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My Dragons Heart

My Dragons Heart

Autor: N.K. Wannabee



My Dragons Heart PDF Free Download


23rd Century Old Earth in a postapocalyptic world, after a 200-year war. Mother Nature got her gap to recover the earth from the misuse of earlier generations but if there is nobody left to enjoy it, then all would have been for naught. The balance can only shift if Draco finds his heart. Opposing forces are fighting for the upper hand but currently it is a coin toss to see who will be victorious. Hidden as a human in a world ruled by the supernatural. Lia's focus is on surviving her now. Unaware of the destiny that awaits, or the lengths people will go to, to protect her or harm her. Survival is her reality; destiny is the game. Turn the page and let us begin…

Chapter 1

The first two hundred years of my life was dark. I was lost in the madness of my kind; I was in my own murky world of Hell. I believed that the suffering around me was just and well deserved. I came onto the world fully formed and with all the knowledge of my kind. It was too much knowledge and power, and I could not seem to escape the darkness inside me. The Tiamat dragons have been ruling the world since the first egg was created by “The Mother Dragon,” some also calls her mother nature.

The way we rule if we rule depends on one thing and one thing only “our Heart.” If we do not have our Heart then darkness rules the earth and the heavens above, but if we get our heart everything changes the balance shifts; peace, prosperity, creativity, and technological advancement, everything takes a giant leap forward, whether it wants too or not.

The darkness in me was winning and I was tilting towards my evil side, when Mother Nature called out to me, she ripped me a new one; about my lack of respect for all her creatures, she was insistent that I get my ass involved and stop my selfish way’s that was hurting her people. I barely survived her tirade, let’s just say: “Don’t fuck with Mother Nature you won’t win,” and leave it there.

I recovered slowly, which for my Dragon was hard, we have never been ill and can heel instantly because of our connection to the earth, sun, and moon. So, as Mother M was pissed no help from the earth it took a while for the worst of my wounds to heal, to say I was in a bit of a bad mood, might be an understatement.

I was not verry welcoming when soon after that another two Goddesses: Selena and Aphrodite decided to grace my doorstep one chilly spring morning. I might have singe them a bit, before Michael stepped between us and before they got their huff on, thank goodness for Michael. They told me, “Your Heart has been born and you will meet her when she turns six,” I politely thanked them, but I still wondered what is the chance?

I left the arrangements in Michaels hands while I healed and kept my self-busy with my new interests. I did not realize that the six years where almost upon us but then the dam messages started to come in, I was getting annoyed again, the arrogance of some people: inviting themselves for a stay over, then Michael told me: “this is a good sign my King almost all the power players in the world have some sort of connection to this little girl.” Well, I huffed and puffed a bit, but dammit if I were going to be a good guy then I guess I could not really turn them away, I finally told Michael one evening while we were sitting having one of my favorite Scottish whisky’s that he can respond to them. He just lifted his brow and told me he already replied and that the rooms where ready since they should be arriving in the next two days.

If a dragon who has no heart could have a heart attack I sure as hell almost had one. “This is to fast; I am not ready to be a good guy and have a mate yet” I growled at Michael. He lifted his brow again and calmly asked me “did you forgot that she is only 6 years old, already?” “Ugg what will I do with her till she is eighteen,” I asked Michael? I have never been a child I do not know what will be expected off me in this regard, I promptly forget about the girl.

I do not know what time it is when Michael walks into my office. “Draco your guests are starting to arrive,” my guests I ask him distractedly? “Yes, your guests, for the meeting of your Heart,” he says looking at me with annoyance. “Deal with them Michael I need some flight time,” I say as I stand up and move to the balcony. I have not flown in a while but the pressure of socializing with people, makes it hard to breath for me. I do not do people, “thank the gods for Michael,” I think to myself. I fly over my lands as a huge silver Dragon, I only have one color, except in Dragon form my eyes are all gold, well unless I am angry. Everything is peaceful and a calm comes over me. Why haven’t I done this sooner, I miss the freedom as I play in between the rain and the clouds?

On my return I see smoke from a cabin, I land softly and walk over to the windows to investigate. It is a small family, and they seem relaxed. There is a little girl with long curly copper hair who is eating cookies at the counter, could this be her? They are talking and laughing my eyes are drawn to this girl, she is so full of life. She is giggling at something the old lady tells her, before she looks at the window. Did she see me?

I am quite startled, by her knowing stare and decide to go join my guests, for the evening. I can do with a distraction; I think as I fly back to the Palace. I call for Michael as I change clothes. “Michael what have you arranged for tomorrow” I ask him, for the first time interested in his answer. “The Little girl needs some magic,” I state firmly. “Yes, my King, what does she need.” “Unicorns and fairies,” I say thinking about those copper locks. “Consider it done my King,” Michael says before I join my guests.