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Meldrin: The Wyvern Dragon Demon

Meldrin: The Wyvern Dragon Demon

Autor: Taurus Hawke



Meldrin: The Wyvern Dragon Demon PDF Free Download


Meldrin is the son of the Demon King and the Dragon goddess he ran away from home during the start of Grand Holy War which pits the Demon Realm, The Dragon Clan, The Humans, Giants, Fairies, Gnomes, and The Celestial Angels against eachother. He vows to change the horrible reality he was born into by any means necessary.

Chapter 1

I looked down at Commander Feathers and he looked into my soulless, cold eyes as he did I could feel his magical power drop. "Pig." I kicked Commander Finor in the face then followed up with a succession of punches as I sent him reeling with a round house kick to the ribs causing a few to brake. "I am Commander Finor of the Magnetic sand I will not loose to a low life like you!" Commander Finor drew his sword and shot a barrage of magnetic sand daggers at me. I just dodged them casually that is until one struck me in the lower calf. "Icari we can't just sit here we need to help Meldrin." "But captain if we do that we'll be branded traitors and be hunted down." "Honestly, I'll take my chances with being hunted than being an unglorified punching bag and I'm not getting any stronger with these small battles." "Ura." Icari looked back at the woman behind him." "Ura, is right anything beats not getting strong enough to protect the kingdom and the ones we love. I hereby denounce my right as Holy Knight of Grishon and pledge my self to Meldrin the Dragon Demon Prince as a Knight of the Infinite Dragons." Vinita bowed before me followed by Ura. Icari hesitated and looked back Zion and then eventually followed suit with the other two. I smirked slightly and that's when a bubble formed around me protecting me from Commander Finor's sneak attack. "Alright, here's the plan." I quickly connected us all telepathically.

Do not be alarmed I used my power of telekinesis to gives us a mind link so it's alot more easy to plan our next move.

Whoa, that's trippy. But it'll come in handy.

Vinita thought.

The plan is we get you healed up first Meldrin. So first Ura will send you and Icari to a nearby abandoned camp. Me, Ura, and Zion will hold off Finor for as long as we can. Once you've been restored to full health we will aide you in this battle we may not be your equals in regards to raw strength and magical power but we'll do our best to live up to your ideals and dreams for us.

Ura quickly put Icari and I into a bubble and combined both our bubbles together and sent us off. Ura went over to Zion and used bubble soap to begin to heal his wounds as they began to heal he started to move again but not before Commander Finor tried to blitz them but he was abruptly stopped by Vinita's rapier. "You're such an ugly and disgusting butterfly, Finor. It sickens me to my core." "You insolent whore!" Finor tried to back hand Vinita but she spun around him and pierced his back armor.

Hot Tar Nectar!

Finor yelled out in pain as he could hardly breathe and his skin began to bubble he fell to his knees as his eyes became bloodshot.

My, my whole body it feels so numb yet like it's boiling what in the nine hells is this pain?

Nectar illusion.

Finor looked around and could hear the cries of children and smell the burning of houses he turned and saw children and adults alike walking to him clawing at his entire body as they ripped armor off him he screamed in despair in agony as he writhed on the ground in horror clawing at himself begging for the innocents to forgive him for what he's done.

I don't know how long he'll stay in the illusion but hopefully it lasts long enough to heal you; Meldrin.

As I began to regain some feeling back into my body that's when a carbon cube was sent my way. Icari pushed me out the way and slammed his staff on the ground. "Sixteen graves of sixteen souls!" All of a sudden sixteen coffins appeared out the ground and sixteen dead Knights souls entered their bodies and they quickly sprung into action stopping the carbon cube. "Icari... you're a gnome and a necromancer?" "Stay back Meldrin I'll handle this one."

His magical power just shot up to: 6,238! But wait, this magical power I'm seeing beyond the smoke it's reading 11,000,000,000! This kid is in way over his head. I'm going to have to step in.

I began to stand up when a white spore came my I quickly jumped in the air and gave a mighty dragon's wail causing a sonic fire blast to erupt from my mouth burning the spore at quark level. "Ah, so you're quick even while exhausted and injured no wonder you're ranked double Z class." A woman in black and white armor began to appear out the ground.

A fairy and a giant. This is bad.

"Took you long enough Bellawein." "A girl has to be well informed before going into battle. You aught to know that better than anyone first king Mallete'." "Icari! Get out of here! It's the first king Mallete' and the princess of the Fairy Kingdom Bellawein!" "I know!" "You know! Then surely you know their magical power far exceeds your own!" "I may be timid and a pacifist but when it comes to my friends I'll gladly die for them!" Icari twirled his staff over his head and got into a battle ready stance as the Knights he resurrected stood behind him. Mallete' began to walk over to Icari when one of his Knights charged forward when another carbon cube pierced the Knights heart collecting it's soul. "Seal this soul into an eternal slumber may it find peace in Gaia's Forest." The carbon cube crushed the soul inside it and disappeared as light energy. "May Gaia watch over you young knight." "Still preying to Gaia Malle after all this time?" "Malle... You haven't called me that since we broke up." "You mean since you left me all those years ago! You never even had the balls to say goodbye to my face! Only a letter!?" "Ah, young unresolved love I envy them. They both still have feelings for each other but both are too prideful to say it. Well boys will be boys I suppose. It's sweet and cute though." "Princess Bellawein." "Hmm?" Princess Bellawein turned her attention back to me in a serious yet playful manner. "What is it? Demon Wyvern Dragon Prince?" "What are you doing fighting for the Celestial Angels?" "Oh sweetheart, I was hired to do a job and I intend to bring my bounty back. Warm or cold!"

What business do Angels have hiring bounty hunters? I need to find out why?