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My Mystery Girl (Too Attached To Let Go)

My Mystery Girl (Too Attached To Let Go)

Autor: Llyfa


Realistic Urban

My Mystery Girl (Too Attached To Let Go) PDF Free Download


What happens when two hearts meet in the cold of the night and clicks right on the spot?? Even with their faces masked, and their minds greatly tampered with, by the heavy amount of scotch consumed; they couldn't control the butterflies in the stomach feeling; the spark going off deep down them while staring into each other's eyes through the mask.. They knew they created magic; but the magic could only last for the night. In the morning, the magic was gone, and so was she; all she left behind was her blood, stained on the sheet from last night's intimacy, and her hair pin..Now he was left with no other question; but...who the hell was she??

Chapter 1

  The crescent moon; the chirping bird sound and the cold breeze were the only things present as Austin puffed out his last smoke ring into the air...

  It was a really chilly night, but Austin didn't seem any affected by it as he sat on the door step, trying to find solace from the cigarettes and the bottle of whiskey he'd retrieved from the wine cellar.

  He gulped down another set of his drink as his mind drifted to the argument he'd had with his Dad...again.

  He never had a really good relationship with his Dad; and it only gat worse after the death of his Mum..

  Now the arguments did nothing but pierce deep down his heart.

  And right now, he was in need of a freaking solace; in moments like this, he would go visit his Mum at the cementry, and cry his heart out there, but tonight, he didn't wanna do that; and he didn't wanna call the guys either...he didn't want them to see him in this frustrated state.

  He just wanted to go somewhere no one would recognize him, and get totally wasted..really wasted.

  A smile crept to his face as it dawned on him that he knew just the perfect place to go.

  He gulped down his last drink and quickly walked to his car.

  He got in it and drove off into the quiet street.

  Minutes later, he reached his destination; he alighted from the car and gave another smile as he stared at the huge sign "MASK YOUR NIGHT"

  Perfect.! Just what he needed.

  Without further hesitation, he walked to the doorstep, and was given a mask before he was ushered into the main building..which he would like to term..'city of hell'.

  MASK YOUR NIGHT was the greatest club in all of Seoul; the greatest and wildest..

  It had all the spices you needed to turn you on, to help you create a whole crazy night for yourself, and you wouldn't have to worry about your identity being revealed, because everyone had a mask on.

  Austin had never really gotten a chance to visit MASK YOUR NIGHT, but he always admired the mask thing the club had...made them look really mysterious.

  "Home of the devil', that's what his Dad calls the club, and had forbidden Austin from ever stepping his foot into it..

  But here he was, and all he could really say was, "screw you Dad".

  Tonight was his rebellious night, and he had taken the very bold step by visiting the club..this club.

  The loud music blared on from the speakers; the party light with varieties of colours were all over the place; half-claded women shashayed around, but Austin knew better than involving himself with any of them.

  His Casanova lifestyle has become a really disturbing issue lately, creating multiple of scandals his way..., and in order to clear these scandals, he had to stay clear from women.

  So right now, all he could really do was drown in the ocean of scotch..

  He walked to the bar corner, and after few minutes of standing in what seemed to be a queue, he was finally able to place orders.

  "Can I get a bottle of scotch?"

  He said to the masked-bartender, taking a seat on the bar stool.

  The bartender gave him a look that Austin couldn't really fathom cux of the mask, but didn't bulge.

  "Uhh..dude, a bottle of scotch", Austin repeated.

  He finally gave a bow and went to get the drink.

  Seconds later, he returned with a bottle of scotch and a glass.

  "Thanks man", he said, as he took the drink and glass.

  The bartender gave another bow and left.

  He poured himself a drink in the glass, and sipped it at intervals, while his eyes did some examining..

  This place was really off the hook, he could say...a perfect place to drink yourself to death and not get questioned for it.

  But he didn't wanna drink himself to death; just wanted to forget even for a little while.

  His eye-scanning made him realize he was like the only one who was alone in the bar..

