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Autor: Aishatu.Xx





She sat on her bed thinking how on earth is she to get married at the tender age of sixteen. Not marrying any ordinary person, but the youngest prince. He is also just nineteen years old and to her, he is still a young boy growing just like she is. Poignant you might say? She thought at that age, she will be thinking about which university to choose amongst all the universities in the country but no. She is now going to start thinking about what to cook before her husband gets home and how to dress for the day as a Royal. Jumbled right? That is not half the story. She got divorced a day after their marriage the reason known to her clearly but she refuse to take fault. Brutal in your mind isn't it? No, the fact that she needs to work in the same palace she's left as a married woman to get something in her stomach is the trouble. How can she cope working in her ex-husband's Chamber? She also didn't know that the position she started working hard for would be taken away from her just like that in a blink of an eye. He got everything he's wanted and more. That is when she thought about stepping up in her game. He should know who he is dealing with and she is no more young, she is a woman now.

Chapter 1


Yodels of women in their falsettos voice is heard roaming around the whole middle class house. Each and every old woman trying to make her voice louder and ear piercing than the others. Because of the sharpness of their voices, some of the people in the house have to close their ears to not hear the high pitched shrills. Some close their ears not wanting to be part of the happiness surrounding the small compound but must be there to see what goes wrong. Some are just sitting waiting for something to go bad and they will have topic to talk about for the rest of the month.

A bride is sitting on the bed in between her mother's sisters and other family relatives. Friends and family members mingle around with food whilst some have chilled drinks in their hands as there are more than enough brought for them just for the day. There is so much food that even after some people pack for their family in a polythene bag, there is still so much remaining for late guests. Her mother couldn't be happier for having the support she needs in every nook. She didn't let a sweat suffer from her, maids were sent for them along with food items. They don't have to work too much like they did some years back.

Some are there to gossip about what there is and some are only there to see who the youngest Prince's bride is. A lot of them don't even know whose house they are in and can't even point out the mother of the bride because they are there as uninvited guests. The mother didn't mind the uninvited ones as long as they don't steal or cause any scene in her youngest daughter's marriage. They now have a reputation to keep and she won't let it go down drain just like that.

Amirah blushed beneath the veil when her mothers sisters circle her on their middle classed bed. She is all dressed to go to her new in-laws house and that is not a house, it is a Palace, a Castle, where each and every girl wants to find herself in. It is every lady's dream to get married to her prince charming and live in a castle. That story of happily ever after they've read time and time again, is what they aim for.

Everyone around her home is excited to go to the Palace since none of them has ever been there only walked past with longing gazes and wishful thoughts and now because of her, everyone around her family will go in there and might even see the King and Queen. Not to talk about the heartwarming sight of the Princes and the Princesses they heard about. What better way than to push themselves as her family? There is no way the Royals won't let them in when they say they are family so everyone is trying to take that as an opportunity.

They've heard a lot about the Palace and never thought they will be among those setting their feet in the sacred place. The Palace is not where everyone could roam around without purpose and the royal family are hardly to be seen outside. And when they really are outside, they are closed in the confines of their guards or their tinted cars to avoid unnecessary attention. She is soon going to be one of those and she is looking forward to enjoying so much pampering by being a Princess.

Her distant family are all in her mini house, all of them ready to be with the bride's car and off to the Palace. She doesn't even know some of her family members that came because when her other older sister got married, she didn't see much people like that. They were only little, her sister's friends and some of their neighbours. You'd think she has so many friends, she only have two real ones while the other ones are all fake. They showed her just how much they hated her when she caught the attention of the youngest Prince.

"You should not by any chance deprive him of his rights. You are not a child anymore and you are marrying the youngest Prince, don't play with your position. A lot of women out there are waiting for a position like yours so use it wisely." Her aunty, Wasilah said her own point and that is how all her eight Aunts continue to say their gold digging words except for one. Not that she will even pay heed to their words, they were never there for them when they were poor so now they have the right to tell her something to do? Nah, they have another thing coming.

"Well, all I have to say is, fear Allah, my dear. This world is nothing if you don't hold onto Allah and have patience. Try to show him what you like and whatnot. Marriage isn't about always being happy and smiles. It has it's own ups and downs and you need to be ready for that. But most of all, Patience is the key." Aunty Azima gave her shoulder a reassuring smile not minding the dirty looks her sisters were giving her at that moment.

She knew about all their plans and wished she has knowledge on it sooner than after the wedding has been tied. Never in her life has she thought a mother could sacrifice her own daughter's happiness for worldly stuff. Well, the daughter love the Prince but the mother could've waited for her to grow older before getting her married like that. Then again, the daughter is also hopelessly in love and can't see past her mother's wishes.

She pushed her daughter into marrying a Prince and that wish has being fulfilled but what happens to the girl's happiness? Does she love him? She didn't care, she only wants some money to mingle around with the elites and let her daughter suffer the consequences. Though she likes the prince, she is still so young to her. She has no say, marriage shouldn't be delayed and most of all, the girl is happy with it.

