer kissed or touched me, this was the third time I discovered his infidelity, he usually did it with younger women, which was logical, they only messed with him for money.

Determined not to let myself be trampled by Christopher anymore, I tried to find a way to get a divorce, I could not continue consuming myself next to the most selfish and indolent human being and although I loved him with all the strength of my heart, this relationship was destroying me.

Without realizing it, I looked up and there he was, he had returned to the room.

"Oh, my dear! Forgive me for what I told you, I didn't mean it, I was filled with anger" his face shows an air of repentance.

"You were unfaithful to me for the third time Christopher, you cheated on me," I tell him sobbing, my throat hurt from crying so much.

"My love was a little affair, that woman seduced me, and I fell for it, but I am with you" He comes closer to my side, his face is now more compassionate.

"You told me very cruel things, you love to make me suffer, this time you are not going to convince me not to ask for a divorce, I don't care about your business or what you lose Christopher".

"That doesn't matter dear, here only the two of us matter" he rushes towards me, he lifts me off the floor and lays me on the bed, he starts kissing me and there I was again, forgiving for the third time my husband's infidelity.

"Promise you'll leave her?" I ask him in a spoiled voice.

He asks me to be quiet and he makes love to me as he hadn't done it for years, with that I was sure I would have forgiven him.

The following days passed in total calm, Christopher had been a little more affectionate than usual and I thought that everything was on the way to get better, until I heard him talking on the phone.

"Yes, little one, I will pay all your college expenses, but you must wait until I can separate without my crazy wife leaving me in ruins... yes I know, I know, after this we will go together to the Caribbean to enjoy my fortune, I will make her sign some documents renouncing to the marriage clauses and then I will be yours, I love you too, kisses." Cristopher's face when he hung up was of satisfaction and lust, apparently, he never left that girl he was being unfaithful with.

My heart collapsed again, I felt like a dagger pierced my being, but not like the previous times, this time I was sure I was going to leave him. But I had to be bolder than him, even if I didn't care about the money, I wasn't going to let my wretched husband leave me in ruins to enjoy everything I had fought for with a twenty year old girl.