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The Snake Princess

The Snake Princess

Autor: Talis peshii



The Snake Princess PDF Free Download


Shani a very beautiful girl who lives with her parents but does not know that they are not biological. She comes from the snake tribe but she is not just an ordinary shape shifting snake. She is the last snake princess waited to take over her throne and fight the eagles. The eagles are their greatest enemies and if she doesnt kill them, they'll destroy her remaining tribe and take over the peaceful earth. When Shani gets to discover her identity, she dislikes herself so much and even runs away from home. Little did she know that her age to start shifting had arrived and it was too dangerous for her. On her journey to nowhere, she gets to meet an old friend whose life is in danger. Shani dint know that he was a child of her enemies. What happens next? Will their friendship still remain solid? Will shani ever accept her identity? Stay tuned.

Chapter 1

"Shani! You sneaked out again?" Shouted Marieta a woman who was in her late 30s.

"Am sorry mom but you never tell me why i shouldn't go out of the house. Ever since i turned 20 five months ago, you've been so strict. Why?" Asked the beautiful Shani to her mother.

"We are not having this conversation. To your room right now!" Said Marieta and Shani left dissapointed.

"Momy you are not fair at all" said Shani and ran to her room. She fell on her bed and cried. Marieta came to her window and peeped. Tears filled her eyes too.

"I know i cant keep you away from your people forever but what do i do? I only want to protect you from danger" said Marieta to herself. Just then her husband Donald came to her and pulled her to a corner.

"I know you are trying to protect her but we have to reveal her identity to her before its too late. You have to train her to be what she is supposed to be. Marieta be strong. I'll always support you" said Donald

"I know Donald but what about the danger she'll face? You know she is stubborn right?" Asked Marieta

"Yes i do know but we'll tell her not to reveal her identity when she is out of the house. That way, she can be safe from the eagles. Am sure queen Erica is looking fot her" said Donald and hugged Marieta tightly.

"When do we tell her?" Asked Marieta

"The eclipse is nearing my dear. We have to tell her tonight after supper. That's what queen Annabel wanted right? Then lets fulfil her wish" said Donald and his wife nodded.

On the other hand, deep in the Masaki kingdom, queen Erica and king Nathan called out for their sons who were busy in their chambers. Kingdom Masaki was very beautiful but with less people. The people there lived in fear as they would lose four people every month. No one knew where they would disappear to and the royals would just give food and money to deceased families. No one knew the royal family are the eagles. No one believed they existed in the 21st century and thats what the eagles wanted. No one also knew that the royals kidnapped the four people every month and made them their meal.

"Mom you summoned us" said the eldest son Jibril.

"Yes my children. Its important thats why i called for you" said queen Erica

"Leave us!" Said king Nathan to the palace guards and they left immediately.

"So kids you all know that the eclipse is almost and you are all waiting to know who the chosen one is" started queen Erica

"Yeah so tell us mom. Is it me?" Asked the second born Bridgit. She was a proud one and very heartless.

"I wish you were but you aren't baby" said queen Erica

"Then its definately me" said Jibril so full of himself

"Its not you son" said king Nathan and the kids were all surprised. The last born, Liam, was even more shocked.

"No way dad. How can liam be the chosen one? He doesnt even eat human flesh like us. He is scared of heights and only eats animal flesh. He has no wings yet mom. How can he be the one to hunt down and kill the snake princess? How can he be king?" Asked Jibril so hurt

"Jibril is right mom. How can this scaredy cat head us? He is younger than us. He is just 22" said Bridgit so angry

"Relax kids. Your grandpa the great seer never lies. He chose Liam for this mission because he is fit for it. During the eclipse, Liam will receive his wings and he will no longer be scared of heights. Liam is a good hunter than all of you. He can easily attract animals to his trap therefore he can easily get the snake princess to his trap. We can easily kill her by then" explained king Nathan

"But dad i..." said Liam but his mom cut in.

"No buts Liam. Its time for you to grow up and stop these hunting games of yours. Make me proud and bring that princess for me to eat. Your dad will train you on how to use your wings when you get them. Make sure you dont go for hunting on the eclipse night" said queen Erica and departed from them followed by her husband after patting Liam's shoulder.

"I'll always hate you for this!" Said Jibril

"But brother i..." tried to explain Liam but Jibril left.

"Stay away from us!" Said Bridgit and they all left Liam alone. He scratched his head for a while then went to his room feeling all stressed up.

Shani was so angry at how her mother will not let her go out anymore. She began scattering things all over the room. She hit her hand hard on the wall and hurt herself very badly. She sat down and looked at her wound oozing blood. It was painful and she regretted doing so. Suddenly all the blood dried out and the wound healed so fast as if by magic. Shani was surprised and scared. She stood up quickly and looked at the place again. It appeared clean as if nothing had happened.

"Mooom!" She shouted and ran out of the room.

"Shani whats wrong?" Asked Marieta who ran up to her.

"Mom it healed. Its clean" said shani confused.

"What healed? What cleaned?" Asked Donald who just arrived

"Dad i... i hit the wall hard and i had a wound right here" said Shani pointing at the where she had a wound.

"But you dont have any wound dear" said Donald

"Dad i had a wound. It healed and cleaned itself. I dont know how it happened. Am confused. How did it happen?" Asked Shani so confused. Donald and Marieta looked at each other and then at Shani.

"Can we talk about this after supper?" Said Donald. Marieta ran out of there in tears.

"But dad i..." said Shani but Donald ran after his wife. Shani got even more confused. She wondered what they were hiding from her.

"Maybe my dream friend can tell me" said Shani and ran back to her room. She lay on the bed and fell asleep. After about 5 minutes, she began dreaming.

In the dream came a very handsome young man dressed in a black t-shirt and black trouser. Thats how he always dressed whenever they met. Shani was in a white crop top and a white trouser. Thats how they appeared in the dream and it was not the first time they met in the dream. They were in a garden which was rich in green vegetation.

"Hi Shani" said the young man in the dream

"What took you so long Liam?" Asked Shani

"I was taking care of something sorry" he said

"Forget about it. I dont know whats happening to me Liam" said Shani so low

"Hey whats wrong my friend" asked Liam

"I had a wound earlier but it healed completely. Its spotless. I dont know how it happened" explained Shani but Liam laughed.

"Wait are you serious?" He asked

"Do i seem to joke? Am serious and you are laughing. I told my parents about it but they said they'd tell me after supper. I dont know what they are hiding from me" said Shani

"Well i dont know but this is serious. You should just go back and listen to them. Ask them everything you want coz they only have the answers" said Liam

"Maybe you are right. Wait let me show you" said Shani and grabbed a stone in the garden. She pierced it on the same spot as earlier and it healed after some seconds.

"Woah! Thats incredible. If i had such powers, i would be a super hero. I would be glad to be your personal hero and save you from any danger" said Liam smiling

"You are crazy Liam. Why dont you try it? Maybe you got some magic too" said Shani and laughed but Liam took the stone and cut himself.

"Liam what the he..." shouted Shani but Liam's wound healed up so quickly.

"OMG! Am finally your personal hero Shani" said Liam so happy

"I feel like someone is calling me. Goodbye Liam" said Shani and disappeared from the dream. She was finally awake in the real world. Marieta was waking her up.

"Mom" said Shani

"I wont hide anything from you anymore. I'll tell you everything you need to know; your real identity. I'll answer your every question Shani" said Marieta and pulled her into a hug in tears.