  Everyone had some sort of a company; some had strippers who were doing really crazy displays in front of them; some were having the time of their lives, banging the hell out of their victims...and some others were really engrossed in their cocaines and stuffs they were inhaling..

  But the bottom line one seemed to care if they had an audience of not..they all seemed lost in their ecstasy.

  Another sip from his glass and then a cocky smile formed on his face as his gaze fell on a figure...a really sexy figure..

  Glad he wasn't the only one sitting alone in this hell'.

  He took another sip, then another, but his eyes never left her.

  With amusement written all over his face, he watched her like she was some sort of an entertainer..

  But in reality, she was a really sexy vixen; sitting alone at the bar extreme; who seemed to be in need of a prince-charming, who's gonna make her have the time of her life.

  She seemed really deep in thought, and somehow oblivious of the dozen of guys surrounding her, who were trying all they could to get her attention..

  Maybe it wouldn't hurt to be that Prince-charming who'd give her the time of her life..afterall, he also needed some sort of a company..

  But then he remembered he was sworn off women now, and gave a loud sigh, as he slumped back on his stool..

  Lost in thought for secs made him unaware of what actually went down secs ago; but the loud crashing sound of the bar-stool to the ground made him jolt out of his thought.

  She seemed to be in a really heated argument with the plumpy man, who stood in front of her with a devilish smirk.

  Austin watched on, but a part of him was really itchy to go over to the lady..but he didn't wannna get involved in her drama

  Maybe he could just go over; play the knight in shiny armour and save the distressed damsel; then have a little drink and a little chitchat before saying his goodbyes.

  In a flash, the man grabbed her tightly by the waist; but the lady was trynna pull away from his tight grip.

  Austin felt his knuckles tighten as he watched the man hurl her violently to a table.

  She tried fighting back but was given a hard slap, which made her fall face-first on the table.

  Throwing caution in the wind, Austin sprung to his feet, taking abrupt steps towards the man.

  But he somehow knew deep down, that with every step he took, he was slowly walking into some kind of an emotional cage., but he couldn't bring himself to go back..

  Damn...he was feeling really tipsy now, and he really needed his wits around him now more than ever.

  He grabbed the man by his coat and threw him off the lady furiously, making him shatter some drinks.

  "Who the hell are you?" The man barked.

  Loud gasps were heard from the audience; and instantly, Austin realized that the last thing he needed now was a scandal or any unpleasant talks about him.

  Even though he was masked, he still didn't wanna create a scene.

  "Here...take this and leave". He handed him a wad of dollar notes.

  The man gave a really sheepish grin, as he took the money; "now that's what I'm talking about"

  "And here it is, so do shove it down your ass; but in the meantime, why don't you get lost?"

  The man ran off, kissing the money like it was some sort of a trophy.

  What a Buffalo!

  He turned to the lady who was curled-up at a corner, shivering slightly.

  He couldn't help the rapid beat of his heart as he took a closer look at her.

  Her soft, fragile skin looked like it needed some kisses and caressing; her long, smooth legs would seem more sexier wrapped around his waist.

  The thought of that made him let out an involuntary moan, but quickly snapped his mouth shut as his eyes met hers.

  Though her face was masked, he could still see her emerald eyes..and boy, were they lovely!

  He squatted in front of her, and tilted her head up slightly with his index finger.

  "Are you okay?"

  There was concern in his tone and that made him wonder what the hell was wrong with him.

  He wasn't the type that gave any importance to girls, but here he was, concerned...

  She nodded, but didn't utter a word.

  He rubbed at her bruised spot slightly, "I'm sorry about this...the man was just drunk"

  She didn't utter a word again, but kept staring at him intensely, and that made him wonder if she was reading him or casting a spell on him.

  But he needed to hear her speak; he needed to know who she was; why she had this different aura around her.

  He gently cupped her cheeks and gave her a killer of his killer smiles..maybe that'll make her chill.