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Sisters At War

Sisters At War

Autor: Authoress hany


Realistic Urban

Sisters At War PDF Free Download


Daniella has always lived as the shadow of her twin sister, Gabriella. Gabriella always make life a living hell for Daniella. She stole everything Daniella ever loved. Her toys, friends, books, attention, love..... Everything. Things take turn when Daniella meets Daniel and Christabel. They become overprotective of her and soon, Daniella's life was back to normal. Jealous, Gabriella plots the downfall of her sister alongside with her evil friend, Eva. She tries to steal Daniel from Daniella. Would she succeed?? Will Daniella be able to handle what is coming her way??

Chapter 1

"Give the toy to me!" Seven year old Gabriella yelled at her twin sister, Daniella.

"It's my toy ok! Go play with yours" Daniella snapped.

"What's yours is mine too.

Mom!!!! Daniella won't give me the toy" Gabriella cried.

"Give her the toy D" Mrs James said, wiping her hands with a napkin.

"No mom, this toy is mine. Why does she always have to get all of my things" Daniella said, trying very hard to hide the tears already forming in her eyes.

"Mom!!!!! She won't let go!" Gabriella cried louder.

"Give her the toy now!!!!" Mrs James yelled, feeling pissed.

Daniella slowly let go of the toy and Gabriella, with a victorious smile curled on her lips, ran upstairs to her room.

Daniella stood still. Tears trickled down her face. She clenched her fist, and her face was red with anger.



"Grinning Gringggggg" The alarm blared. I opened my eyes slowly. I stood up lazily, rubbing my eyes. I shut the alarm off. The alarm was so annoying!

I dragged my feet to the bathroom. It was Monday, and I needed no one to tell me how lonely and boring it was going to be. I brushed my teeth and took my bath.

I had to hurry up because I knew mum was going to call out our names for breakfast.

I applied my cream gently on my skin. I brought out my neatly ironed uniform. In a matter of ten minutes, I was dressed up for school.

"Daniella! Gabriella! Breakfast is ready" mum called.

I accessed myself in the mirror. Satisfied, I moved to the dinning room, with my backpack hung across my shoulder.

"Good morning mum" I greeted my mum as I sat down to have my breakfast.

Minutes later, My twin sister, Gabriella, came downstairs, looking stunning as usual. Her footsteps sounded sharply on the tiled floor.

"Morning mum" she said, pulling out a chair to sit.

Mum made toast bread and coffee for breakfast. I savoured every bite and ate to my satisfaction. It was just so yummy.

"Are you done girls?" Dad asked. He dropped his suitcase on a chair, and knotted his tie properly. He's the founder and owner of G companies. Recently, he appointed someone as the CEO of the company just till the time Liam would be done with his studies at New York.

"You are running late for school" he grabbed his suitcase.

Gabriella and I hopped into our Dad's car.

I attended Cam high School alongside with my sister. The school was one of the best, and most expensive schools in the whole country and that was why Dad enrolled us there.

To be honest, attending the same school with my sister made life a living hell for me. Whenever we were together, it was always like I was invisible to people. She got all the attention. She was brilliant, popular, and loved by everyone she came across but me, reverse was the case. Though, I was brilliant, just like my twin sister, I was not loved, even by my parents. I had always lived as a shadow of my twin sister. To top is all, she bullied me a lot and I could not do anything about it.

Dad's car screeched to a halt. Finally, we were at school. We got off the car.

"Bye dad" we waved.

"Bye sweetie" he said, referring only to Gabriella. It was the normal thing, I was used to it.

"Hi G" everyone started waving at my twin sister as we walked in the hallway.

As usual, nobody noticed me. It was like I was invisible, perhaps, I was a ghost.

I strolled into the classroom , my footsteps clip-clopping on the tiled floor, as I moved. Everywhere became silent. It was normal. They all go silent whenever I entered the class like it was a sort of tradition or something.

"She's nothing like her twin sister" I heard Damola saying to her seat partner.

I sighed.

My seat was just beside the window, and I loved it so much. When everyone in the class were busy chattering, I just looked at the sky, and admired the beauty. It made me feel better. No one sat beside me, and since no one talked to me, I learned to be better off without friends.

As soon as Gabriella stepped into the class, my classmates started screaming like a celebrity has entered or something. She flashed a sweet smile, and waved at everyone. Our eyes met, but I looked away, feeling irritated.

"BRIINGGGG " the siren rang, and I knew that it was time for assembly.

All my classmates stood up, pushing one another as usual to get out of the class. Taking another glance at the window, I inhaled deeply, standing up to join the other students at the Assembly.

We were all lined up according to our various classes. Gabriella and Damola were picked to sing praise and worship, while Mr Adekunle, our principal, said the prayers. This was followed by the national anthem, the pledge, the school anthem and lastly, our School's mission and vision.

It was boring to attend a gathering like this, five days in a week, for like three months, before going on a short break to be back in school again.

"Good morning students" Mr Adekunle said.

"Good morning sir" the students chorused in reply.

"If you are observant, you will notice that there are new faces on this assembly ground" he paused to watch the effects of his words on the students. He usually did that to make sure the students listen attentively to him.

"This is the second week of resumption, and I am happy to announce to you, the resumption of our JSS ONE students, as that is the tradition of the school" he paused again, and the students applauded him.

"Not only the JSS ONE students, but also new students for JSS TWO, SS1,and SS2" he added.

The student clapped again, louder, as they screamed. I had to use my hands to block my ears. What was so exciting about new students anyways? It signified bad luck for me. I hoped no one would get to sit beside me.

The assembly continued, and I must say, the prefects really did a great job, as all the students found wanting were punished according to the laws of the school.

Assembly was finally over, and Gabriella and Damola were called to lead the students to their classes.

All the students went to their various classrooms. I quietly made my way to my seat without anyone noticing me. I checked my timetable. Mathematics was the first subject of the day. I hated mathematics, but I was kinda good at it. I brought out my note to crosscheck the assignment given to us last week by Mrs Briggs.

I took a quick glance at my sister, and she was flipping through her note. The classroom door creaked. I was expecting to see Mrs Briggs in her knee length black skirt, and probably a fitted top to match but instead, our class teacher came in with five students, two boys, three girls.

Oh my God!  Don't tell me someone is taking the seat beside me.