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His Shackled Love

His Shackled Love

Autor: Author Innayat



His Shackled Love PDF Free Download


She was sitting on the couch opposite to him. Her hands were on her lap trembling... Her face reflects her uneasiness... He was minutely observing her... "I can't do this... I can't marry you... "Finally she said and looked up at him. The color of his orbs darkened. His face shows no emotion. He asked , "why? " " I want to study further... I want to achieve my dreams ," she said " Is it your further study or your love for that boy?" he asked. She looked at him. His eyes show no remorse for his conduct. She joins her hand pleading," please.. leave us. I love him ." Now he couldn't control himself. He stood up from his seat and moved toward her. She looked horrified at the sight of him coming near her "I would have granted your wish if you would have begged for something else ".

Chapter 1


    Continuous  ringing of the alarm clock broke her slumber. Without opening her eyesight,  she click off the alarm and again tried to doze back but the sunlight peeping through the curtains wasn't helping in this matter. With a groaning sound she   blinked several times to adjust her vision . Sitting on her bed she spread her arms yarning .

         A fresh new day to begin.   She thought . 

With amble steps she took her towel and got  inside the washroom.  The morning shower felt cold as soon as the water touched her skin. 

    Finishing her morning business she comes out of the washroom wrapping a pink towel around her body.  Standing beside the vanity mirror she started semi drying her hair.   She puts on her undergarment.  After that she wore the uniform which she had ironed previous  night.  She arranged her heavy silky locks into a high ponytail. 

I'm ready.. 

Sara took her school bag and sprint  towards the dining table where her mother was serving breakfast to her father and  brother. She sat  beside her brother pulling the chair. 

     Her mother gave her  stuffed aloo paratha and sabji

Indian dish


"When will your class get over ? " asked her father.  Sara looked at her father's  direction and answered softly " by afternoon ".

"come early... Don't keep on  roaming with your friends.  Final exams are near.  "he said. 

Sara noded  her head with affirmation. 

She is   the obedient child of her parents. They raised her well - smart and induced with moral values. 

 She turned her eyes to her brother who was teasing her giving weird  expression. She steal a glance at her father who was busy reading morning  newspaper and finding no danger she showed her fist indicating to hit his nose .

          Soon their teasing session continued untill she finished her breakfast.  Kissing her mother's cheek and ruffling her brother's hair she left the house. 


  Entering the school campus she scanned for her besties.   There both her best friends stood cracking some jokes and laughing falling on each other shoulders. 

   "Hey Sara... Did you complete  the assignment " asked Divya as soon as she reached near them. 

    "Yup.. " she snorted with her wide eyebrows and thin lips. 

   "can you give me before the class begins? " asked Divya showing her puppy face. 

 "sure "

    Sara unzipped her bag and pulled out the copy and gave her.  Divya face brimmed with happiness as she kept on turning the pages while checking. 

  "thanks yaar!! " saying Divya gave her a bone crushing hug. 

   "anytime dear " said Sara shrugging after  she pulled out. 

"Hey Sara!! After class gets over we are planning to visit the new street food shop... Will you join us? " ask Rehana. 

    " you know we can eat chicken roll..I have heard that they serve cheap rolls. What say??" she continued 

     "Yes..... But can't spend much time hanging... Dad strictly ordered to return  home early .. You know.." Says Sara turning her eyes on both of them . 

     " it's fine.... We won't hang for a long... "says Divya.      

     Their class went as usual.  Professors explained different subjects assigning the students with different assignment for the upcoming exams. 


   After their classes,   three of them were walking on the pavement  discussing their studies  .  They were in the final year of their highschool and  lots of focus needed to secure good percentage and to join better universities for further education. 

         "Sara, what are your plans after high school?? " asked Rehana.

" My plans are clear "she answered taking a deep breath. 

        "first I want to complete my studies and after that I want to work. Within three years we will get engaged Raj has no problem if I want to continue job after marriage  ". She smiles shyly remembering her boyfriend Raj. 

            They were together for 8 months. 

          She then remembers  that its been two weeks they didn't get time to feel each other company. 

  Raj  who works in an UK based company and a designated employee has immense work loads. Moreover time during the New year  remains hectic.  Employees doesnt get time to evening blink there eyes  and spending time pampering his girlfriend was a kind of false promise during this month. 

       Sara was a  considerate girlfriend but sometimes her patience gives up just the way now she was missing him.  Even if she rang him,  it will go unanswered. 

   It's like companies were  willingly to give you gold coins in place of time.  

     She kept on pondering about her relationship walking with her friends. 

 Soon all of them reach the food stall.  Divya ordered the food for  everyone. 

"Hey!  What happen Sara... You look lost..". asked Rehana as soon as she saw her friend face sulking. 

       "Nothing... It is just that I haven't  met Raj  for two weeks... He is so busy.. "Sara sighed  sadly .

    "someone is missing her boyfriend " Divya teased her winking . She wants to uplift her friend's sad face.     

"Awww.... My baby... "Rehana gave a side hug .

"don't worry... We are with you.  Beside , you know his schedule.  So, try to understand his problem sometimes. ". 

        Sara nodes her head.  Exhaling deeply she took a deep breath. 

  yeah... I understand but what about this heart which wants to feel his presence .

"Here comes your chicken roll with extra mayonnaise ...and this is for you darling ". Rehana gives them their plates.


As she took few bites she could feel an intense stare on her.   A burning gaze was screaming for her attention.  She looked up conscious of her surrounding and her eyes scanned the area .  

        Apart from few people and cars , the road appeared bustling free.  She could locate noone around her sight.

  Why do I  feel like someone is watching me?.... . She thought .

     She was being paranoid.  

   But unaware of the danger,  few meters away sitting in his Mercedes-Benz car a man was observing her every single movement with wolfish gaze.  He was smitten by her beauty at first sight.  Her every action was creating ripples in his heart. 

    Like a lightening her smile pierced his heart as he leaned back on his seat being  mesmerized. 

 All his blood start rushing towards  his shaft making it hard below. 

   Fuck... a grunt escaped from his lips.  

The devil inside him ignites with desire  to ravish this beauty .