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Her Fae Lovers

Her Fae Lovers



Her Fae Lovers PDF Free Download


Lola has always loved unique items that have an interesting backstory. When she finds a curious-looking box at her favorite antique story she doesn’t realize she’s in for more than just a pretty treasure this time, but a grand adventure the likes of which she’s never been on before.

Chapter 1


"The Seelie and Unseelie court's sentence you four to confinement for your crimes until the blood has forgotten the atrocities you have committed against them." The woman spoke, her voice ringing loudly through the clearing as her autumn—brown eyes passed over the four beings.

"No, it's not far." The red—haired man shouted, his copper—colored curls bouncing around him. His words slurring as his cheeks flushed, glassy jade eyes scanning the Queen and King as he fell to his knees ready to plead with them.

"Shut up, Lu, before she chooses a different punishment. Do you want to be trapped within the trees?" The unearthly beautiful sea—green eyed man said through clenched teeth. He fisted his hands at his sides as he shook with barely concealed anger. He looked over at the woman swollen with child. No, not a woman. She was far too beautiful to be just a mere mortal. He pushed his white—blonde hair out of his eyes and turned to glare at the red—eyed man that stood at his side.

"They will forget with time," He stated, pushing his hair over his shoulder with an uncaring shrug before crossing his arms over his chest.

"I think it might be longer than you expect." The Seelie Queen spoke once more. She looked at the four creatures in front of her. Turning her head, loose blonde curls swaying in the evening breeze. She cast her eyes on the tallest of them, "Have you nothing to say, Puca?"

"It would make no difference. You have already decided our fate." The auburn—haired being shook his head. His gold glowing eyes met the Queen's angry glare before turning to look at his King. He looked back down, his shoulders dropping.

"So it shall be," The Unseelie King said, holding his hand out to his counterpart, his midnight eyes meeting her ever—changing ones. Their hands met, and a circle formed around the four creatures. Bright white sparkles seemed to dance along their skin as Lu let out a pain—filled wail. Mushrooms and flowers sprouted in the soft earth around them as a magical wind—whipped painfully against their skin.

Suddenly the wind stopped and in the center of the circle where the creatures once stood, an oak puzzle box covered in runes sat.


Lola walked around the antique shop. It was filled with all kinds of hidden treasures that she couldn't wait to discover. She picked up a broach that was made from human hair, a piece of mourning jewelry.

Sitting it down, she couldn't help but think that the light brown and copper strands must have a sad backstory. She loved little shops like this. Each item seemed to tell her a story as she studied a figurine of two lovers strolling side by side their hands clasped, before moving on. She glanced up at the tinkling sound of bells and looked towards the door, her eyebrows scrunched together.

That was strange no one had come in. Shrugging her shoulders, she turned back to all the pretties. Maybe it had been the wind?

She loved everything about this particular antique shop, the cozy feeling the shop had come from it being set up inside an older Victorian style home. The soft scent of jasmine tea filled the air from the small kitchen at the rear of the house. She paused, her emerald eyes taking in the new necklaces, the glittering glass beads sparkling in the sunshine from the windows. They caught her interest.

While those pretty baubles were eye catching she had a gut feeling that she was here for something else. Lola moved about the room, fingers trailing across dusty surfaces as she walked. It felt like something was calling to her and it wasn't something she had ever experienced before, almost like an invisible pulling sensation.

Lola moved deeper into the house. She tucked a strand of her purple hair behind her ear and followed the pull into a darkened room. She didn't know if this room was off—limits, but she had the strangest feeling like she wasn't supposed to be there. She moved to an old mahogany writing desk that sat in the corner of the room.

There it sat.

A small oak box, barely bigger than a bible. She touched the box. The warmth that met her fingertips made her frown. How was it warm to the touch? Bending down, she examined the strange intricate carvings that littered the scarred surface were symbols she was unfamiliar with. She had a gut feeling that this box was more than it seemed. Lola picked up her newly found treasure and headed to the register, with a smile on her full lips.

"Hi Erik," Lola said as she approached the tall blond man. He turned to look at her from behind the register as he pushed up his wire—rimmed glasses.

"Lola, it's good to see you again," Erik said with a toothpaste commercial—worthy smile.

Lola felt her cheeks heat up in pinpricks of warmth as he smiled at her. She looked down at the box in her hands. She wasn't used to men as handsome as him smiling at her. His dimples flashed at her as he ran a hand through his wavy hair.