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Autor: Archerue296



Mafianna PDF Free Download


A Girl and a Woman in her own thinking was in her unfortunate fate and the conflicts made by the past circumstances is after her,a vivid eye sight to see the world's forbidden side,grew up in this rotten surface who's full of criminals and those people who dreamt about handing a power that human autonomy limits. They gamble and risk everything,feeling themsevles that there's no limit between reaching a human-god ability and seek the unknown,then a venonimous war started. She lost her memory,she as a kid,she as a normal living thing,her strong curiosity still can't dig the whole truth of hers,hated her sudden existance and she feel threatened by the whole universe. Without her knowledge,her whole existance was planned,making her to carry the responsibility that she never wished of. But inside her hate,she's still happy to experience how was life in the midst of evilness than to be the unknown,but this happiness wasn't the result from a human-made cruelty but it's about her different eyesight and thinking that made her humorous. To protect everyone and the Malfrino,she must be a scarecrow to protect them from the Evil.vs.Evil warhole,a piece of hatred forces her to blend with the Red-river, but her inside feeling refuses and she had to fake everything just to start the game. Is she the Angel wrapped in Devil,or the opposite? After the Malfrino's downfall,she promised herself that she will make her turn and revenge not knowing that she's going to fall as the "Real-Devil",but reality still lives that she was an innocent happy-kid before who's unused to be loved by everyone. She always run to move forward,the whole thing changes as she brings herself in the truth she wished to know,her unawaked hatred was burned-up,and it's the only thing to lead the Tragic Downfall into a Victorious-Merciless revenge Seeing is accidental while reading is intentional,If you need the answers,you must seek and read,and how far will your curiosity can handle this? Will she succeed?Is she going to make everything in pay or will turn into the wrong way instead?Is she going to risk and face or escape?Who is Mafianna?

Chapter 1

We don't have the choice but we were given with this life,a new life form from the commited sin.

I'm still confused,I can't even catch a single answer,maybe the truth hides from that place,a place that never existed.This desperation can really reach the innermost even If it costs lives,how spectacular.

"You were chosen to live,don't close your eyes and take a look around you" A I felt warm touch all around my body it's spreading everywhere until it reached my Heart.

"Is everything dead?" suddenly a voice aroused me and made me scream from the pain I feel deeply,I can't even move my body.

A loud knock from the door filled my room and someone was shouting with a strong terror in it's voice

"Honey open the door please!" a call from the door helped me to move my body.I quickly opened the door and saw Ceridwen,my non Biological Mom,she's weeping and she swiftly hugged me in tightness that I can even feel her heavy breathing while crying.

"You're having that nightmare again?"

"I'm sorry about yesterday,we can't take it any longer and I know that it hurts you to know the whole thing,I'm really sorry please forgive me and also your Dad our dear Brynthanie,We both loved you more than you think"said by Ceridwen while looking at me.

I remembered that moment yesterday.It really broke my heart to know that I'm not from them and there were lying to me for years,The details about me is unknown,I'm too different from them that's why maybe those love and care were given with conditions.

"I know that you'll head here,I bought you your clothes here,if you wanna stay in this place for a while"

"No,just take it I don't need them and I can manage my own way!leave me alone!" I shouted at her agreesively that made her into tears and she forcly hid the pain and faked her smile,she placed the bag on the floor and looked at me with tears in her eyes"

"I'm sorry too Mom,I made you cry this time again,I apologize sincerly" I hugged her,I don't know why I suddenly did that but I got hurt when I saw her crying,and I'm the reason.

"Forget about it!You should also replace your face's bandage,it's all wet." I nodded at her as my response and she began changing it in hidden so no one can see my appearance,I never saw myself or what I am but they said that It protects me from any kind of deaths and what's awaiting behind me.

"But trust me I treated you as my real daughter and I wish the best things for you okay?" Did they really love me or they're just good on faking things?

I saw Meisley from the distance coming out from her room and waved at me.We are all here at the secret underground,they call us "Malfrino Kidios" or the "Lethals".

Malfrino is an Organization,Association,a familiarity consists Criminals and Mafias,and I'm one of the original decendants of the Malfrino but the rest is from the connections,next with the outsiders and from the clans of history-known criminal families.

We live and hide underground to distance ourselves from the society who's vomitting us as 'Humans' ,the good and bad were separated for the reason that bad contains darkness and death,we lived on that side,the side of which Light's absence lived and we glow as reds.

Malfrino is also a secret Organization and it was unknown by the goverment's,they run transactions,Illegal crimes and brutal murders for money and power.We kids are staying here at the underground, in our labeled headquarters and rooms,trained to be their Dexterous kids,to protect,fight and rule the incoming uncertain future of the Malfrino.

"Hey Bryn!let's go together downstairs,we gotta take our supplies and things there,better to hurry up" Meisley said and ran in rush but I exitedly grabbed my empty box with a swing and walked with her.


"Welcome back Hernandez!" the Arioucis called me in a distance and waved with smiles,I sat beside them and all of them was staring at me closely

"You know what Hernandez,I never knew that you're a Zacherian which means that you are one of those original decendants of The Malfrino" said Iris with sparks in her eyes and grinned with a relieved-curiosity face.

"Well I don't care if I am or not,do y'all think that I was treated good?" the whole circle went in a loud silence,everyone didn't dare to talk back and their eyes were avoiding me,it's obvious that they want the good treatment from the upper,I had the feeling of ungratefulness and regret,what should I do?

"I also heared that the Hernandez aren't really your parents,I feel sorry for you and we also understand that It affects you"

"Stop that sh*t already,I don't need your pity and I don't know who's that f*cking mercy is,it's none of your bussiness" Her response made everyone in blue.

"It's the Zacherians,they are here" the Hysterios then bowed at them with respect except for Brynthanie,both of the cults looked at each other as the smoke from the machines rised.

"Oh Bryn,again?You are hanging out with these type of people,you don't belong there unless w-" Brynthanie stopped Maurishia from talking and stared at her madly.

"I belong to no one and you can't force me to separate myself with them,you should stay away from me or-"

"Or what?Your'e threathing me as If I'm one of your beloved enemies"

"We are family and cousins,we share the same bloodline,how can you treat me as a stranger?"

"But even If It costs my life,I won't stop bothering you" Maurishia then gaved the box she's holding to Brynthanie,but Brynthanie didn't dare to touch what's inside the box and angerly kicked it.

"It's from Reagan's,take those bandages and replace them with this" she opened the box and handed the black new mask to Brynthanie,Maurishia and the rest from the Zacheria gaved their hands on Brynthanie to show their care.

"It doesn't define a thing even if you are a mad-brat,we still care and accept you even if you are always shouting at us or picking a fight,you're our Foxfire and always remember that you're Important"Maurishia then smiled brightly at her to make her feel comfortable and was understood by them.

"Did you guys know your place?"

"We are your family,friends and your allies,that's the meaning that your'e seeking on".

That day I felt the real meaning of friendship and family, it's not about the blood that we hold in our veins, but it's from our hearts,emotions and feelings that makes us feel the deep understanding and love they're giving, now I understand how to feel something and express what I feel,you have to touch it to know how is being alive was.