"The Royal cars are here." An older woman announced from the door to the room they are occupying and everyone gets to their feet in excitement and enthusiasm.

All of them ready to go take a sit in one of the cars and get stared at by the people outside. Royal cars always get that attention and for the first time they will get that attention they always give out to other royals sitting in the cars they will be sitting now. Hearing the sirens and seeing cars moving to the side just for them to pass, they can't wait. That is how everyone is going to touch their makeups.

The Aunties all left the room except for Aunty Azima. They totally forgot about handing their niece to the older women that will be there from the groom's side, they left to get themselves ready and their daughters so they could also get a chance to lure another married Prince. As if the Princesses don't know how to put them in their places, they shouldn't try any of that. Azima doesn't want to be embarrassed so she is staying back with the bride's mother.

Azima only shook her head and smiled at nervous Amirah in her veil. She's always loved her older sister's children like hers. They respect her like they would their mother and no person doesn't like being respected.

"Don't forget my words, dear. It's not only his happiness that matters, yours matters more. You are more emotional and the root to family, don't let your happiness be ruined by anything." And Amirah gave a curt nod, playing the the hem of her veil timidly while her heart lurched in it's ribcage.

So many boxes were sent to their house some weeks ago. First six set are Chanel, the second set is Dolce & Gabbana, third is Givenchy and the last set is Prada making everyone to stop and stare at the fortunate woman. Like the Hausa people always say when you get lucky to have many boxes 'tayi goshi' and she really did. No one saw that coming, the boxes kept trooping into the house and some were kept outside as the house is full. Even after she's told Imad not to go overboard, she should've known.

In those multitude boxes, her mother removed an expensive exclusive super and have it stitched by their seamstress just for that day. It wasn't anything extraordinary. Just a wrapper and blouse with stonework and that was it. Though she looks beautiful, the wrapper makes her look like a pestle, she hates wrappers.

She has a teal blue veil wrapped around from her head down to her behind as it matches her outfit while her feet are closed with black heels also removed from the boxes brought. Her ears, neck and fingers are adorned with gold jewelries also from the box. There is a box meant only for gold accessories which her mother removed three and keep for herself then one for each her siblings, Arwa and Afaf. She would've given them herself even if her mother hasn't.

Her Aunties almost stole two sets but her mother caught them and warned them to never try that with her and so they settled on taking expensive laces and shoes for their children whilst some took bags and jallabiya and Amirah didn't say a word to them and let them do their thing. She is used to them acting like thieves in family meetings so that is not something new.

There are too much clothes for her and just because eleven pieces are missing will not make her heart drop. Her attention wasn't even in them, she was thinking about giving him her virtue that very night. That thought alone is scaring her but he is her husband and she loves him. The only thing she can't shake off is the thought of her best friend and her on bed, woah, who would've thought she would marry him.

"Ga diyan mu nan mun baku amana, we are giving you our daughter and hope you will keep her safe." Aunty Azima said to the two middle aged women that came from the groom's side few minutes after the Royal cars arrive.

The two are all dressed to impress and one look at them, they are different from all the other rowdy crowd in the house. The way the air around shift when they came in is enough to make everyone disperse for them to come in.

"Bakida wani matsala. Imad yaran kirki ne. You don't have any problem. Imad is a good boy." It was Aunty Ummi, Imad's mother's only younger sister.

"Let's go, my dear. Your new home is waiting for you." The other woman whispered to Amirah whose eyes are closed with the teal blue veil that was once on her head. That is how it happens in the Hausa world or some of them.

Amirah let the tears drop from her eyes one after the other. She doesn't have real close friends and so she only cried to herself and begged her other sister that isn't married to please let her stay with her for awhile and not go to her husbands home as her new home. She would just stay for a few days before she goes, she is not ready for the changes. If there is anything she hates, it is change if environment.

"Ya Afaf, please don't let them take me. I want to stay with you for a little while. I don't complain about doing the dishes." She begged in between sobs when the middle aged women from the groom's side left the room for the siblings to say their goodbyes.

"Ami, you have to go to your new home. Any woman living in her parents home is living like a guest, her husband's home is where her home is." Ya Afaf cajoled, sending a pleading look to their married older sister to intervene because she listens to her more.

"Amimi na, you need to go to your new home and start a new life. If you can't see us, you can always call us. Just one call away like we promised." Arwa, her other sister place a reassuring hand on her shoulder before enveloping her into her older arms.

She has two sisters. Arwa is the older one at twenty two married just eight months ago and has four months old baby bump right in front of her. She is the softest amongst them and still didn't know the game their mother is playing and thought she was just young and in love that she will marry a Prince. Well, the prince couldn't live without his princess so he wanted them to get married and they agreed to that. Both parties happily agreed and are ready to take their relationship a step ahead.