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Mafia Lord's Hated Slave

Mafia Lord's Hated Slave

Autor: Dewhales Chrisney



Mafia Lord's Hated Slave PDF Free Download


Defiant Lord Storm enslaved Valerie, the daughter of the man who scarred him into a powerful monster, thinking he was taming him into a puppet, The ugly pain that scarred lord Storm's heart made him grow resentful, melancholic, and monstrous. He thirsts revenge, he thirsts to make Valerie pay for her father's grievous sins, He married her legally and afterward turned her into his slave, his possession, his property on whom he inflicts pain.

Chapter 1

Valerie's door was slammed open, She looked up to her vicious uncle Romeo with his scary-looking bodyguards approaching her,

He had locked her in her room for months and never allowed her to see the light of day, She heard the news of her father's death and she was not even allowed to see her father off and pay her last respect.

She was so devastated and traumatized, Her father loved her so much and cared for her, He built a whole big mansion for her alone on the island, and only visits her every last week of the month; he spends just a day visiting with her, he was such a busy man.

She got everything she wanted and never lacked anything, She doesn't know what suffering was; as she has never experienced it in the littlest, She doesn't know if there are any poor people on earth; and she thought everyone lives a perfect life as she does.

And here she is living the most monotonous and devastating life after her father's death,

"Uncle Romeo, How could you not let me even see my dad for the last time ?" Valerie confronted her uncle and he hurled a hard slap on her cheek, she was slapped for the first time in her life and she fell on her butt.

She was panic-stricken as she crawled back with her butt away from her scary uncle.

"Sign this !" He said sternly, Valerie was scared to death, His bodyguards looks scary like they'd hit the baton in their hands on her head.

She collected the paper and scrutinizes it reading as fast as she could,

"Sign it I say!" He said sternly with his wicked brows all up.

It was an abdication of all her father's property, If she signed the documents, She has given away the properties her late father willed to her.

"But uncle, This was willed to me, Shouldn't I make this decision whether to give it to you on my will ?" Valerie asked.

Romeo grabbed her harshly by the neck, and he tightened his grip compressing and suffocating her, She tried to remove his tightened hand, But her hands were too tiny, and she couldn't breathe.

"I'd sign it" she managed to say; after almost passing out, with shivering hands she held the pen, as different thoughts swirled through her mind.

What if Uncle Romeo throws her out? She'd then becomes the first ever poor person on earth,

"I said sign it or I cut your head off your throat !" The guard yelled and she was frightened by the thunderous tone, She immediately signed the documents.

"Good girl !" Her uncle said and patted her head.

"I'm doing you the biggest favor, marrying you off to Mafia Lord Storm !"

He said with a burst of maniacal laughter.

"You're marrying me off ?" Valerie asked in utmost shock, The only thing she wished for in this life was to get married to the one she loved, How could she get married off just like that?

"You've gotten what you wanted, why would you go as far as marrying me off like I'm some sort of......" She was saying and immediately was shut off with tape used to plaster her mouth.

She was injected with an unknown substance and she lost consciousness immediately,

Hours passed and Valerie opened her sunken eyes, She was shocked by the environment she was in, She was behind a heavy bar door, A cold and empty cell.

She was panic-stricken,

' What am I doing here? Anyone out there ?' she yelled.

And saw two ladies walking toward her cell,

" Drag her out !"

One of the maids ordered and Valerie was dragged out, She was more than confused, as she tried to recall her last memory,

She remembered that she signed her properties off to her uncle and he threatened to marry her off to one Lord Storm.

Is she in lord storm's mansion?

She thought, goosebumps filled her whole skin as she contemplated asking the ladies to drag her into a castle residence, it was the most sophisticated mansion she has ever been to.

A big castle, the kind of which the American president would be interrogated if he affords. Secluded among trees on one of the most exclusive streets, it had turrets, gables, dormers, balconies, a screened-in front porch, a free-standing garage, a gazebo, a large pool, formal gardens, and even a pool inside the sophisticated mansion furnished with modern types of equipment it was the dream mansion of billionaire men.

"Who is Lord Storm ?" Valerie asked.

But the maids kept mute and she was taken to a room in the mansion, she was bathed with different kinds of essential oils, they did her makeover and wore her a majestic wedding gown...

It was a black wedding gown, So adorned with different sparkling diamonds, She was baffled, how could they wear her a black wedding gown?

It dawned on her that she'd be married to Mafia Lord Storm, Her heart thuds as different kinds of questions swirled through her mind,

What kind of man is he?

How could he afford such a magnificent mansion?

how rugged of a mafia lord is he?

She thought as she was taken to the limousine, She was driven to the church and she got the shock of her life, The guests were all dressed in black like it was a funeral ceremony, No single assorted color, even the ones that wore black suits wore black shirt inside their coats.

She wondered what kind of wedding it is that her flower is black as well, a solemn melancholic organ was being played in the background as she was escorted by the bridesmaids she doesn't recognize to the altar.

Raising her face she caught with a static handsome man dressed in a suit, with Razor sharp nose, fixed to a broad, sparsely wrinkling emotionless face. Eyes with a grilling gaze, enough to freeze even the warmest of hearts at a glance. He stood tall, like the sarcastic monstrosity, he utters with every word he speaks.

"With this hand, I will multiply your sorrows. Your cup will never empty, for I will be your lethal wine.

Her heart thudded, How strange and scary, Did he just say the wrong vow? And are the people here deaf not to hear the wicked vows?

"With this candle, I will dim your way in the light" He added as he impassively blew off the candle flame, It was in fact the opposite vow.

How could a groom vow to dim his bride's way to light and the whole assemblage silent like it's the most normal thing on earth?

"With this ring, I bind you to eternal doom" he added and propelled her finger into the silver wedding ring violently.

"My Be-Loathed Bride, My Be-Loathed Slave"

He said with his eyes fiery red; they looked as vaporous as mist and as fleecy as black wool; which scared Valerie to death.
